Lightning On My Boat

Chapter 58: The Truth!

"are you awake?"

"Not yet, probably soon!"

"Oh, this brat is too weak!"

"That's right, but after putting a Conqueror's Haki on, I passed out!"

He looked at Ace who was still awake in front of him.

At this time, Lagersas and the others immediately communicated with each other.

Although I recognize the potential of Ace, but the current Ace is too weak.

Just when everyone was discussing without hesitation.

At this time, Ace woke up reluctantly with a corner of his mouth twitching.

Looking at Lagersas and the others in front of him, Ace really wanted to call out a group of pretenders.

Other than you, Conqueror's Haki is Chinese cabbage?

But what makes Ace hard to understand is that most of these people in front of him are Conqueror's Haki owners.

This is simply unscientific.

Not only is it unscientific, Ace at this time is still unacceptable.

You know, a man who owns Conqueror's Haki can't be subdued.

It is now that anyone here can get a huge bounty if they go to sea.

But it is such a group of people who are newly interested in following under the command of Thor Enel.

Just when Ace kept thinking in his mind.

Lagerthus also found the awakened Ace

"Yo~ woke up?"

"I thought you were going to continue to sleep!"

Follow Lagersas to speak slowly.

At this moment, Ace stood up with an expression of disbelief.

Although he did lose, Ace was not convinced.

Just when Ace was dissatisfied, he found that his companions around him had disappeared.

"Where's my companion?"

"You won't kill all my companions!!"

"If so, I won't let you go!!"

Seeing that his companions have disappeared.

Ace's face suddenly changed and he looked at Lagersas and the others angrily.

At this time, everyone spread their hands.

"Why do we kill them?"

"We told them that you are going to join our Thor Pirates~"

"So you, the captain, resigned, and they continued their adventure~"

Let's go with Lagersas.

Ace couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as nothing happens to them.

But soon Ace reacted.

"Who wants to join your Thor Pirates!!"

"Let's fight again!!!"

Seeing that his crew was fooled away by these guys.

Now I am really alone on the island.

Thinking of this for a while, Ace became more and more angry.

But in the face of Ace's provocation, Lagersus grinned and the golden thunder in the corner of his eyes surged instantly.

"That's right, kid~~ You're quite confident just after waking up!"

"It seems that you haven't learned any lesson~"

Follow Lagersas to speak slowly.

Shanyi and the others on the side stared at Ace with the same smirk.

Among them, Shanyi's body also slowly surged with traces of thunder.

It was a scene Ace had never seen before.

Thor Enel ate Thunder Fruit.

But what is the situation of Lagersas and Shanyi in front of him.

And Thunder Devil Fruit?

For a while, Ace was a little confused, but he didn't have the same ability, but there should be many similarities.

But in the similarity can't all come out thunderous.

Just when Ace was still unable to figure it out, a thunderbolt fell from the sky in an instant.

Seeing the person coming, Ace's eyes lit up instantly.

The person who came was Enel who had been in a gentle place.

Enel has been paying attention since Ace came to the island.

For Ace, Enel is more of a pity.

After all, with such an outstanding talent and Mera-mera Fruit, he just died in the Summit War.

But now that he is in his own territory, there is no reason not to accept such an outstanding talent.

"Podocus D Ace?"

"Or should I call you Gore D Ace?"

Follow Enel to speak slowly.

At this time, Ace's heart was like a huge wave rolling.

No one knows his identity except the old man Garp.

"No!! My name is not Gore D Ace!"

"I am who I am! Podokas D Ace!!"

Although I don't know how Enel knew his identity.

But I will not admit that identity, I am myself!

For Ace's urgent denial of his identity, Enel smiled.

"Ace, don't deny your identity!"

"Also, don't learn about your father from other people's mouths, always trust your own eyes!"

"Only what you see with your own eyes is right, although sometimes your eyes can deceive you~"

Follow Enel to speak slowly.

At this time, Ace couldn't help being taken aback.

This is the first time Ace heard someone say this to himself after he went to sea.

But what Enel said next made Ace stunned.

"Although One Piece King Luo Jie really doesn't deserve to be a father!"

"But he stayed with your mother until the end of his life, and the era of great pirates that he started alone caused a lot of tragedies!"

"Because of his words, the number of pirates in the sea has grown exponentially!"

"But these pirates didn't go to sea for adventure at all. Their going to sea caused more and more people to lose their homes!"

"However, your father, One Piece Luo Jie is also for someone to find the history that has disappeared for a hundred years after him!"

"Find the secret treasure of the past and overthrow this unequal world!"

Follow Enel to speak slowly.

These are all in Enel's own mind.

But it is undeniable that Luo Jie is not worthy of being a father, nor is he qualified to be a father.

Listen to Enel.

At this time, Ace kept repeating Enel's voice in his mind.

After all, this kind of thing is unacceptable to the immature Ace who has just gone to sea. The man he hated since he was a child thinks so.

Looking at Ace who fell silent.

Enel led the crowd away without saying a word.

After all, this kind of thing can only be done if Ace figured it out.

If he can't accept the truth when he knows it, then he's not the Firefist Ace Enel remembers.

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