Soon, Naz and Gray began searching among the giants for Lucy’s tracks.

Naz has a natural advantage in finding someone, and Naz’s nose is better than a Warcraft.

Suddenly, Naz sniffed violently as he passed an intersection!

“It’s Lucy’s smell, and there’s another woman’s smell approaching.”

“What?” Gray listened to Naz’s words for a moment with some confusion.

But soon, a burst of footsteps came.

A woman in a blue dress with a sunny doll hanging from her chest and holding a small umbrella came over.

“That’s right, Jubia is the rain girl, one of the four elements!”

“Oh, it turns out to be another four-element, I’m going to go up!” Naz’s fists began to burn for the first time, and his face was excited.

“Stupid!” Gray punched Naz in the face and yelled, “Your mission is to find Lucy as soon as possible and rescue him!” ”

“Oh, yes!” Naz stood up and suddenly realized!

“Stupid!” Gray looked at the corners of Naz’s mouth and twitched, took two steps forward and said, “This guy will be handed over to me, you go find Lucy.” ”

“Well, Gray, don’t you lose!” Although Naz wanted to fight, he still knew what he had to do.

“I’m not going to lose, get out, stupid Naz!” Gray listened to Naz and yelled at Naz.

“Okay, I’m gone!” Naz glanced at Gray and went straight past Jubia and ran toward the smell he smelled.

Jubia looked at Naz, who had already run away, and did not stop him, because his opponent was the man in front of him.

On the other side, Elusa also officially meets Arya of the Great Void, the head of the Four Elements.

“Good sadness… So sad……

The Fairy Wings are about to decay and degenerate, and the only thing left is the corpse of the Goblin! ”

Aria appeared in front of Elusa and spoke as if she were singing a poem.

Elusa looked at the blindfolded man in front of her, her face full of tears, and her face was gloomy

“You are the head of the four elements, Ariah, you guy has drained the magic of our growth!”

Although Ariah was blindfolded, the wind could let him know the exact location of Elusa, and said in a sad tone:

“My name is Aliya, the highest of the four elements, and now I’m here to hunt goblins!”

But the opponent is the goblin queen, then I don’t play seriously, then I’m sorry for you! ”

As he spoke, he removed the blindfold over his eyes, revealing a pair of red pupils with forks in the middle.

As the eyes opened, powerful magic instantly escaped from the body, and a fierce wind began to hang around the body in an instant.

“That’s your magic, it’s really imposing, but it’s still too far behind a man.”

Alyssa stared at Arya with a gloomy face, unaffected.

“Come on, Goblin Queen! Dead airspace… Zero start!

This airspace will devour all life,”

Ariah used his magic, and the wind around him became even more fierce at this time.

Even the floor on the ground was blown up by the fierce wind and floated in the sky.

Alyssa’s long crimson hair fluttered with the wind, and she raised her sword in her hand to Aria and said in a cold voice:

“It’s life-devouring magic, why… Why do you dare to take people’s names so arrogantly, you bastard guys! ”

With that, he swung his sword and rushed towards Ariya.

Aria watched as Alyssa rushed over and didn’t panic.

“Enjoy, Goblin Queen, I’ll see if you can hold my airspace!”

Alyssa looked at the airspace in front of her, constantly swinging her sword, and the surface of her body appeared.

“Dress-up… The Armor of Heaven! ”

Alia looked at Alyssa, who was constantly approaching, and her face changed, her face full of disbelief.

“How could it be, my airspace, actually been chopped up, etc…”

Before Arya could finish speaking, Elusa jumped straight up.

“The Sword of Chaos!!!” Suddenly, countless sword shadows hit Aria’s body.

“Aaa!!!!!aa Ariah let out a few screams and fell directly to the ground.

Elusa looked at Aria on the ground and said lightly.

“The president can’t plant it in the hands of a commodity like you, and immediately delete him from your merits!”

“Too… It’s so sad! Ariah, who was lying on the ground, let out a few whispers, and there was no sound!

“Give back the president’s magic!” A magic circle appeared in Alyssa’s hand and began to collect the magic that belonged to Makarov.

After doing all this, Alyssa turned to look at the devastated environment around her and muttered to herself:

“I don’t know if Naz has found Lucy!”


Outside, the action of the Demon Guidance Giant suddenly stopped, and the shattered magic array of Purgatory disappeared completely.

“It seems that they have completely defeated the four elements!”

Roger looked at the magic giant with a smile on his face.

“Yeah, Elusa, they’re very strong!”

Mira also had a big smile on her face.

The goblin tail people saw the magic circle disappear, but also the morale was greatly boosted, and it was faster to eliminate these ghost soldiers.

“Then only Lucy has not been rescued!”

Roger muttered that as soon as Naz got Lucy out, he would go straight down and kill Joseph and turn the demon giant to ashes.

Roger thought, stood up, although his body was still very sour, but the battle was still no problem.

Only Naz was left, and he had to stand up and attract Joseph’s attention before Joseph could do anything to Naz.

“Roger… You’re fine! Mira looked at Roger with some worry on her face, he was afraid that Roger was going strong.

Magic Giant Inside!

Joseph looked at Roger who stood up, his face suddenly gloomy, when Makarov had attended the president’s regular meeting six years earlier.

This little devil also followed, and at that time, the power of this little devil made him extremely jealous, so he used the branch guild to attract his attention.

To achieve the purpose of moving the tiger away from the mountain, then their headquarters directly came to the Fairy Tail, taking advantage of Roger’s absence, directly destroyed the Fairy Tail.

By the time, the wood had become a boat, and even the Magic Council could only verbally punish him, after all, his status as the Holy Ten was there.

As for Roger, when the time comes, prepare the trap, as long as he dares to come to the door, he will be killed.

These plans were all so perfect, but to the damn Roger, he actually rushed back from so far in such a short time.

Even if he rushed back, he looked exhausted at first, and he was not worried.

But now Roger had actually stood up and was still staring at him with a defiant look.

What that means, it means that whether Roger is really recovering or not, he has to keep an eye on the other side at all times.

This made Joseph feel extremely annoyed, and it was almost time to destroy the goblin’s tail, but this kind of thing happened again.

Joseph thought about it, and his whole face began to twist.


By this time, Naz had found Lucy’s locked room, and as a Dragon Slayer mage, he had an extremely keen sense of smell.

Lucy smelled from a distance, and it didn’t take long for Naz to find Lucy’s location.

However, Naz also encountered a hindrance!

Iron Dragon… Gogiru!!!

End of this chapter!

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