“Next up is the fourth contestant, the goblin queen who doesn’t need much explanation, Elusa Shukatole!”


“Here it comes, the strongest woman with a fairy tail!”

Alyssa looked at the boiling man below and said with a faint smile on her face:

“I’ll let you all see the dressup at the bottom of my pressure box!”

Immediately afterward, Elusa’s body glowed with a golden glow, accompanied by a pink air current.

Immediately after, Alyssa, dressed in a black gothic loli suit, appeared on the stage.

“I’m done!”

The people of the Goblin Tail Guild looked at Alyssa, who was completely two people in the usual style, and pink peach hearts appeared in her eyes.

“It feels like the characters are a lot different, but it’s still so cute!”

“I really envy Roger!”

“Next, there’s the fifth contestant, the petite goblin, who combines cuteness and wisdom, Rebbe Mark Garden!”

“Rebbie, come on!!!” Two of Rebby’s companions began cheering for Rebbe.

“Snow three-dimensional text!”

Rebbe said, a magic circle appeared in front of her, followed by countless colorful words, suspended around her.

Immediately afterward, the female members of the Fairy Tail took the stage one by one, showing their best magic.

For them, that final bonus of 500,000 J is no longer important, what is important is about the dignity of women.

Dignity tells them that they must not be the last in this game.

“Next, there’s the number ten contestant, our super rookie, whose brilliance is the guidance of the star spirit, Lucy Ha…”

Before Marcus could finish speaking, Lucy appeared directly on the stage, shouting at Marcus in a hurry:

“Don’t say my last name!”

Then Lucy turned to greet the people in the audience and muttered to herself in her heart!

“If I let my father know about it, I wouldn’t be able to get half a million.”

“Okay, it’s time to promote yourself.” Marcus’s voice interrupted Lucy’s thoughts.

“Well, I’m going to perform a cheerleading dance with the Star Spirits!”

Then Lucy took out two colorful flowers from behind and prepared to start her own performance.

Just then, a very arrogant voice came over and interrupted Lucy’s performance!

“Contestant No. 11!”

Marcus and Lucy on stage listened to this voice with a confused look.

“Wait, wait, it’s my publicity time.”

Lucy began to dance the cheerleading dance to herself, but at this moment everyone’s attention was drawn to the sudden sound.

At this time, the owner of the voice came to the stage.

“It seems that Laxus really wants to do something this time!”

Roger looked at the woman on stage and muttered to himself.

This woman Roger knew, but the relationship was not very familiar, or she was not very familiar with the whole fairy tail.

She is one of the Thor Gods of the Guard of Laxus, Abba Greene!

She has a special kind of petrified eye magic, that is, if you look directly into her eyes, you will be petrified by her magic!

“The goblin refers to me, beauty refers to me, yes, I represent all this, and of course the victory is won by me, Abba Greene!”

Abba Greene held a red fan and spoke to the audience.

“Well, the boring game can be over!”

At this time, everyone in the audience fell silent, without the boiling scene as before.

Because Abba Glenn was not very popular in the guild, and he was a member of Laxus’s men.

In the eyes of the Fairy Tail, Abba Glenn joined Laxus’s men rather than joining Fairy Tail.

“Abba Grey!!!!”

“Turns out she’s back!”

“So Phillips and Bikoros are back!”

The people in the guild began to whisper in the audience.

“Old man, there is no need to be so serious, you should have been mentally prepared earlier!”

Roger looked at Makarov, who was staring blankly, and couldn’t help but laugh.

At this time, Makarov did not pay attention to Roger’s ridicule, and his face became very serious.

Because he knew that his premonition was likely to become a reality.

“Laxus, if you really do anything excessive, even if you are my own grandson, I will be thrown out of the guild.”

It’s like… Your mischievous father is the same! ”

Makarov silently made a decision in his heart that made him feel pain.

At the same time, there was some self-blame in his heart, why Laxus had grown up like this under his teaching.

At this time, Lucy on the stage stared angrily at Abba Greene.

“Wait, why are you getting in my way, this game is about my livelihood!”

“Lucy, don’t look her eyes!” Gray stood up and shouted at Lucy.

“Huh?” Lucy listened to Gray’s shouts and couldn’t help but be stunned, Lucy who hadn’t looked at Abba Greene’s eyes.

Gray’s voice, driven by curiosity, glanced into Abagarin’s eyes.

And Abba Greene also looked at Lucy with an arrogant face, raised her eyes, and said:

“Where’s the little!”

As soon as the words fell, Lucy turned directly into a lifelike stone statue.

This is her magic, petrified eye, with the ability to petrify the other person by looking at each other.

Abilities are scary, but also easy to crack, such as not looking into her eyes, or wearing a pair of glasses yourself, and looking into her eyes indirectly.

And the eyes that Abba Greene carries are specially brought to prevent the accidental injury of teammates in normal times.

The people in the audience watched this scene and began to talk about it.

“What’s going on, how did Lucy turn into stone?”

“How can a man suddenly turn into stone?”

“Is this also propaganda?”

Marcus on the stage watched this scene, a drop of cold sweat appeared on his forehead, turned and shouted at the audience.

“Distinguished guests, run away!”

At this time, the people gathered in the Goblin Tail Public House woke up like a dream, and began to rush towards the guild gate with a loud cry.

The audience soon became empty, and only some of the magicians belonging to the Fairy Tail remained on the scene.

Roger looked at the hall of a few people left, ready to go up and tackle the woman and expose her to magic.

“Huh? Isn’t it, old man, you’re going to stop me this time? She’s all done it! ”

Roger looked at Makarov, who had reached out to stop him, and couldn’t help but groan.

Makarov ignored Roger’s complaints, took two steps forward, looked at Abba Greene with a serious face, and said:

“What are you doing, Abagarin, you want to destroy the festival!”

Abagaryn on the stage, looking at Makarov, with no respect for the president on her face, hummed twice, and said:

“Doesn’t the festival always have after-fun?”

Abba Greene said with a look of indifference, and at the same time, the scene cloth of the stage behind her gradually rose.

The petrified goblin tails in the background are revealed.

“Sister…” Elfman looked at Mira, who had turned into a stone statue, and couldn’t help but shout to himself.

“Even Elusa …” Harpy said in a loud voice.

Roger looked at this scene and did not panic, he knew that as long as he knocked down the woman in front of him, the magic would naturally be lifted.

If Makarov hadn’t stopped him, it would have only taken an instant for Roger to press the woman to the ground and rub it, forcing her to change them back to their original form.

End of this chapter!

(The author is self-aware of his own level, and the author is not a special writer, I can only ask all readers not to be too picky!) )

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