Lifting The Truck With One Hand In The Live Broadcast, You Say This Is Fitness?

Chapter 62 Successful Rescue! Scientology Is Famous! (Seeking First Order)

At this time, the fingers of Chen Yongsheng's hand were tightly clasped in the crack of the stone, and the veins in his arm were bulging.

As for the two bare feet, the toes were firmly clasped on the tree trunk, and the nails seemed to be stuck in the bark.


The last free hand finally grabbed the little boy's arm at the last moment, lifted it up, and placed it on the tree trunk.

The crisis of the little boy's death finally dissipated at this moment.

And those people who were watching on the top finally exhaled a foul breath at this moment, and the big stone in their hearts was finally put down.

Then there was a cheer.

At this time Liu Yue was still in tears, because her husband hadn't come up yet, so it was impossible for her to laugh.

In Yi Shuihan's live broadcast room, the netizens were also extremely excited at this time.

"Good guy, big brother is mighty!"

"Damn it, I was really rescued. At the very moment, the elder brother caught the child. I dare not make a movie like this.

"Is this kid the protagonist of the TV series? He fell off the cliff and was caught by tree branches. The moment his clothes were torn, there was this big brother desperately trying to save him."

"Fuck his protagonist, the eldest brother is the protagonist, okay? You can climb down such a fucking straight cliff."

"This big brother is like a gecko. If it wasn't a live broadcast, I would have thought it was a movie."

"Let's not talk about skills, brother's physical ability has far surpassed that of Common people."

"You have a lot of guts, going down this kind of place without a safety rope... is really provoking Hades.

Netizens are posting barrage at the same time.

The little boy pulled back by Chen Yongsheng slowly woke up.

He had fainted from fright before, but now when he woke up and saw where he was, he was so frightened that he cried out.

"Woooooo...Dad, Dad save me!"

Meanwhile, he's still struggling.

Because he was too young in grade, he only knew that he was in a dangerous situation and wanted to struggle to survive.

There was a sudden cry and a sudden struggle from the little boy.

Chen Yongsheng, who was already steady, suddenly staggered, almost shifting his center of gravity.

However, fortunately, he was very strong, and the fingers of his left hand were still tightly clasped in the cracks in the stone, stabilizing his figure firmly.

The little boy's struggle had an impact on him when he erupted suddenly, but after he reacted, it had no impact.

Afterwards, he hugged the little boy's hand, patted the little boy's body slightly, and said in a warm voice:

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, the Uncle is here, and the Uncle will save you up."

His 600 voice is not pleasant, but at this moment it is like the sound of nature.

After the little boy felt that someone was hugging him and the slightly low voice, he stopped struggling and crying immediately.

He reacted at this time, someone was saving him.

And the only thing he can do now is not to trouble the Uncle who rescued him.

Sensing the cuteness of the little boy, Chen Yongsheng breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, he was so afraid of meeting that kind of brat.

Seeing that the situation below had stabilized, the crowd of onlookers above hurriedly pulled the rope made of clothes together, and then slowly lowered it down.

"Brother, grab the rope, we're coming up!"

"Brother is doing well, hurry up and grab the rope, and you'll be safe if you grab it."

A strange-looking rope connected by pieces of clothes was slowly lowered, getting closer and closer to where Chen Yongsheng and the little boy were.

Chen Yongsheng's current position is about ten meters below the cliff.

If you use clothes to connect, you need at least thirty or forty pieces of clothes to connect to such a length.

Because clothes are generally very short, and the only way to connect firmly is to tie a dead knot. Therefore, this life rope composed of clothes is "full of dense knots.

It looks strange, but it is a life-saving straw.

Because, the trees under his feet are not particularly strong trees, because this is on the rock wall, it is difficult for the roots of the trees to penetrate into the rock wall, and they can only penetrate into the crevices of the rock.

In this case, the trees cannot bear too much weight, otherwise they will be uprooted.

The little boy's weight is only twenty or thirty catties, which cannot affect the trees.

And Chen Yongsheng is an adult, with a full weight of 1670 catties, the tree growing on the stone wall is overwhelmed.

Seeing that the root system is getting looser and looser, it will be uprooted by the weight of the two of them.

"Grab it, brother, hurry up and grab it, we will pull you up."

"Hurry up, the wind on the cliff is getting stronger!"

"The tree you're stepping on is about to be unbearable, brother, grab the rope quickly."

There was a shout from above, which was blown away by the wind and became smaller.

After Chen Yongsheng stretched out his hand and tugged at the rope made of knotted clothes, he smiled wryly, this rope couldn't bear his body at all.

And the trees under his feet couldn't bear the weight of him and the little boy.

Even if he wants to climb up with the child, it is impossible, after all, one hand is needed to hold the child (bjeb).

It is obviously impossible to climb alone with only one hand left.

The current situation is a dilemma.

After seeing this situation, the people above were also very anxious, but they couldn't do anything.

Liu Yue couldn't stop crying at this moment.

Chen Yongsheng made a decisive decision, directly pulled the rope made of clothes over, and then tied it to the little boy's body.

"Pull it up, pull the child up first!"

Chen Yongsheng shouted.

The people above have nothing to do, they know that the rope made of this clothes can hardly bear the weight of an adult.

You can only pull the child up.

At this moment, the little boy's eyes were full of tears, and he tightly held the corner of the clothes of the uncle who had saved his life, refusing to let go.

Among the crowd above, seeing this scene, many women shed tears.

Even the man could hardly help crying at this moment.

After seeing this scene in Yi Shuihan's live broadcast room, the netizens were also extremely moved.

"I'm so touched, wow... Big brother must be fine."

"This big brother is really a hero, a hero with strong bones."

"Big Brother will definitely be fine. After all, Big Brother is so powerful. As long as the child is rescued and Big Brother is not dragged down, he will be able to climb up by himself."

"I hope so. I'm going to light a few sticks of incense for the Bodhisattva right now, hoping that the Bodhisattva will bless my elder brother to come up safely."

"Brother will be fine for sure, the King of Hades can't accept him."

The little boy was successfully pulled up bit by bit by the people above.

Dare not have the slightest carelessness.

Because the rope made of clothes is not very strong, and the wind on the cliff is also very strong, so I can only pull it slowly.


But in the next second, there was a crisp cracking sound from under the cliff.

The sound frightened everyone's breath, and they didn't dare to look down.

And the anchor Yi Shuihan boldly looked down.

After finding that the tree was broken, it fell straight down, but what excited him was that Chen Yongsheng did not fall.

At this time, Chen Yongsheng was clasping the rock crevices and those tiny protrusions on the cliff with his hands and fingers, and was struggling to climb up.

"It's fine, it's fine!"

Yi Shuihan murmured.

When the people around heard Yi Shuihan's murmur, they dared to lower their heads to look down the cliff.

They all saw Chen Yongsheng slowly climbing up.

When everyone saw this scene, they were overjoyed.

They thought that Chen Yongsheng had died, but they did not expect to survive, which made them very happy.

But I didn't dare to make loud noises, or even dare to speak.

Because he was afraid of disturbing Chen Yongsheng's movements, he let him fall.

The little boy was also pulled up at this time, and then he also lay on the railing, looking at the Uncle who saved him.

His eyes were full of tears, and he also had expectations, hoping that this Uncle would be fine.

"I just said that this big brother is fine, and this kind of hero Bodhisattva will bless him."

"Go to your bodhisattva, my elder brother is strong. If it is useful to ask the bodhisattva, will so many people die in the world?"

"That's right, all the credit is attributed to the gods and Buddhas? No brains to believe in gods, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas? Shut up."

"This big brother is too strong. He looks like he's in his forties or fifties. I didn't expect to have such strong physical strength. Damn, I want to exercise too!"

As time passed by every minute and every second.

Chen Yongsheng was getting closer and closer to the cliff.

At this time, his brain is very clear, and he has more and more understanding of the gecko's wall-swimming skill.

Get up faster and faster.

"The coach is really a great talent. If it weren't for the gecko swimming skills he taught and the method of stealing the secrets, I wouldn't be able to do all of this."

Chen Yongsheng sighed silently while climbing faster and faster.


A hand rests on the edge of the cliff.

Seeing this, the few people closest to him quickly stretched out their hands and grabbed Chen Yongsheng's arm.

Then work together.

He directly pulled Chen Yongsheng up, stepped over the railing, and finally returned to the road again.

At this moment, the audience cheered.

The netizens in Yi Shuihan's live broadcast room were also elated.

"I'll wipe it, I'll wipe it, this big brother is really amazing, he really fell off the cliff with his bare hands, and then rescued him!"

"I didn't bring a safety rope, and most importantly, it's too awesome."

"If I went, I would have died hundreds of times. This big brother is really awesome."

Saving people? What is saving people? This is the scene of a movie, right? "

"Go to your uncle's place to shoot a movie, you don't wear a safety rope to shoot on this cliff? Use your brains!"

At the scene, the crowd of onlookers lifted Chen Yongsheng up and threw it several times.

This is respect for heroes.

Then, Chen Yongsheng saw Liu Yue with tears in his eyes, and stepped forward to hold Liu Yue in his arms.

"sorry that I had you worried."

Liu Yue hugged Chen Yongsheng tightly and didn't speak, as if she was afraid of losing him in the next second.

But the husband and wife didn't stay warm for long before the police car arrived.

And the firefighters came too.

There are even some local media reporters,

After the firefighters found that the little boy had been rescued, they rushed to rescue the driver who was trapped in the cab with cutting tools.

The police evacuated the crowd, and then began to understand the situation.

The onlookers chattered excitedly.

"It was the big brother who saved the child. I really admire him."

"Yeah, I just saw the little car roll over and the kid was thrown out.

"The kid almost fell off just now."

"God bless, fortunately, I was held back by my elder brother."

It was the big brother... who climbed down to save people. "

The police officers felt a little headache when they heard the words of the onlookers, after all, there was no order.

So hastily said:

"Everyone, has anyone seen all the ins and outs and told them well so that we can understand the situation better?


When the anchor Yi Shuihan heard this, he quickly stood up.

Then said:

"I know I know, I see everything."

"Okay, then please tell me." The police officer nodded.

Yi Shuihan sorted out his thoughts, and then expressed it clearly.

"At first we were driving normally on the road, the car seemed to lose control, and then it was hit by the car behind and rolled over."

"The little boy in the car didn't seem to be wearing a seat belt, so he was thrown out of the car and fell off the cliff. At that time, we were frightened to death. We stopped to check and found that the little boy was very lucky.

Well, it’s hung on a tree on a cliff, about ten meters above it!”

"At that time we all wanted to save people, but no one brought a rope, so we called the police."

"Later, when it was found that the little boy's clothes were about to be torn and about to fall off, the elder brother drove from the road below, and he should have seen it from below.

The little boy was hung on the cliff, so he took off his shoes and walked over barefoot. "

"Then he climbed down from here without hesitation, and at the moment when the little boy's clothes were completely torn, he pulled the little boy back from the hand of death."

While talking, Yi Shuihan pointed down.

But that tree is gone.

The police officer looked in the direction of Yi Shuihan's finger.


what the hell

This kind of cliff is so smooth that there is almost no point of support, how can anyone climb down?

The policeman showed a look of disbelief.

But Yi Shuihan also realized that others might not believe it, so he said quickly:

"I just had a live broadcast of the whole process, and I can hand over the recorded and broadcast images to you."

"I'm not bragging, this big brother is a real hero."

As for the authors of the local media, their eyes lit up when they heard it. When this kind of subject is reported, there will be a big hit.

And it's something very positive.

So the reporter found Chen Yongsheng who was sitting with Liu Yue.

"Sir, may I interview you?"

Chen Yongsheng nodded slightly: "Yes!"

The reporter was overjoyed and immediately asked:

"Sir, may I ask if you climbed down the cliff to save someone without wearing a safety rope just now, are you afraid?"

Chen Yongsheng smiled slightly and said:

"It's still scary to be afraid, but human life is more important. Since I have the ability to save people, I will do my part.

"Moreover, the coach also said that before cultivating the body, one must cultivate the mind. Only when one has one's own way can one become a strong person.

The reporter looked at Chen Yongsheng with admiration after hearing the words.

Then the reporter went on to ask:

Then you just climbed down the cliff with your bare hands, did the coach you mentioned teach you?"

When the reporter asked about the coach, Chen Yongsheng just showed a trace of respect.

"Yes, the coach taught me, I am a trainee of the coach, and a disciple of Scientology.

"Just now I used the Gecko Swimming Kung Fu taught by the coach. I haven't learned the essence yet, so climbing the cliff is a bit slow. If the coach came, it would probably take less than a minute

The child can be rescued. "

"The coach can even crawl on smooth tile walls at 90 degrees... He can also jump more than ten meters, and the height of three to five meters in one jump..."

Chen Yongsheng worships Ye Bei very much in his heart, and almost regards Ye Bei as a land god.

Therefore, in this interview that was originally aimed at him, he mostly talked about Ye Bei in admiration.

And because the media's interview screen is in the form of live broadcast, many netizens are also very curious, who is this mysterious coach, and what sect is Scientology!.

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