Life swap game

83. The cat who makes bad movies

After bringing a bunch of things from the two Feng sisters back to the villa, the time had arrived and he returned to his body.

At this time, he was playing the violin in the cafe.

The cafe was full of people.

Ever since Xia Yu won the first place in Zilang City, the cafe has been very busy. Now that he has won the second place in Su Province, there is already a queue for a seat in the cafe.

Some of them are music lovers, but more of them are petty bourgeoisie who think they have a high style. The rest came to watch the excitement after hearing that Xia Yu tied the world record.

Putting the bow on the strings, Xia Yu pulled up the wild bee.

After playing this piece of music every day for so long, Xia Yu has become very proficient. He can play the piece of music even with his eyes closed.

Because he still had some dexterity left, his expression was relaxed, which made the surrounding guests feel even more powerful.

After a short song, the applause lasted for half the song.

This is because of the store manager's hunger marketing. The wild bees only poop once a day, and the time is not fixed. It is completely random.

After sighing at the store manager's evil heart, Xia Yu continued to pull up Bai Lang.

People who know how to do it feel that the music is equally exciting, while people who don't know how to do it feel boring, but it is precisely because of the boringness that it gives them a sense of style.

Those that are not boring are assembly line products. Most of the time in life is boring, so boring is life, so the music Xia Yu is playing is life.

Even if Xia Yu makes random remarks, those people can sit calmly and give warm applause and praise at the end.

Xia Yu understood this, so his attitude was a bit perfunctory, but his attitude did not affect his performance. He had no emotions to vent, he was just playing the notes according to the song.

At half past five, he got off work on time, returned home first, had dinner with Youxue, and then went to Kong Hanyue's place.

The guzheng teacher Kong Hanyue mentioned is in the north, and it will take a few days before he comes here.

Xia Yu's music just happened to be at level 3 now, so he was not in a hurry.

At ten o'clock, he took the subway and left on time and returned home.

This pattern was broken on Friday.

Today is the first day of Black Cat’s debut. The specific time is seven o’clock in the evening, in a small park in the city.

In order to study Black Cat's body at night, Xia Yu took a rare day of class by himself.

In the afternoon, he asked Youxue and Yan Wei to go to the small park together on the pretext that they had other things to do.

After the two left home, Xia Yu landed in the black cat's body.

The black cat was currently being held in Yan Wei's arms.

Yawning, Xia Yu looked around boredly. Before using the black cat's body, he had always walked with his paws, and this was the first time he was carried by someone.

"Xiaoxue, what does that advertisement look like?" Yan Wei was suddenly captured by Xia Yu, and she didn't know the situation yet.

During the day at school, she was happy when Xia Yu invited her. She didn't expect to do such a job.

"I don't know. I heard that it's the same as the cat and dog rushing forward before, nimbly passing through obstacles and so on." Youxue said.

"Can Xiao Hei do that?" Yan Wei looked at Xia Yu suspiciously.

"Meow!" Xia Yu waved his paw.

"It should be okay." Youxue was not sure. Sometimes, the black cat listened to her very much, but more often, he was not happy to pay any attention to her.

She tentatively extended her hand to Black Cat.

After seeing the black cat giving her a high-five obediently, Youxue became excited: "No problem, it's obedient mode!"

Does your cat have different modes?

Although she was confused, Yan Wei did not ask the question because she had already arrived at the park.

The cat food manufacturer has already applied to the Zilang government, and they can use the small park tonight.

There was a large studio set up in the park, and thirty or forty people were waiting for two people and one cat.

Among these people, only five were employees of the cat food manufacturer, and the rest were just adults watching the fun.

Among the five staff members, the leader was a young man. He came to Youxue, introduced himself, and then got down to business.

Yan Wei handed Xia Yu to Youxue and stood aside to watch. Her mission is to keep an eye on Youxue to prevent anything from happening.

But it's impossible for anything to happen. There are so many uncles and aunts here watching.

Youxue held Xia Yu in her arms and listened to the young man explain the arrangements of the script.

"It's like this, our script is that we put a fish and a bowl of our cat food in two directions, and then the place where the fish is placed is a smooth road, and the place where the cat food is placed is a difficult road, Xiao Hei All you have to do is walk that difficult road with flexibility and then eat the cat food.”

Youxue looked at Xia Yu, and when she saw Xia Yu nodded, she nodded her head to show that she understood.

"Then let's get started!" The young man turned around and chased people away, "Hey, ladies and gentlemen, give way."

After the props were set up, Youxue placed Xia Yu on the runway.

The runway is about half a meter above the ground and is divided into two branches. One is dark and blocked by many stones and branches, and the other is illuminated and covered with flower petals.

There are some small cameras placed on the runway for multi-directional shooting. It can be said that the attitude is very serious.

But Xia Yu couldn't be serious.

He knew that the young man wanted to reflect the deliciousness of his cat food through the cat's choice that he would rather walk on a thorny road to eat cat food than take a broad road to eat fish.

But this emotion is too flat, and the plot has no ups and downs at all.

Xia Yu was really dissatisfied with this rough script.

But it’s all the uncles who give the money, so let’s get this if the uncle asks for it.

Sighing, Xia Yu straightened his hair and took steps.

Acting is not just about following the text. There is an old saying in Hollywood: "If a scene tells what that scene tells, then you have fallen into a *hole."

What this sentence says is that when acting, an actor should not be a puppet.

Within the text, there is also a subtext.

Xia Yu had already entered the role. He first looked at the path of the cat food, and then at the path of the fish. He hesitated for a while, raised his right paw, and moved it to the right, then to the left.

Finally, he made up his mind and put his right paw in the direction of the cat food. He walked slowly and started running. He crossed all the blocking stones and branches, climbed up the high stone mountain, and came to the cat food. Next to the food, he lowered his head and took a mouthful of cat food.

It's quite delicious.

"Okay!" the young man shouted happily, and the uncles and aunties around him also applauded.

The five staff members happily gathered together and watched the video.

They were prepared to spend three or four hours here, but they didn't expect that this black cat was so powerful and passed in one try.

Yan Wei stepped forward and picked up Xia Yu, looking at him in surprise.

"Xiao Hei, you are so awesome!" She lifted Xia Yu high.

Xia Yu rolled his eyes. He knew he was powerful, but at the moment, he was thinking about the script.

The problem with this script is not that big.

After playing it again, he discovered another problem.

The difficulties on the road to cat food are to show the difficulty of obtaining cat food and to highlight the appeal of cat food to cats. However, Xia Yu avoided all obstacles with dexterity and dazzling skills. There was no difficulty at all and it was completely effortless. The cat food is loose enough to scratch the claws.

It was really a pity for the cat that the first scene was played with such a bad script.

If he were a person, he could still talk to the young man, but he was a cat.

Sighing again, Xia Yu was about to give up struggling and become a cat that makes bad movies.

At this time, the young man frowned: "I feel a little uncomfortable."

After pacing around twice, he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

Other staff tried to persuade the young man, but the young man insisted on finding out.

This guy still has some pursuits.

Xia Yu jumped out of Yan Wei's arms and walked towards the wooden platform again. Thanks to the following book friends for their tips (statistics from the day before yesterday): Book Friends 20171107093324906, Yuze丶, The Soaring Big Orange Cat, Huyu, Long Bridge Wo Kutuo, Can Be Bigger, Book Friends 160926183746403, Rem Ling, luoliluoli Me Favorite, My Clear Dream, Suai Juli, Howling in the Rain, Book Friends 140502110207915, Ming Dynasty, Mo Xiyan, 15 Years of Handmade, Salted Fish Shen, Book Friends 20170804090423076, The Second Dimension of Foodies, Three Years Old Don’t Grow Up

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