Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1039 Why didn’t you tell me earlier? !

Sheng Zhixun saw at a glance that the figure with petite short hair was Gu Nanpei, and the other figure was a strange middle-aged man.

The two of them were standing outside the shopping mall, tugging at each other. The middle-aged man kept grabbing Gu Nanpei's sleeves, with a wicked smile on his lips, chattering non-stop. Gu Nanpei, on the other hand, was trying to break free from the man's control, and his facial features had already changed due to the influence of the man. He was panicked and twisted, opening his mouth wide from time to time, as if he was shouting something.

No matter who saw this scene, they would think it was a dead dispute.

And the tomboy with short hair looks like he is on the weak side.

Sheng Zhixun immediately thought of the recent disappearance case in City B, and was about to target women. The scene in front of him made it clear that it was the strange man. Seeing that there was no one around, he wanted to take the opportunity to attack Gu Nanpei!

Seeing the strange man's rude behavior and Gu Nanpei's inability to resist, Sheng Zhixun's anger suddenly rushed to his forehead. Without thinking, he opened the door and got out of the car. He took a car repair wrench from the trunk and headed towards the mall. The two figures who were arguing outside rushed behind the strange man, raised the wrench in their hands and hit him hard on the back of his head.

Gu Nanpei was still chatting with the strange man when he heard the strange man keep saying, "Take this, take these."

She also kept saying "No, no, no, really no..."

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a figure suddenly flashed in front of his eyes. Before he could react, he heard a muffled bang, and then the strange man fell to the ground in a low voice.

Everything happened so suddenly. Gu Nanpei looked at Sheng Zhixun behind the strange man and was dumbfounded for a long time before he remembered to scream.

"Sheng Zhixun! What are you doing!"


"The thing is like this, I picked up Mr. Wang's wallet outside the mall. There were several bank cards and a lot of cash in it. I thought that if I lost my wallet, I would be very anxious, so I stood there and waited for the owner. After Mr. Wang said thank you, he took out a wad of money from his wallet and insisted on paying it back. I refused to accept it, so he pulled me and kept stuffing it into my pocket. Then he met Wang and me. The husband was pulling and pulling, thinking that Mr. Wang was going to do something bad to me, so he used a wrench to hit him..."

In the police station, in a separate interrogation room, Gu Nanpei explained to the policeman opposite, while Sheng Zhixun sat back on the chair, as arrogant as a living ancestor, and said not a word from beginning to end.

When the police met Sheng Zhixun, they were very respectful and said, "Since it was a misunderstanding, the police station will naturally not hold Fifth Young Master Sheng accountable, but the victim may need you to communicate in person."

"Then we can leave?" Sheng Zhixun asked coldly.

"Of course, of course." The policeman nodded and bowed, "Let's go slowly without seeing him off."

Sheng Zhixun stood up, picked up Gu Nanpei, and took her outside.

After leaving the police station, before Gu Nanpei could blame Sheng Zhixun for being reckless, Sheng Zhixun yelled at her, "Since it was a misunderstanding, why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

It made him so embarrassed!

Gu Nanpei suddenly became angry, "How did I know that you would suddenly appear with a wrench and smash someone's head? I don't have any ability to predict the future."

"Where's the phone?!" Sheng Zhixun continued angrily, "Why can't the phone get through! Why is it turned off?!"

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