“How can there be such a bad fish in this world?” Roger was on the road again, full of resentment!

“So hungry!”

The group of people walking on the road made weak noises from time to time.

I don’t know, how long the group has been gone, and finally…

“It’s the village!!”

“Residents available!!!”

“If you say something, you must !!!!”

“Something to eat!!!” Then a group of people, like vicious dogs, rushed through the interior of the village!

Soon, Roger and the others came to the inside of the village, and at this time, everyone was frowning at the village.

“Quiet village, as if there were no half a person!”

Roger had some ominous premonitions in his mind!

In a village like this that doesn’t have half a person, Roger has actually encountered quite a few.

Most of those villages are because of the disaster, more or less dilapidated, and this village is very complete.

And the streets are very clean, as if there were people living here not long ago, which looks very strange!

“Will they all take a nap?” Naz said with a puzzled look on his face, followed by a few shouts!

“Hey, is there anybody?” Is there anybody! ”

Harpy listened to Naz’s shouts and followed with a silly shout!

“We’re hungry, so please give us something to eat.”

“In other words, the cat who reincarnated after the gathering, don’t shout so brazenly!”

Lucy on the side covered her forehead and said helplessly.

However, even if Harpy and Naz shouted so loudly, there was no half-hearted response in the village.

“It’s like taking a nap, stupid,” Gray didn’t hesitate to seize the opportunity to despise Naz!

“Like the whole village is drunk?” Hahaha! ”

Makarov laughed and was not at all worried about the strange situation in front of him.

“Since that’s the case, then let’s use brute force to find something to eat!”

Naz said with a look of excitement and ran over!

“Isn’t that robbery when you do this?” Gray once again took the opportunity to despise Naz!

“You don’t want to do that yourself!” Naz did not hesitate to debunk Gray

Soon the two began to secretly fight for food!

Roger looked at this scene with a strange sigh and said:

“Let’s go, old man, Elusa, there seems to be no one in this village, let’s go up and find something to eat!”

“Hmmm!” Alyssa and Makarov nodded in agreement.

Roger casually opened a room and saw bread on the table and soup still steaming!

“Strange, people are gone!” Roger frowned, still steaming soup, indicating that people were here not long ago.

But dare to be gone now, this situation, so that Roger and others even if the food is close at hand, do not dare to take it to eat!

“Where the hell has this family gone?” Gray touched his chin and said thoughtfully!

“Who knows, let’s eat it first, Harpy!”

“Hi ~ ~ ~ ~ ”

Naz and Harpy picked up the bread on the table and put it in their mouths with a look of indifference.

“Stop me!” Alyssa stopped Naz with a look of indifference and stared at Naz with murderous eyes!

“I see the need to investigate this village, anyway, I have endured for so long, and I will endure it for a while… Gollum”

Before Alyssa could finish speaking, she was interrupted by the sound of her stomach, causing Alyssa to stop at once.

“Elusa, your stomach is too loud!”

Lucy on the side beeped in a wordless voice.

“Yeah, that’s so unconvincing!” Makarov followed.

“Naz, go and find out if there are any edible mushrooms nearby, and you are absolutely not allowed to touch the food in the village!”

With a wave of her hand, Alyssa began to ask Naz to find the mushroom. Then continued:

“Roger and I and the president will take this time to carefully investigate the village.”

To Elusa’s order, Naz sighed helplessly.

“Okay, let’s go Harpy!”

“Hi ~ ~ ~ ~ ”

“Why mushrooms!” Lucy, who was the background board, whispered.


After Naz and the others had gone to the forest by the village, Roger, Elusa, and Makarov began to look around the village.

“It’s really strange, all kinds of signs show that there were people in this village before, how can they all disappear in an instant?”

Roger muttered to himself that he was not an intellectual player, and this kind of probing and problem-solving thing was not suitable for him.

Soon, the three men met at the fountain in the middle of the village.

“Did you find anything?” Alyssa looked at the two and asked.

Both shook their heads, indicating that they hadn’t found anything.

“This gap… What is it? Alyssa looked down and suddenly noticed a special gap in the floor tiles under her feet.

This gap seems to have been deliberately hewn out by a man and extends all the way to the end of the village, dividing the whole village in half!

“There’s a gap here, too!” Roger held out his hand and pointed into the distance.

Two gaps cross each other to divide the village into four pieces, each of which is of uniform size!

But Roger couldn’t see any special intentions.

At this moment, the gap suddenly glowed red, and the whole village was shrouded in red light.

Naz and the others, who were out looking for food, also felt that there was an accident rushing over!

At this time, the houses in the village began to twist and deform under the red light, and the earth also began to twist and deform.

“Let’s do it, sir!” Roger was on the hilt of the knife, ready to go.

If Roger had been here alone, he would have liberated the Slasher and turned it into a lava purgatory.

“Wait!” Makarov, as if remembering something, stopped Roger and then continued:

“Let’s get out of here first and go to the high place, I want to confirm one thing!”

“All right!” Roger nodded.

Soon, I finally came to a cliff on the edge of the village, looking at the village shrouded in red light from a high place.

At this time, a surprising scene appeared, these twisted houses in the red light of the Chinese for the strange shape of the monster.

“President, isn’t this supposed to be a magic circle?” Alyssa looked at the glowing red ground and frowned!

“Ah, the gaps I just discovered are part of the magic circle that is used to activate the sealing magic that was sealed back then!”

That is, the existence of “Erap”! ”

Makarov looked at the monster in front of him with a serious look on his face and explained slowly.

“Erap??” Lucy couldn’t help but wonder!

“Yes, if you look closely, this magic has biomorphized things that were originally inanimate, and these monsters are the ones that those houses have become.

The people in the village must have activated this magic, and as a result, a group of people turned into food for these monsters. ”

There was some emotion in Macarus’s tone, this is the end of the indiscriminate use of magic, can be said to be self-inflicted!

“Why would people here take such a risk?”

Lucy still doesn’t understand!

But Roger seemed to understand and said slowly!

“Because this may be the village of the Dark Guild, only those guys like to do this dangerous magic.”

“What?” Lucy froze!

“Haven’t you looked closely?” The warehouses in these people’s homes are stored with some magic props, all of which are some magic that is not visible. ”

Luo Jie said lightly, there was no trace of regret in his eyes, and even Roger wanted to say that he deserved it!

“They must have wanted to fight some bad idea but didn’t think about it and were destroyed!” Makarov said in a sudden low voice.

“It’s a great fortune among misfortunes!”

“Why do you say that, old man?” Roger looked at Marklov with some doubt.

“Because… Basically as long as it’s a creature… You can eat it! ”

“Oh…” Roger looked at Makarov wordlessly.

He didn’t care if these things could be eaten or not, but the things that the house had become, coupled with this strange appearance, were very difficult to eat at first glance.

It is better to endure to go back to the guild to eat and drink, they have already found the village, and it will not take long to return to the union.

“Old man, you probably have something else to say!”

Roger looked at Naz, Gray, and Elusa, who had rushed down, and said lightly.

“Hmm, who told you not to read more books!” Makarov snorted proudly.

But Roger didn’t care, because Makarov’s expression meant that he was very confident and didn’t need Roger to worry!

Because Makarov was a man who treated the members of the guild as his own children, he would not have seen a child injured in front of him.

So, even if there is a problem with this magic circle named Erap, Roger is very relieved!


On the way to the guild, Roger had to say that the old man was one of the Ten Great Wizards of the Holy Age.

The abundance of knowledge, as well as all kinds of means, made Roger can’t help but praise.

That magic circle called “Erap” does have a problem.

After Elusa and the others have solved the monsters, the magic circle wants to self-destruct.

But Makarov saved everyone in an instant.

Along with the villagers who were taken in by the monster, they were rescued.

It turned out that this was indeed a village of the Dark Guild, and they used that magic circle to summon monsters to do what they wanted to do.

But they didn’t expect that they would be accepted by these monsters at the first time.

In the end, Makarov made them promise not to report to the Council of Magic as long as they did not continue to do bad things.

“The old man is really kind!” Roger thought silently in his heart!

But it is also Makarov who has this kind of heart, which is why he is loved by the people in the guild.

Moreover, the magic of those people is generally not strong, and it is unlikely to do anything excessive.

Just like this time, not only did they not make it, but they planted themselves into it.

Presumably, this is one of the reasons why Makarov did not report to the Council of Magic.

End of this chapter!

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