Onebas Town!

A group of four people are getting off the train!

“Those guys from the Iron Forest are still in this town!”

Roger crossed his hands and said with the back of his head.

“I don’t know, that’s where we need to check!!”

Alyssa tugged at her oversized luggage and said.

“Isn’t that like finding a needle in a haystack?” Lucy on the side sighed and said.

“Strange, Naz!” Harpy, who was sitting on Elusa’s luggage, suddenly remembered Naz.

“Amount? …… Didn’t you take Naz down with you, Gray? ”

Roger turned to look at Gray and Lucy with a puzzled look on their faces, he was the first to get out of the car.

“Well, Naz wasn’t you knocking him unconscious, weren’t you taking him down?”

Lucy looked at Roger with a shocked look on her face and said!

“Well… Because I used to do the task alone, I forgot that this time there were teammates who were motion sick! ”

Roger had some embarrassment on his face, and people like Naz who were so motionless that they were incapacitated were only available in this world.

“Uh… Uh huh… With the sound of a whistle, the train moved, and soon it left the station.

“Oh ~ ~ the car drove away!” The blue kitten Harpy waved his paws at the car unscrupulously.

For this situation, Harby is not surprised, almost every time the two of them go out on a mission.

“Just thinking about the Iron Forest thing, completely forgetting Naz!”

How can this be, that guy is obviously very afraid of transportation, I am not good, not responsible for it, please enjoy the pain of squashing me! ”

Alyssa said to several people with a look of remorse.

“Oh…” Roger said he didn’t want to talk.

“It really doesn’t matter!” Lucy’s face was shocked to the point of disbelief.



In the travelling carriage, Naz slowly opened his eyes, but the next moment a feeling of wanting to throw up came to his heart.

“Wow, the coat of arms of the goblin’s tail, it turns out that you are a regular guild member, so envious!”

A pineapple-headed man dressed in white came up to Naz and said in a flirtatious tone.

“Huh?” Naz looked up at the man who spoke.

Suddenly, the man showed a fierce look on his face and stepped on Naz’s face!

“The regular guild can drag it like this!” You stinky goblin, you know what you call us people.

Fly!! It’s a fly!! ”

“Abominable!” A burst of flame instantly appeared on Naz’s body, but as the train shook violently, the flames disappeared.

The white-robed pineapple head looked at the flame in Naz’s hand and burst out laughing.

“Haha, what kind of magic are you, magic should be used like this!”

Immediately afterward, a dark purple magic circle appeared at the foot of the pineapple head.

Then three shadow-like fists hit Naz at once, knocking him out.

“This magic…” Naz stood up from the ground and stared at the man in front of him.

Suddenly, the train stopped, and the pineapple head suddenly lost its balance and fell forward, while a strange flute fell from its body.


Onibas Station!

“Elusa, that’s what she’s always done!” Lucy on the side looked at Elusa, who directly pulled down the emergency stop valve, and felt that the whole person was gray!

“Hahaha, Elusa, she is this kind of character, just get used to it!”

Roger couldn’t help but smile as he listened to Lucy’s words, for the sake of her companions, Elusa would do whatever she could.

“It seems that everyone in the goblin’s tail has a strange virtue!”

Lucy sighed and said!

“I’m not like them!” Gray listened to Lucy’s words and said in a flat tone!

“Hey, Gray, clothes!” Roger glanced at Gray, you half-naked guy is still qualified to say this.

“Aaaah, when!” Gray had a cold expression on his face and collapsed and began to panic to find clothes.

At this time, Elusa came over!

“Sorry, we had to catch up with Naz as soon as possible, I asked the staff to drop my luggage off at the hotel, but they will be back soon so we have to catch up with Naz during this time!”

“That’s a little difficult, you can’t run!”

Roger touched his chin with one hand and said as he thought.

“Well, how about using that!” Alyssa only wrote in the distance about the magic four-wheeler who did not know who was parked.

“Yes!” Roger nodded!

The Magic Four-Wheeler looks like a modern car, but only the rear half of the car is cut off, and the driver’s seat is exposed outside.

“Well, I’ll drive it, Lucy and Alyssa will sit in the carriage, and as for Gray, lie on the roof!”

With a little thought, Roger was in the position assignment!

“Ah, I want to lie on the roof of the car!” Forget it, all right! ”

When Gray heard Roger’s words, he immediately came to his opinion, but seeing that Roger’s hands were on the knife, he could only take back the words that came to his mouth.

“Okay, let’s go!” Roger does a good job of magic link output.

In an instant, the magic four-wheeled car was like an arrow off the string, and it ran out of the ordinary.

Roger felt the mana consumption of driving a magic quad, which is the disadvantage of the magic quad.

The faster it runs, the faster it consumes mana.

However, this is nothing for Roger, and at this rate of consumption, it will take another day for his magic to dry up.

With Roger’s massive output of mana, the Magic Wheel was moving at a very fast speed.

Soon, I saw a moving train.

“Catching up, accelerating!”

Alyssa leaned out of the carriage and shouted at Roger!

“This is already the fastest, and the car is going to break down no matter how fast!”

Roger was a little speechless as he listened to Elusa’s words, and the magic four-wheeler was not a powerful prop, and it was already good to be able to run so fast.

At this time, one of the carriages of the train suddenly moved.

A pink-haired figure flew out of the carriage screaming.


The flying Naz suddenly collided with Gray, who was lying on the top of the carriage.

Soon, the car stopped, and Roger sighed as he looked at Gray and Naz, who were lying on the ground not far away.

“Naz, are you all right?”

Naz stood up, touched his head, and said with a strange face.

“I met a strange trouble-seeking guy in the car.”

“Strange guy?” Lucy couldn’t help but make a sound!

“It’s like… It seems to be the people of the Iron Forest! Naz scratched his head and said with a look of uncertainty.

Suddenly, a roar came, and Naz was thrown out in one fell swoop.

“Stupid, Iron Forest is the man we’re looking for!”

Alyssa clenched her fists and looked at Naz with anger.

“Good… It’s horrible! Lucy looked frightened.

Gray on the side watching this scene is also related!

“Iron Forest is the man we want to chase, why let him run like this!”

“I haven’t heard you say it before!” Naz covered his face and looked at Alyssa with a puzzled face.

“I obviously said it before, did you listen to me?”

Alyssa looked at a confused Naz, and a “well” shape suddenly appeared on her forehead.

At this time, Roger quietly approached Elusa and said!

“Elusa, Naz fainted in the car before, so he doesn’t know.”

“Oh…” Elusa suddenly felt a little embarrassed!

“No matter, you have to catch up with it immediately!”

With that said, Alyssa dragged Naz onto the Magic Four-wheeler!

End of this chapter!

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