Lightning Style Chidori Deduction at the Start was Exposed by My Sister’s Live Broadcast

Chapter 54 Impact on the extraordinary first-order (fifth more)

"Can't hold it down..."

Taking a sip of wine, Liu Zimo also stared at TV in a daze.

It seems that the news can't be suppressed.

Even the country deliberately began to release news to make it more acceptable to the masses.

However, it's okay.

This is conducive to maintaining stability in the future.

And now... Slowly raising his eyes, Liu Zimo also walked towards the open space not far away.

This is a single-family villa he rented.

It has 800 square meters.

The monthly rent is as high as 60,000 yuan.

If you make money, you have to enjoy it.

Otherwise, the millions of his bank cards will be moldy.

And, more importantly, he deliberately attacked the extraordinary first-order and needed a quiet place.

So, he took sister Qin and came to live in this villa.

As for the landlord of this villa...


Suddenly with a dry cough, Liu Zimo also saw a young girl standing quietly on the second floor balcony of another villa opposite the villa.

She has long silver-white hair.

The chill was filled with ice crystals and snowflakes falling.

This is the ice girl Shang Xueyu.

And she is the owner of this villa.

Properly rich second generation.

The background is extremely deep.

Knowing that Liu Zimo needed a quiet place to hit the transcendent level, she arranged this villa for the first time.

By the way, he also moved to the opposite side.

As for the rent, she only charged a little symbolically.

At this time, it seemed that Liu Zimo's gaze was sensed, and the girl who was far away also showed a smile.

Slowly raising his hands, an ice sword actually shot towards Liu Zimo.


Amidst the sudden roar, the Ice Sword had not yet approached Liu Zimo, it was already shattered.

Looking closely, a purple arc actually bounced off Liu Zimo's body at some point, smashing the ice sword to pieces.

"Your way of greeting is somewhat unique."

With a helpless smile, Liu Zimo waved his hand, melting the ice sword fragments all over the sky.

"There is news from the Spiritual Power Bureau, let us pay more attention recently, there are more and more mutant beasts..."

"Also, our country’s national treasure, giant pandas, seems to have that they are invulnerable and extremely tricky."

"However, these giant pandas are extremely affectionate to humans because of their long-term artificial breeding..."

"I heard that over there, we are going to start breeding these giant pandas..."


Listening quietly, Liu Zimo raised his brow.

Breeding giant pandas?

Is the country planning to train animal trainers?

This is quite interesting.

However, this is indeed a method.

There are mutant beasts that are hostile to humans, and naturally there are mutant beasts that are close to humans.

And cultivating these mutant beasts that are close to humans is definitely a good choice.

For example, various pets.

Especially dogs, cats and the like.

Thousands of years of domestication have made them inseparable from humans.

Even if they mutate and evolve, they also have the possibility of fighting for humans.

It's just that it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that Liu Zimo is about to set foot on the extraordinary.

"Body and spirit, two into one... merge into one..."

While whispering softly, Liu Zimo also thought of the Spiritual Power Bureau's record of Transcendent Level One.

The breakthrough of the extraordinary first-order is not difficult.

After all, this is just an extraordinary beginning.

And now, the reason why the Transcendent Level One is so rare.

The biggest reason is that the Reiki recovery time is too short.

Many humans and even animals have not yet adapted to Reiki.

And now Liu Zimo has adapted to the aura... and when he was practicing the Lightning Style armor, he had an inexplicable feeling for Thunder.

Therefore, Liu Zimo feels that he is coming soon.

Just these few days.

Thinking of this, Liu Zimo also arranged for sister Qin to prepare enough spirit beast meat.

There are also some Linghua Lingcao.


On the third day, Liu Zimo sat on the bed quietly in the basement of the villa.

He closed his eyes tightly.

Strands of thunder continued to surface on his body.

"Stab, stab..."

There was a crisp sound after another, and purple arcs appeared in the air from time to time.

That is spiritual resonance.

Feeling the majestic spiritual power in Liu Zimo's body, the thunder elements in the air are shaking at extreme speed.

One after another rushed towards Liu Zimo.


Amid the sudden roar, Liu Zimo's consciousness was shocked.

In a daze, he came to a sea of ​​thunder...

Consciousness blends with thunder.

At this time, if you look at the figure of Liu Zimo, you can definitely find that his entire body is shrouded in a dazzling beam of thunder.

This thunder light is so bright.

So dazzling.

As a result, countless arcs are intertwined all around.

However, before preparing for the breakthrough, Liu Zimo arranged for Sister Qin and others to wait outside, so that no one could see the scenery.

Thunder, still shining.

However, at this time,

Slowly opened his eyes, a ray of blood flashed through the depths of Liu Zimo's eyes.

Immediately after,


There was a sudden roar, and ripples appeared in the air.

Visible to the naked eye, a whirlpool had already appeared in front of his eyes.

This is a different space created by supernatural power.

And now, it opened actively.


The terrifying suction exploded, and countless gray auras actually rushed toward the depths of the whirlpool.

Liu Zimo is not only carrying the Thunder, but also the talent of space elements.

But, always upholding the principle of low-key, Liu Zimo rarely demonstrates the power of its space.

And now, Liu Zimo is about to break through...

The space element and the thunder element are particularly active, constantly pouring into his body.

However, Liu Zimo hasn't noticed this yet.

If he is aware of the space element and the thunder element, he will be particularly active when he breaks through.

He will definitely take the initiative to open other talents.

At that time, ice, fire, earth...

Qi Xiu of the Nine Elements... its terrifying elements will definitely be able to drown him.

But it's okay.

There are many opportunities in the future.

For him, the nine-families are repaired together, it is only a matter of time.

After all, with a god-level deduction, he is destined to be a member of the whole family.

Also destined to become the most terrifying transcendent. *

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