Life With You

Chapter 827: Kidnapping

Soon after the woman and the boy left, Song Xi also left. She could no longer chat with Diana casually. Her mind was filled with the face in memory. She drove home and waited for the red light on the road, but it happened that there was a black car next door. The window of the back seat of the private car was half-lowered, and Song Xi inadvertently glanced at it. Isn't this the little handsome guy he saw in the restaurant just now.

The boy should be a bit motion sick, leaning in the back seat and looking quiet, changed his previous naughty, and a woman next to him stretched out his hand to tidy his hair under the brim of his hat.

Song Xi couldn't see the woman's face, but her heart was always holding it, the feeling of wanting to see but afraid of seeing it, her heart was tugging, she thought she might be hysterical, otherwise why the red light jumped to green, she would follow the black car Driving behind the private car and following it all the time, I forgot where I was going.

Song Xi didn't know what she was going to do, so what could he do afterwards, wait until the woman got out of the car to take another look? She obviously didn't want Lu Fangqi. After so many years of motherless life, she was used to it, thinking so in her heart, but she was out of control. The car in front turned left and she also turned left.

After following ten minutes, Song Xi thought, maybe it’s been too long to see someone who looks and sounds like Lu Fangqi, she is too curious, curious to follow purposelessly, yes, this is not missing, just curiosity cause trouble.

I heard that they were going to watch a movie before, following this route, and driving a ten-eighth minute ahead, Song Xi suddenly felt that she was so stupid, following the mother and son’s car like a pervert. If this is for people to see, she Still can't explain it clearly, thinking about it, she plans to turn around and go home at the next intersection.

There was still a distance of one to two hundred meters to the next intersection. The vehicle in front drove and suddenly braked, because a person came out of the road, and Song Xi followed seven or eight meters away and immediately stepped on the brake to slow down.

After the car in front stopped, the driver hurriedly got out of the car to see. Not long after the woman got out of the car, Song Xi pulled the car to the side, unlocked the seat belt and pushed the door.

Obviously, the person lying in front of the black private car was not hit at all, and the driver said that he did not hit him, but the man Sapere refused to leave, clutching his legs and shouting, the woman stepped forward to help, the man avoided, shouting Bigger.

The driver stopped the woman behind him and asked to call the police. This clearly meant touching the porcelain. All the attention was in front of the front of the car. Song Xi was also standing in front, but there was a feeling in the dark that she didn't hear anything. , But suddenly turned to look.

At this point, a white off-road vehicle was parked in the back seat of the black car. At this time, two men were covering the boy’s mouth, pressing him into the white car, and Song Xi suddenly glared beautifully and took a breath. , Said one second later: "Stop!"

With this shout, she succeeded in attracting the attention of the driver and the woman. At this time, the boy had been stuffed into the car, and the woman had realized it later, and shouted: "Lele!"

The person who was lying in front of the car ‘touched the porcelain’ jumped up and crossed the barrier to escape on the other side of the road. The driver wanted to chase, but after moving, he thought of something more important and the child was taken away.

At this moment, Song Xi had only one thought in her heart, chasing.

She quickly ran to the car parked not far away. After getting in the car, she did not fasten her seat belt, and stepped on the accelerator. This area is not the city center, and the traffic volume is not that big. The white off-road vehicle drove quickly, and the back Toyota Jeep chased him closely. Looking closely, there were at least five black private cars behind the jeep.

Song Xi's cell phone rang, and the bodyguard behind him called her and asked what had happened. Song Xi said, "The white off-road vehicle in front of me was robbed by a boy."

The bodyguards told Song Xi to pull over. They chased Song Xi. Song Xi couldn't stop at all. She was very skilled. Seeing that she was getting closer and closer, the car in front suddenly lowered half of the window, and then stretched out a hand. Song Xi was vigilant and instinctive. Fortunately, she reacted quickly because the outstretched hand loosened and dropped a nail with a puncture tire. Song Xi didn’t slam the brakes to death, so she just carried forward and drove tens of meters. Slowly stopped, a few cars behind him approached and won the bid, only the last bodyguard car passed by and continued to chase.

The bodyguards ran to Song Xi's car as soon as they got out of the car. Song Xi lowered the window and said, "I'm fine, are they still following?"

The bodyguard immediately contacted by phone, saying that he was still in sight, and had been asked to stop him from the front. Song Xi frowned and said, "You must protect your children."

The bodyguard on the phone responded: "I know."

A group of people here have stopped on the street for more than ten seconds before the familiar black car from behind followed. There was a fork in the road ahead. The driver of the black car had no idea what to do and could only stop.

As soon as the car stopped, the driver and the woman all got out of the car quickly. Song Xi got out of the car too. Seeing that familiar face was filled with magnified panic, she couldn't help but comfort her: "There is another car chasing. ."

The woman asked: "Where did the car go?"

Song Xi knew the woman's intentions and replied aloud: "Don't chase you, you can't catch up."

Hearing this, the woman's already pale face suddenly became transparent like a blood draw, and her eyes turned red for a moment, making her whole person untenable.

On a very cold day, the driver sweated his face, gave a false help, and said: "Madam, don't worry, I have already called the police, and you will call the director again."

The woman took out her mobile phone, her hands were trembling when making a call, the phone dialed, the other party should have not answered, she suddenly burst into tears, was anxious, regretful, helpless and distraught. She didn't know what to do, so she squatted down immediately. .

Song Xi didn’t expect this to happen when he met a woman for the second time. Except for her, she was either the driver or the bodyguard. They were all big men and couldn’t get in. Song Xi walked over and leaned over and put her hands on. On the woman's shoulder, she whispered: "Auntie, don't worry, you will be fine."

The woman's fist was against her lips, her teeth were biting one of her fingers, her teeth trembled, she couldn't speak, but she nodded her head firmly. It's okay, it will be okay.

Song Xi answered the phone. George Sheng called. The first sentence was: "Are you okay?"

Song Xi said, "I'm fine."

George Sheng said, "I'll be here right away."

Song Xi said, "You don't use it." With so many bodyguards on her side, it's not her business, it's just an accident.

George Sheng said, "Wait for fifteen minutes."

He insisted on coming, and Song Xi couldn't help it. The woman squatted on the spot, crying without a sound. Song Xi felt uncomfortable in her heart, as if something happened to her family.

She took the bag from the car, took out the tissue and handed it to the woman, and simply squatted down and said, "Auntie, you must calm down. The night city is very safe and they can't get far."

The woman forcibly endured her emotions and nodded her head to agree. Song Xi helped her up. During the period of physical contact, Song Xi felt more heartache. From her point of view, she could see a woman's face clearly. No longer young, but looks very much like Lu Fangqi.

If it is not for the occasion, Song Xi really wants to ask, Auntie, what is your name?

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