Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 123 The national goddess reduced to a spare tire? (4)

Seeing the man chewing and swallowing the bread, Wen Churan couldn't bear it any longer, "Sheng Shimo, are you sick! Don't you have milk or bread yourself? You have to grab mine!"

Sheng Shimo raised his eyes to stare at her, ignored her anger, and calmly said, "Now you should pack your luggage instead of sitting here and having breakfast."

Wen Churan opened his mouth, speechless.

After being stunned for a while, she asked incredulously, "You... you are not mocking me, are you?"

The man lowered his eyes and did not speak, which was equivalent to acquiescing.

Depend on! What a mockery of her!

She said last night that she was going to move out, and now she is not even allowed to eat breakfast?

Let's go!

Wen Churan laughed back in anger, stood up abruptly, gritted his teeth and said, "I'm going to pack my luggage now, Fourth Young Master Sheng, please eat slowly, it's best not to choke! Goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, he rushed directly to the second floor.

There were not many things at first, so I cleaned up after three times and five divisions.

When he dragged his suitcase downstairs, Sheng Shimo had already left, leaving only the leftovers on the dining table.

Seeing Wen Churan dragging the suitcase, the driver thought she had a quarrel with Sheng Shimo and ran away from home.

So I talked and persuaded all the way.

Sheng's is worthy of being the number one entertainment group, even the trainees' apartments are very luxurious.

Furniture and electrical appliances are all available, all of which are high-end imported products.

The apartment was for two people to live in one room, but for some unknown reason, Wen Churan was left to live in one room alone.

After check-in in the morning, classes start in the afternoon.

The first day of the course was relatively easy.

Night fell.

Wen Churan returned to the apartment and received a call from the old house.

After connecting, the old man immediately ushered in the ridicule, "Xiao Churan, I heard that you had a quarrel with the fourth child and ran away from home?"

sky! Why did the rumors of her running away from home spread to grandpa?

"No!" Wen Churan hurriedly explained, "I just moved to live in the trainee's apartment, and I didn't run away from home."

The old man hated the iron and scolded, "You stupid girl, the so-called closeness to the water is the first to get the moon, and living with the fourth child, it will be much easier to cultivate a relationship? You still have to move out!"

Wen Churan laughed a few times, not knowing how to answer.

yes! In order to cultivate feelings in the previous life, life was invested in it!

When Sheng Shimo returned to the villa, the silence in the villa was almost eerie.

When passing Wen Churan's room, he stopped unconsciously, raised his hand and knocked casually a few times.

After getting no response, he pushed open the door.

There was no woman in the empty bedroom.

He forgot that she had already moved away.

I glanced at the time, today is the 9th.

The first day that woman wasn't with him...

After taking a shower, Sheng Shimo lay on the bed and slowly closed his eyes.

One second two seconds three seconds...

The man's eyes opened suddenly, and a long breath came out from his thin lips.

On weekdays, you need to be in an extremely quiet environment to fall asleep.

At this moment, it was extremely quiet.

It seems that his heart is not calm enough.

The next day, Sheng Shimo was reading documents when the office door was knocked twice.

Immediately afterwards, the door was gently pushed open, and a small head poked in from the outside.

"Fourth brother." The boy's smile was brighter than the sun. "Fourth brother, are you free now?"

"Yeah." Sheng Shi Mo didn't lift his head.

Sheng Zhixun immediately jumped in and walked in front of his fourth brother, "Fourth brother, fourth sister-in-law just sent me a text message, saying that she has something to ask for you and wants to see you."

Sheng Shimo flicked through the documents for a moment.

The woman who asked him out but didn't text him.

Instead, send it to Sheng Zhixun?

Masochistic perversion, hee hee hee~

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