Life swap game

89. Cat burglar

In the following time, Xia Yu began to look for his own man. For some reason, he was either a muscular man or a greasy woman.

He could only use cold tactics to reject all these people.

Around four o'clock, another person came to see the cat. She was an old lady who looked about fifty years old.

The old lady was well dressed and looked energetic. She walked around the backyard and came to Xia Yu again.

The reason why she used You was because it was not her first time.

Xia Yu has met her three times.

The clerk introduced Xia Yu to the old man enthusiastically.

Xia Yu couldn't understand what they were talking about. He liked the old lady very much, but in the end he didn't buy him.

After the old lady left, the clerk put Xia Yu into the cage and closed the door to get off work.

It was four o'clock in five minutes. Xia Yu was lying in the cage, eating cat food and lamenting the laziness of the people in District 2.

Can you believe the store closes before four o'clock?

He thought about what happened to the old lady just now. The old lady looked nice. Although she didn't feel comfortable, she didn't feel disgusting either.

It's a pity that she is not ready to buy herself.

After thinking for a while, Xia Yu felt a little panicked.

He stood up and reflected on the reason for his panic.

Are you worried that you won't be able to sell it?

Worried about being sent to the wrong people?

No, although Xia Yu wants to find a shit shoveler, he is not in a hurry. As a highly intelligent cat, he can live on his own, such as going to the street to make money, or being cute and following a rich lady home.

He has telepathy and can determine whether a person is malicious or kind.

The cage opens and closes easily, and he can even run out on his own.

If it wasn't because of this, what was the reason for the panic?

He used the inference method to think about what he had just thought that made him so flustered.

Soon, he determined the direction.

He felt flustered only after thinking of the old lady.

Xia Yu thought about the old lady's matter carefully again, but couldn't come up with an answer.

If this were his own body, Xia Yu could still blame his panic on physical discomfort and other reasons, but this was the white cat's body, and the white cat had a bonus, which was telepathy.

The feeling he had on the young couple and the strong man before was also the effect of telepathy.

That is to say, the panic is not groundless, but something is really going to happen.

What could an old lady cause? Is she going to buy herself into abuse?

Abuse should be impossible. Xia Yu didn't feel disgusted by the old lady.

But there’s no good feeling either.

That old lady didn't come to buy a cat, but came to look at the house. She wanted to occupy the cat shop's territory and drive them cats out?

Then a group of them cats become idols and save the pet shop?

This is the plot of a cartoon, it cannot be played out like this in reality.

After returning to his body, Xia Yu was still thinking about this matter.

Forget about comfort and elegance, he coveted the telepathy skill very much and couldn't let it go just like that.

It would be great if I could understand what those people said. This way, it's all about guessing. Who knows what will happen!

Even when he was practicing guzheng with Kong Hanyue, he was a little absent-minded and was scolded by Liu Ronglan several times.

After returning home, he entered the room and waited anxiously, waiting for the clock's hour hand to point to twelve o'clock and the game's time to refresh.

But now there is still an hour and a half until twelve o'clock.

After picking up a book, looking at it twice and then putting it down, Xia Yu couldn't calm down.

The only consolation he had was that the game did not issue a warning that the white cat was in danger.

The hour hand was already pointing at eleven o'clock, and the minute hand was already pointing at fifty-nine minutes. He stared at the second hand, watching it move slowly, approaching twelve little by little.

After the second hand reached twelve, Xia Yu also clicked on the third column.

After a moment of darkness, he came into the white cat's body.

The cat shop was very quiet at this time, with only the sound of the cat purring echoing.

With night vision and the light from the opposite supermarket leaking through the window, Xia Yu could see his surroundings clearly.

The surroundings looked the same as during the day, but the feeling of panic was still there, and it was getting stronger.

Are things about to start happening?

Stretching out his paw, Xia Yu opened the pin of his cage, ready to run away at any moment.

At one o'clock, the pendulum clock on the wall chimed, and there was a sound in the direction of the backyard.

The back door was opened, and a dark figure walked in. Using a flashlight, he looked at the cats around him one by one.

It seemed like this was just a cat thief, but Xia Yu didn't dare to take it lightly.

This is the second district with gentle folk customs. Maybe the emperor will send you to see God because you are cute.

The muscles in Xia Yu's body were tense, ready to run away at any time, but he did not run immediately because there was no danger in him and he was very brave.

What does this dark shadow have to do with the old lady during the day?

When the thief came to him, Xia Yu saw the figure clearly. It was the old lady during the day.

He dresses like a dog during the day, but turns out to be a cat thief at night?

Seeing Xia Yu, the old lady became happy. She took Xia Yu out and whispered a bunch of unclear words.

If the old lady did something harmful to the cat, Xia Yu was always ready to greet her in the face with his foot.

As a cat, Xia Yu is still confident in his fighting ability, not to mention it is night, the cat's home field.

However, as he felt, the old lady did not do anything to hurt him.

After stuffing Xia Yu into her coat, the old lady left the cat shop the same way she came, quickly walked two streets, and released Xia Yu.

While watching the old lady hurrying away, Xia Yu thought about what the old lady was going to do.

The panic in his heart disappeared after the old lady took him out, and it seemed that nothing would happen.

So this old lady just wants to steal a cat?

But the way she was dressed didn't look like someone who couldn't afford a cat.

Maybe a special hobby? Only those who steal have feelings?

Xia Yu ignored the fact that appearance could be faked. After the old lady walked five streets and came to a remote and dilapidated residential area, he realized that his guess was wrong.

Residential areas have mottled walls and dirty roads.

This old lady came to steal from him. She was actually a poor woman, and her clothes were just a disguise.

You don’t have the financial strength, but you still want to support me?

Xia Yu felt that he couldn't be so casual. He was no longer a black cat of civet species, but a white cat of Persian species. He was an elegant cat aristocrat.

Let's run back to the pet shop while the other person isn't paying attention.

After entering the old lady's home, Xia Yu strengthened his belief in running away. The home was too small and dilapidated, and the only thing that was good was hygiene.

In this home, Xia Yu can only say goodbye to delicious cat food and canned food, and eat leftovers all day long.

"Tina, Tina!" The old lady held up Xia Yu and shouted softly.

"Grandma." A little girl sat up from the bed on one side, rubbing her eyes in a daze.

"What do you think this is?" The old lady handed Xia Yu to the girl.

I recommend this book, "The Wildest Swordsman of Kirigakure", a new book by Koineya, which is about the same Naruto theme as the Sand Ninja book. "The beginning of Lian Wu's time travel was with a disabled person. How can he, who is basically a loser, gain a foothold in this ninja world dominated by blood successors? Relying on the infinite evolution of the sword in your hand, there is nothing in this world that cannot be solved with one sword. If not, then use two swords. 』【The portal is below】

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