Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1030 That friend of mine is afraid of cats

The wooden house that was still standing in the bamboo forest disappeared without a trace before our eyes.

She turned her head again and walked forward.


Late at night, Lu Ziyao had just come out of the bathroom. The mobile phone beside the bed rang. The caller ID was Ning Qichen. After the call was answered, Ning Qichen said on the other end, "Ziyao, you have a rest tomorrow, right? I'm with Qian Ai Go see you."


Lu Ziyao was stunned for a moment, and the first thing he thought of was Bai Youran.

Ning Qichen didn't get a reply for a long time, so he asked again, "What's wrong? Are you free?"

"No..." Lu Ziyao came to his senses and replied, "If you have time, why don't you come with Qian Ai tomorrow? Where are the cookies and candies? Can you bring them over to play with them too?"

"The two of them are going to a tutoring class tomorrow. I will bring them over to play next time."

Lu Ziyao said half-jokingly, "They are still children, don't put too much pressure on them."

Hearing this, Ning Qichen sighed, "If you're not married and have children, you don't know how hard it is to raise a child. Girls are fine, especially boys. The older they grow, the more rebellious they become!"

Lu Ziyao laughed at him, "Fortunately, I haven't entered the grave of marriage yet!"

After hanging up the phone, Lu Ziyao knocked on Bai Youran's door, and then pushed the door open again. He saw Bai Youran lying on the bed with his arms and legs spread out, holding a comic book in his hand, looking at it with relish and giggling. Laughing loudly.

He walked over and stroked her head. After hesitating for a long time, he said, "I have friends coming over tomorrow. You can stay out for a day and I will pick you up in the evening, okay?"

Bai Youran poked his head out of the comic book and blinked his big curious eyes, "Why? Why do I have to go out and stay when the master's friends are coming?"

"Well..." Lu Ziyao thought for a moment and then said, "Because my friend... is afraid of cats!"

Afraid of cats? !

Bai Youran muttered with some dissatisfaction, "I'm not a real cat..."

Then, he asked worriedly, "Is your friend a boy or girl?"

Seeing her guarded face, Lu Ziyao couldn't help laughing and said, "Male, a married man!"

After hearing this, Bai Youran breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay..."

She never refuses anything her master asks her to do!

Lu Ziyao patted her head in praise, "Be good, I'll take you to a fun place tomorrow. The day will be over soon."

The next day, Bai Youran was woken up early, endured the sleepiness, brushed her teeth and washed her face, changed into a flowing skirt, picked up her small leather bag, and was driven to the bustling market by Lu Ziyao.

After getting off the car, Lu Ziyao took her hand and took her to the dessert shop, saying, "This is a dessert shop. If you are hungry, you can go and eat desserts, but don't eat too much. It is not good for your teeth. If you are still hungry, you can go to a nearby one." If I want to eat something else in the mall, I can use my card to buy any dresses, bags or shoes I like. Also, there is a game arcade and a movie theater in the mall. If I’m bored, I can go play games and watch movies. …The most important thing is, don’t run around with strangers, call me immediately if something happens, do you understand?”

Bai Youran was already sleepy, but now he was confused by this long paragraph, and he could only nod his head in a daze.

After sending Bai Youran to the dessert shop, Lu Ziyao ordered a plate of desserts and a cup of hot drink, brought them to her, and said softly, "Wait for me, I will pick you up before dark."

When Bai Youran saw the dessert, her eyes shone brightly, and she nodded her head while stuffing something into her mouth.

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