Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 117 Fourth Young Master Sheng, do you dare to open this door? (4)

Sheng Shimo's heart sank gradually until he stopped outside the last room.

The door cannot be opened, it is locked.

Without turning his head, he directly ordered in a cold voice, "Open the door!"

"There's nothing in there!" Li Zhien concealed impatiently, "I put some of my personal belongings, so it's inconvenient to open."

So far, still fooling him with such a lame lie?

Sheng Shimo was slightly annoyed, "There are many ways to open the door, but you insist on forcing me to use the rudest way."

The rudest way - kick the door!

Before the man could make a move, Li Zhien shouted behind him, "Sheng Si Shao! If you dare to open this door today, then I will disqualify Guan Erya from being the first female lead in the new drama, and even the second female lead." I won't even leave her the number position, weigh the pros and cons, you'd better think clearly!"

Sheng Shimo's figure shook slightly.

Li Zhien slowly brought up a smug smile. She knew that Sheng Shimo was a businessman, and everything was profit-oriented.

So she was sure that he would not ruin such a good resource as Guan Erya for a mage, and ruin Sheng's chance to make money!


Just when she was confident, a loud noise suddenly sounded in her ears.

Before Li Zhien could take back his smile, his face froze stiffly.

She stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of her.

Sheng Shimo slowly retracted his legs, his movements were clean and neat.

This kick didn't seem to use much strength from him, but the door was crooked.

Li Zhien couldn't believe his eyes.

Sheng Shimo actually kicked the door open!

In other words, he gave up Guan Erya and the Sheng family for the sake of a mage.

This... How could this be something that the dignified Fourth Young Master Sheng could do!

However, another scene in the room was even more thrilling.

A long rope made of several bed sheets was tied to the leg of the bed at one end and held in Wen Churan's hand at the other end.

And Wen Churan was riding on the window, with two long legs rippling, as if he was about to climb over the wall and escape.

But at this moment, because of the door being kicked open suddenly, he was frightened like a dog.

She stared blankly at the slender man outside the door.

Standing in the dust, the man broke into her sight like a savior who descended from the sky.

Sheng Shimo... came to save her?

Realizing this, Wen Churan burst into tears of gratitude.

But seeing the man turned his head to look at Li Zhien, he helplessly raised his forehead, "Can it be regarded as that I have never opened this door before?"

Lee Ji Eun "..."

"Sheng Shimo, I'm here!" Wen Churan waved to him.

I wanted to jump out of the window handsomely, but the sole of my foot slipped and I fell like a dog eating shit.

Outside the villa, Wen Churan stood obediently behind the man, stretched out a little finger, and hooked his sleeve.

Sheng Shimo had already explained the ins and outs of everything.

Li Zhien's mind gradually recovered, "I'm really sorry, I'm also thinking about thinking, so I did such absurd things."

Sheng Shimo was about to speak, but the woman behind him said first, "Ms. Li, you don't need to apologize, it's our fault first."

Li Zhien was moved by Wen Churan's tolerant attitude.

After thinking for a moment, she still couldn't help asking out the doubts in her heart.

"Miss Wen, I have drugged the tea you drank, and you will wake up at least tomorrow. Why are you safe and sound?"

Wen Churan smiled slyly, "Actually, I didn't drink that cup of tea at all. I knew you would not stop there, and I guessed that there was something wrong with the tea, so I kept holding the tea in my mouth, pretending to faint, and waited for you to leave. , I spit out the tea immediately, and that’s why I’m safe and sound.”

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For the sake of my daughter-in-law, I don't want any Guan Erya or Sheng family!

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good night

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