Soon, several people, along with Simon and the blonde boy Hugh, boarded the ship they had prepared long ago and set out for the Tower of Paradise Lost.

In the process, Alyssa and several others seem to have reverted to their former partners.

However, they did not intend to listen to only Elusa alone, and they planned to ask Gerald for themselves about the truth of the matter.


Somewhere on an island in the waters of the Kingdom of Fiore, a towering spire stands on the island, which is the Tower of Paradise, which is called R Tong!

At the same time, there are countless soldiers leading the magic dog around the tower, the magic dog’s sense of smell is very sensitive, as long as there are outsiders on the road, you can find it at the first time, which can be described as heavily guarded!

In the lobby at the very top of the tower’s interior, a man in a black robe sits in a chair with a lazy look.

Look closely at the pattern on his face, if you are familiar with a certain member of the Magic Council, Zikrein! You’ll know that this face is the same as Zikrein’s touch!

In the room, directly in front of the seat there was a huge magic crystal, and Jalal looked at this magic crystal with a faint smile on his lips, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, a magic circle appeared from near the magic crystal, and then a person came out of the magic array.

Speaking to Jalal, he said, “Lord Jalal, you have received news of the successful capture of Alyssa and are on your way back.

But… Lord Jalal had to get that traitor back, with your powerful magic, you can solve him at any time! ”

Jalal listened to the man in front of him, laughed twice in a low voice, and said!

“Oh, how can this work, the world is so boring, but… Now that the towers of paradise have been completed.

If I let her continue to live, I am afraid that I will cause trouble, so the time has come, in order to achieve my dream, you will be a victim!

Elusa Shukatole! Hahaha!!!! ”


Magic Council!

By this time, all nine members of parliament had arrived and were fiercely discussing something they suddenly learned.

“You say that one is still there, how is that possible?” Og looked at the building shown in the middle, and his tone was a little excited.

“About ten years ago, the Magical Order of the Dark Magic tried to build the R system!”

“Haven’t those seven towers been swept away by our own hands?”

One of the councillors spoke!

As Urutia looked at the parliamentarians, he said with a mysterious smile on his lips:

“Now it seems that the eighth tower has appeared, just off the coast of Caruam!”

“Looking at this situation, is it already done?”

Michelo’s face was a little ugly.

“When the investigators sent this image, they were all missing!”

Urutia said with a faint smile on her lips, because this news was revealed to the Magic Council on her own initiative.

Otherwise, if it could be hidden for eight years without being discovered, how could it suddenly be discovered without warning.

“But how could the R system suddenly appear?”

“Tower of Paradise… This is not called the R system, but the Tower of Paradise… That’s right! ”

Zikrein said with a serious face!

“It doesn’t matter what it’s called, it’s forbidden magic, and just letting people know about his presence is enough to cause chaos!”

Og looked very serious, this was activated, and it was estimated that all of them would have to step down.

“We must immediately send out an army and suppress him quickly!”

“The problem is the opponent now…” said a hesitant face!

“Opponent??” The other MPs turned their heads in an instant!

“Yesterday’s incident at Arcañe Beach on the border of the border, according to the rescued survivors, this time occupied the R Unity, not the previous magical order.”

The MP said in a deep voice!

“Who the hell is that?!”

“I heard that the man called himself Jalal!”


When the congressmen present heard the name, they immediately turned their attention to Zikrein’s body.

“This is your twin brother, Zikrein!”

At this time, Zikrein lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking, and said lightly:

“I already knew about this!”


At this time, Roger and the others finally arrived at the Tower of Paradise after a period of voyage.

Alyssa looked at the towering minaret in front of her, her body trembling slightly, and her mouth murmured!

“The Tower of Paradise has finally been created!”

Roger looked at Alyssa, who was scared because of psychological problems in front of him, put an arm on Elusa’s shoulder, and looked at Elusa with a smile.

Elusa looked at Roger’s smile and lowered her head to ease her heart, and a beautiful smile also appeared on her face.

The top floor of the Tower of Paradise!

“Lord Jalal, it seems that Hugh and Woolley have betrayed them just like Elusa!”

“Betrayal?” When Jalal heard what the person in front of him was saying, he couldn’t help but smile and said:

“It’s funny that Elusa is not the average woman, whether I’ll win or if Elusa wins.”

Enjoy, a paradise game that connects life and death and the past and the future. ”


The Council of Magic is still arguing about how the Tower of Paradise will be handled.

“You have to gather intelligence first!”

“There should be troops at the police station immediately!”

The two views have been deadlocked, and some believe that intelligence should be gathered first and a prepared battle should be fought.

Some people think that they have run out of time and must send an army immediately, otherwise it will be too late if the Tower of Paradise is activated.

Listening to the quarrel of the group of people in front of him, Zikrein put his hands in front of him, and whispered:

“A bunch of pigeon-like guys!”

“What do you say?” One member of parliament immediately glared at Zikrein.

“Zeke, you guy…”

Zikrein paid no attention to the angry eyes of the parliamentarians around him and said:

“Thinking back to sending troops to suppress it, isn’t that the style of the doves, it’s dangerous, it’s too dangerous at all.”

Zikrein said, his tone gradually agitated.

“What the hell are you trying to say?” Zikrein! Og, the second seat of the Magic Council, asked.

Zikrein said in a serious voice, “You people don’t understand anything at all, if you want to destroy the Tower of Paradise immediately, there is only one way!” ”

Speaking of this, Zikrein raised his head and said in a firm tone:

“That is, through the satellite magic array… Magic Elf Power!!!! ”

When several of the deputies present heard Zikrein’s words, their eyes widened and they looked at Zikrein with shock on their faces.

“What are you talking about!!!!!”

“Transcendent Time and Space Destruction Magic!!!!”

“You’re crazy!!!!”

“Can you predict the outcome, if the force control is not right, it will easily destroy a country!”

“Magic Spirit Power is our last weapon, a magic that is even more dangerous than R-Tong!!”

Suddenly, the Magic Council became like a wet market, and fierce quarrels broke out.

Zikrein came to the shocked hospital in front of him and said lightly:

“But… As long as you use the satellite magic array, you can lock on to all the targets in this area, not to mention that if you want to destroy that huge building, you can only rely on the magic elf power! ”

“I’m in favor of this!” Ulutia raised a hand and said lightly.

“Ulutiya, how can you even be…” Yajima looked at Ulutiya and felt that it was too inappropriate to agree so hastily.

Zikrein looked at Ulutia who raised his hand and said, “There are nine of us in total, and as long as three more people approve of this practice, we can unleash the magic elven power.”

There is no time left, and no matter what, we can’t let them start the R system! ”

Zikrein showed unusual agitation.

Og looked at the excited Zikrein and said, “Even if this method will eventually take the life of your brother’s Jalal, will you do the same?” ”

“It still needs to be said!” Zikrein lowered his head and whispered, “That’s a super dangerous system!!!!!” ”

End of this chapter! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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