Life swap game

87. Be an elegant boy

Raising his head, Xia Yu looked in the direction of the sound. What he saw were two white men with reddish-brown hair.

Is this Europe or America?

After listening carefully for a few more words, he guessed that he was either in District 5 or District 2 after hearing words like "what" and "god".

Actually exchanged it to another area.

If you think about it carefully, it is normal to go to other areas. The game does not say that you will only choose the body in the first area.

After observing his surroundings, Xia Yu found that he was now in a pet shop, and there were many cats around him.

Yawning, he lay down in the cage and continued to think about the bonus.

Graceful, telepathic and soothing.

The usefulness of elegance is great or small. This kind of temperament ability can only make people more attractive.

But humans are all members of the Appearance Association, and a seductive appearance still plays a role in many cases.

Set aside first.

Looking at telepathy and comfort again, Xia Yu fell into deep thought.

What is telepathy? Why does a cat have telepathic abilities?

He thought about the ancient saying that animals are psychic.

Because animals can perceive some information that humans cannot, sometimes they will display some of the seemingly "predictive" abilities of humans. For example, animals will give early warning before an earthquake.

Is telepathy the ability?

Putting this bonus aside again, Xia Yu looked at the final comfort.

The word comfort is easy to understand. Xia Yu often uses the comfort skill on Youxue, just touching her head and pinching her face. This can relieve Youxue's inner tension and make her feel relaxed.

However, it is obviously impossible for a cat to touch other people's heads with its paws or pinch other people's faces to comfort them.

So you want to lick it?

Or stretch out your paw and let the opponent squeeze the ball?

Or is it smooth hair?

Xia Yu couldn't come up with an answer.

While he was thinking, a store clerk came to his cage.


What is this talking about?

In this world, English is not a subject in District 1 schools, and foreign languages ​​are electives in universities. Normally, English is never used. Xia Yu's English ability, which was originally level 4, has now been completely abandoned.

He couldn't understand what the people in front of him were saying.

Fortunately, the other party didn't expect a cat to understand human speech.

Opening the cage, she took Xia Yu out, took him to the backyard, and placed him in the backyard fence.

The fence is about fifty square meters, with grass and trees planted on it.

Is this about walking a cat?

After putting Xia Yu down, the clerk went to pick up other cats. More than a dozen cats were running around in the yard, making the scene very chaotic.

Xia Yu jumped onto the flower bed in the middle of the yard and continued to think on it.

Because I don’t know what telepathy and comfort are, I can’t practice them now. I can only practice elegance first.

Xia Yu jumped off the flower bed again and started walking around the yard.

The so-called elegance should be said to be the cat walk.

At noon, when the sun was in the center, a bell rang.

Two clerks were holding rattles and shaking them.

Most of the cats in the backyard spontaneously walked toward the store clerk, and the remaining cats also followed.

The clerk placed small basins in front of each cat and poured cat food into them.

It turns out it's time to eat.

Is this cat food delicious?

Xia Yu hesitated.

During his hesitation, a blue Persian cat next to him walked up to him.

The blue cat lowered his head and bit into Xia Yu's cat food.

Xia Yu stretched out his paw and held down the blue cat's head to prevent it from succeeding.

Meanwhile, he was thinking in his head.

Does cat society also have this kind of bullying behavior?

Does this blue cat want to fight?

He immediately raised his paw and slapped the blue cat aside.

The blue cat purred a few times and looked at Xia Yu pitifully.

Then he went to eat Xia Yu's cat food again.


Holding down the blue cat's head, Xia Yu thought for a moment, put the blue cat's cat food in front of it with his hind paws, held down its head and started eating.

The blue cat ate the cat food obediently and stopped causing trouble.

So the cat just can't tell which cat food is his?

Cats are mentally retarded.

Sighing, Xia Yu lowered his head to eat his cat food.

At this time, with a chuckle, a hand stretched out from the side and took away Xia Yu's cat food bowl.

Raising his head, Xia Yu looked at the owner of the hand, which was one of the two shop assistants. She was holding Xia Yu's cat food and laughing with her companion while looking at him.

Needless to say, this was because he saw what had just happened and wanted to have some fun with Xia Yu.

Xia Yu has seen many such boring humans.

Not interested in playing with them, Xia Yu came to the blue cat and pulled out its cat food with a scratch.

"Meow?" The blue cat looked at Xia Yu doubtfully.

Xia Yu pointed at the cat food bowl in the clerk's hand, and the blue cat changed its target and meowed pitifully with the clerk.

Seeing Xia Yu happily eating the blue cat's cat food, and the blue cat meowing at his feet, the two clerks had wonder on their faces.

They put down the cat food, fed the poor blue cat, and petted the blue cat at the same time.

They wanted to pet Xia Yu again, but Xia Yu ran away in time with the cat food bowl in his mouth.

After lunch, Xia Yu continued to pace in the yard. In the middle, three people came to look at the cats, and one of them picked up an orange cat.

Within an hour, a new orange cat joined the group.

This store delivers goods very quickly.

Xia Yu sighed.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, two store clerks put the cats back into their cages. Xia Yu also returned to his body at this time.

He opened the skills panel.

[Music lv4, dexterity lv3, intimidation lv1, night vision lv1, programming lv1, painting lv1, video games lv1, elegance lv1, dexterity bonus lv1]

Seeing the extra elegance level 1, Xia Yu was very satisfied.

It was Sunday, and he didn't have to go to work during the holiday. He was at home.

Go find Youxue and try her elegant skills.

Opening the door, Xia Yu saw Youxue lying on the balcony sofa, reading a book.

When he came to the kitchen, Xia Yu got two glasses of juice and walked towards the girl.

After getting closer, he recalled the feeling of being a cat, and the grace skill started to activate.

Elegance is a kind of temperament. Temperament is not a metaphysical object. It is based on reality and is the feeling brought to people by posture, expression, etc.

Xia Yu's eyes widened a little, his elbows slightly moved toward his waist, and his steps changed accordingly.

He came to Youxue and handed her the juice.

"Thank you," Youxue raised her head and felt that her eyes were flashed by the sunlight outside the window. The brother in front of her seemed to be shrouded in sunlight.

As soon as her hand loosened, her juice spilled on her body


There are no chapters broken today!

If you want to give An Siyao some love, it is on the book page. Click on the character under the fan list. If you reach the third star level, you can get a Q-version avatar. Rewards can also be given as gifts from characters. I can still receive them, and it can also increase the popularity of the characters.

Characters such as Youxue, Kong Hanyue and Xu Youxiang also requested the same.

As for Xia Yu, it's up to him.

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