Lifting The Truck With One Hand In The Live Broadcast, You Say This Is Fitness?

Chapter 78: Popularity On The Internet, This Is Becoming A Fairy, Right? (Seek Full Order)


The heavy and huge truck fell on the ground and roared.

All the people present were awakened immediately.

The truck driver was overjoyed and sad, and couldn't help crying.

And the two old men sitting on the ground finally came back to their senses at this time, and stood up tremblingly.

Looking at each other, they all saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"Yezi...has she become a fairy?"

"It should be a fairy, isn't it that a fairy can lift such a big car? Our village has a real dragon."

The eyes of the two of them looking at Ye Bei became increasingly hot.

They were all thinking about it, and when they turned around, they would introduce their granddaughter or great-granddaughter to Ye Bei.

And the people in the pickup truck at the back also came to their senses at this time, opened the door and walked out quickly.

After coming to Ye Bei's side.

The owner of the fitness equipment store said tremblingly:

"Much, thank you Mr. Ye, otherwise Lao Chen would be finished."

The same is true for others, looking at Ye Bei is like seeing a fairy.

Finally, the same plane finally got out of the car with the support of two workers.

Then when he walked to Ye Bei's side.


The driver knelt down directly to Ye Bei.

"Thank you Mr. Ye for saving your life. I, Old Chen, will never forget in my whole life...I..."

At this time, Chen Shan felt extremely grateful to Ye Bei.

And Ye Bei saw Chen Shan, who was ten years older than him, kneeling in front of him, took two steps forward and pulled him up.

"Stop kneeling, it's not an ancient society anymore, don't talk about it."

"You have been greatly frightened, and you are prone to serious illnesses between great joy and great sorrow, so you should go and rest.

And heard Ye Bei's words.

The owner of the fitness equipment also came over and said:

"Old Chen, listen to Mr. Ye, go and rest two, help Lao Chen to rest, and go to the hospital after you go back, don't get sick."

Then he said to the other workers:

"Don't be dazed, help Mr. Ye move things in first, and then send Lao Chen to the hospital.

After speaking.

Everyone started to work.

Even the boss helped carry things.

As for Ye Bei, he also moved those heavy things towards his home.

After half an hour.

Finally moved.

At this time, the owner of the fitness equipment was by his side.

Then handed a card to Ye Bei's side and said:

"Mr. Ye, this is a thank you gift for you. If it weren't for your help this time, we must have suffered a lot."

"There is not much money, please be sure to take care of it."

His attitude was very sincere, and Ye Bei didn't read a trace of falsehood from his eyes.

It shows that he really wants to thank Ye Bei.

So, Ye Bei nodded slightly and put the card away.

This is what he deserves, and he is not hypocritical.

Afterwards, the smile on the face of the owner of the fitness equipment became brighter.

"Mr. Ye, this time was an accident. If you need fitness equipment next time, remember to ask me. I will definitely give you the best discount!"

On the other side, in Douyin's headquarters.

After Chu Weiwei was free from work, she opened the Douyin app.

Then entered Ye Bei's live broadcast room.

She does this every day, and whenever she has some free time, she will go to Ye Bei's live broadcast room to watch.

If you don't look at it, you will feel uncomfortable.

"Mr. Ye is so handsome today!"

Chu Weiwei looked at Ye Bei in the live broadcast room, with a hint of rosiness on her face.


After watching the live broadcast for a while, Chu Weiwei found that something was wrong with the barrage in today's live broadcast room.

They have been discussing about lifting a truck with one hand.

Moreover, the discussions were very frequent and intense.

After watching the barrage for a long time, Chu Weiwei finally understood what was going on.

"It was Mr. Ye who raised the truck with one hand today in order to save people?"

This news is really appalling.

If this is true, isn't Mr. Ye a fairy in Legendary?

Chu Weiwei immediately went to seek proof.

He directly turned on the replay function of Ye Bei's live broadcast room, and began to watch the content of Ye Bei's live broadcast today.

After entering the replay.

Then she saw Ye Bei teaching fans new skills, listening.

Then, it's Ye Bei's presentation time.

First, close your eyes to block all attacks.

Then you can control a person's actions by grabbing a person's finger, and even after letting go of the finger, tap the person's body repeatedly with your fingertips to control his movement, and even control him to punch a set of punches.

Chu Weiwei, a layman, didn't see any clues.

But when she saw the third demo, she was stunned.

Because, for a shot put weighing 200 kilograms, Ye Bei can not only make it spin in between like begging.

It is even possible to lighten a 200-kilogram lead-mercury ball and let it rotate at other people's fingertips. This is simply anti-science, ignoring the laws of physics at all.

…ask for flowers…………

It's like fairy art in Legendary, or anti-gravity in science fiction.

"Mr. Ye is simply too powerful, I don't know if he will step on Seven Colored Xiangyun..."

Chu Weiwei fantasized for a while, and turned into a god to marry her.

Then I felt embarrassed to think about it any further, after all she dared not tell Ye Bei that she liked him.

Afterwards, Chu Weiwei continued to watch the replay.

When I saw the truck rushing towards me and honked my horn frantically.

She cried out in terror.


Then the truck turned the steering wheel, and when it was about to fall off the cliff, Ye Bei dragged it back.

The ground was badly damaged.

Finally Ye Bei lifted the truck with one hand and saved it from the cliff.


After seeing this scene, Chu Weiwei's head crashed immediately. When she saw netizens talking about this incident, although she was shocked, she didn't have any specific concept in her heart.

But now after seeing the replay with her own eyes, she was so shocked that she couldn't be more shocked!

Then, she recorded this passage and sent it to the group of girlfriends, so that the girlfriends can also admire Mr. Ye's handsomeness.

On the other side, Zhou Qi was also extremely excited at this time.

He had gotten a lot of attention from Ye Bei before.

In the past, he was still a small blogger with not many fans, since he started editing Ye Bei's live broadcast videos.

The videos he edited are often on the hot search.

His fans are also increasing rapidly, reaching more than one million at this time.

Today, after seeing Professor Ye Bei's Tingjinshi demonstration, he felt that as long as he edited these videos, he would be on the hot search again.

While watching the live broadcast while cutting the video, I saw the picture of Ye Pi holding the truck with one hand.

He knew that the video he edited would definitely be the number one in the hot search.

"The coach is really, like a fairy!"

With adoring eyes, Zhou Qi edited a few times and finally finished the video.

Then posted it.

【A two-hundred-pound shot put is used as a basketball. Is this the opposite?】

[In order to save the driver of the out-of-control truck that was about to fall, the guy lifted the truck with one hand. 】

It didn't take long for these two videos to go out.

It rushed directly to the hot search.


He also posted on other video platforms.

They all rushed to the hot search workers. .

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