Life swap game

93. The shit shovel arrives

Xia Yu had thought that in order not to be discovered, the old lady would send him to the countryside, or sell him, or the two of them would just leave the place with the cat.

But I didn't expect that he would actually return to the pet store.

Was it discovered by that police officer?

This should be impossible. The old lady seems to be a shrewd person and will not make another mistake after one mistake.

Lying in the cage, Xia Yu was puzzled.

He sighed.

In short, my Tina brand cat nest is gone.

Lying in the cage until nine o'clock, Xia Yu saw the two clerks who came to work.

The two clerks chatted and laughed, and took the cats in the cage to the backyard. While hugging Xia Yu, they also squeezed the fleshy balls on Xia Yu's paws intimately.

what's going on? Why are you so calm?

Xia Yu was puzzled, and he began to think about the importance of knowing a foreign language again.

If there was an English course in this world, he wouldn't be able to understand only simple sentences.

I will probably encounter bodies from other districts in the future, so I'd better find a way to have a foreign language skill at hand.

"Meow." A voice interrupted Xia Yu's thinking. It was the new blue cat.

The blue cat tried to rub Xia Yu's body, but was slapped aside by Xia Yu.

Unlike the previous blue cat, the gender of this blue cat is male.

We need to find a shit-sweeper and get out of this place.

After all, this is a pet shop, and the sales will not last too long, and there is also a blue cat with evil intentions towards him.

Narrowing his eyes, Xia Yu thought, it would be better to get the blue cat out as soon as possible.

After a guest came over, Xia Yu deliberately bullied the blue cat. When he saw the pitiful blue cat, the other party couldn't bear it and chose it.

Xia Yu, who had returned to peace, lay on the flower bed and sighed at his wit.

After a while, the back door was opened again.

Xia Yu turned his head and looked in the direction of the door, feeling startled.

A little girl with blond hair and blue eyes came over. The girl's name was Tina.

When she came to the yard, the girl glanced around and hugged Xia Yu happily.

The clerk said a few words to her, then she lay down on a lounge chair and basked in the sun.

Store clerks sometimes let children in. As a pet cat, it needs to be close to people and play with them. However, the store clerk was too lazy to play with the cat, so he brought children in to do hard work.

After Tina, another little boy came in.

Lying on Tina's lap, Xia Yu yawned.

The clerk saw that Tina was the same as the child she had worked as a coolie before, which meant that she probably didn't know that Xia Yu had been taken to Tina's house before.

In other words, Xia Yu was not sent back because he was discovered.

In that case, Tina wouldn’t be embarrassed to come over again.

Did you release yourself at night?

Xia Yu thought about what he heard before, the conversation between Tina and grandma. Judging from their expressions and movements at that time, it was Tina who wanted to send him back, right?

After the police came again, the girl also realized where the white cat came from, so she asked her grandma to send it back.

Even throwing herself back into the yard at night still carries some risks, and the old lady herself would not do such a risky thing.

After touching Tina's head, Xia Yu expressed comfort.

Now that he is back, he doesn't want to go to the girl's place again. Although he has many ways to turn the girl's family into a well-off family and be able to support himself, it is still too troublesome.

Being born as a human, you just have to work hard, but being born as a cat and being so careless is not worth it.

Just like a black cat, eating well every day and playing with its little hamster is the life a cat should live.

Take a look at the cute and rich ladies these days, and just follow them when the time comes.

It wasn't that Xia Yu was being arrogant, he was confident that no matter which customer he fell in love with, even if the customer originally wanted to be a chinchilla, he could make him change his mind and fall in love with his white Persian cat.

Tina came here for two hours and left at noon. Another guest came in the afternoon, but Xia Yu didn't pick one he liked.

He saw two shop assistants looking at him and saying words that Lingmao couldn't understand. He didn't know what they wanted to do.

Sure enough, I still have to develop a foreign language skill.

At the end of the eight hours, Xia Yi returned to his body and continued to play the piano while thinking about this matter.

Do you know anyone around here who is good at foreign languages?

I have heard of a few famous translators, but they are all middle-aged and elderly people. It is unclear whether they rely on talent or hard work to earn a living.

There is no bonus from hard work, only talent.

After playing the piano, he went to Kong Hanyue to continue learning pod042. Xia Yu had no time to think carefully.

The difficulty of pod042 is actually not that great. The main thing is the use and continuous difficulty of various techniques in it.

Xia Yu also asked why this piece of music had such a strange name, and the reply was that this piece of music was written by the ancestors of the Hua Sect to commemorate a computer, and that was the computer's number.

It is said that in addition to this song, there is another song, which was written for another computer, but it was not completed due to various reasons.

God knows why they wrote music for a computer.

Although the motive is a little questionable, the music is really good.

This is just the basic song of the secret. I don’t know what the song called the secret by Kong Hanyue and Liu Ronglan is like.

He asked Kong Hanyue and Liu Ronglan, but they kept it secret from him and only told him that their name was e-ending.

This is not uncommon for Xia Yu.

He opened the search engine, entered the word e ending, flipped through a lot of videos that popped up, and found Liu Ronglan's performance.

That is a song with more dazzling skills than pod042, with amazing momentum and endless sadness.

In terms of technique, it is almost the same as pod042, but the difficulty is very different.

According to Xia Yu's current level, he probably won't be able to learn it before the finals.

At ten o'clock in the evening, after walking out of Kong Hanyue's house, Xia Yu took the subway and returned to his home.

He sat at his desk and continued to think about foreign languages.

Anyway, now he doesn't need to learn anything from An Siyao and Xu Youxiang. It's still possible to try out who among those translators has foreign language talent.

The problem now is that he has three slots in total, namely An Siyao, Xu Youxiang and Baimao. If he wants to freely select other people's bodies, he must have an empty slot.

He needs to delete one.

Deleted ones can be restored through free selection, but free selection requires seeing the other party.

The white cat is in the second area, and he has no way to go to the second area to see the white cat, so it seems that the white cat cannot be deleted.

But what if An Siyao sends someone to the second area to buy the white cat?

But he had already exposed enough to An Siyao.

Unable to come up with an answer, Xia Yu fell into sleep.

In the next two days, he continued to log into the white cat's body to find a shit-sweeper, and to think about whether An Siyao should get involved.

He eventually gave up on the idea.

Even if the white cat is taken to An Siyao, after he deletes the white cat, he still needs to go to An Siyao's villa to see the white cat before he can select it again. And An Siyao's villa seems to be more difficult to enter than the second area. .

Unless he and An Siyao recognized each other.

But I was happy chatting online for a while and rushed to the crematorium.

God knows if An Siyao's attitude will change, but he will be in trouble by then!

On the third day, Xia Yu continued to enter the white cat's body. He looked at the shit shovel officer for a long time, but still didn't like it.

Tina didn’t come over these days for unknown reasons.

Xia Yu felt a little depressed and began to think about whether he could just find someone similar.

At this time, a red sports car stopped in front of the pet shop. In the astonished eyes of passers-by, a shoe studded with diamonds stepped out of the driver's seat, and an old man wearing a gorgeous dress stepped out of it.

The old man used his fingers with five gemstone rings to take off the sunglasses with solid gold frames, picked up the bag with the logo of a well-known luxury product, and entered the pet shop. Thanks to the following book friends for the reward (statistics from the day before yesterday): Xiaodianbaibaibai, Big Boss Bizhi, badass, floating stars, full sugar bowl, book friend 20190705164139131, asaxi, mortal wisdom, book friend 170117005159848, Kongcheng Shou Dream, Floating Stars, Yingyingguai, Dimon Peng, Star Tracks, Antongtu, Qiao Lina, Global Gaowu Dao is missing, Han Runsao, Big Boss Bi, Book Friends 20171201170335146, Mo Xuanqing, Mu Fuzi, hahahaha sb, book friend 20171201170335146, personal label, look at the sky and jade moon, sky lost heart, ancient country of Jucheng, spit out grape skin if you don’t eat watermelon, someone’s number, book friend 20190606165917576, Netherworld Siqi, book friend 20171005152053704, Nan Yun Ge, Luo Jia Fu Yao, Nine Thousand Miles of Wind Swastika, One Two Three Two, Book Friends 150916162632004, Bloody Marlan, Listening to the Light Rain, Badass, Late Night Travel, bm_Mirror Moon, People's Police Come to Me Around me, time is in love with me, Qin Weiyong, I can’t help but my fate*, Second Dimension zth, Airong, Jucheng Ancient Country, Book Friends 20190713174818516, I have experienced many stumbles in the world of mortals, Book Friends 20190618025827481, Book Mountain is not an endless wasteland Two thousand years +100

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