Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1238 A lonely and independent beauty

She looked at her calf and saw a large stain of blood spreading.

It turned out that the men really shot at her, but they didn't mean to kill her, so they shot her in the calf.

Wen Churan's face turned pale in pain, even his lips lost all color in an instant, and dense cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.

She might be able to grit her teeth and endure the pain of being shot, but with her calf injured, she could no longer stand up and run away.

Seeing those men approaching with guns, the pain in her calves spread throughout her limbs, gradually paralyzing her nerves.

Wen Churan only felt that his thoughts were getting blurry and he couldn't exert any strength. Even the approaching figures of the men became blurry in his sight.

Then, as soon as her heavy eyelids closed, she lost consciousness.


"Wen Churan! Wen Churan! Wake up!"

Faintly, an anxious call sounded in my ears.

This call was so familiar, like... Sheng Shimo was calling her.

Could it be that she had died and met Sheng Shimo in heaven?

Wen Churan opened her eyes, and a white light dazzled her eyes. She closed them again, and after a while of adapting, she opened them again, and saw a handsome face.

Is it Sheng Shimo?

Wen Churan's blurred vision gradually became clearer, and he realized that the handsome face in his vision was unfamiliar, and it was not Sheng Shimo.

In her heart, she couldn't tell whether she felt lost or not.

The face in front of him is that of a man, but his facial features are more beautiful and delicate than that of a woman. Just looking at this face that looks like a fine carving, you can tell that he should be a noble young master who comes from a wealthy family and grew up in a pampered manner.

However, his face was slightly thin, and as pale as paper. Even his thin lips had no color at all. He looked like a patient who had been suffering from a long illness. This weak and feeble posture added to his invisible... A feminine and morbid beauty.

A pair of eyes that were always staring at her, seemed to be hiding the biting wind and snow, like a beauty left behind in the world and independent, blooming with a moment of cold light.

Wen Churan opened his mouth and found that his throat was a little dry, so he could only make a weak sound, "Who are you?"

The man was stunned for a moment before lightly opening his thin lips.



The secretary-general’s son?

Wen Churan was a little surprised. He looked around and found that he was still in a forest.

Why is the secretary-general's son here?

Bai Yisi seemed to see through her doubts and took the initiative to answer, "I have already dealt with those people just now. I will take you out of here first. What is going on, I will explain to you later."

As he said that, he suddenly picked her up horizontally.

On the other side of the woods was a secluded asphalt road, with a luxury car parked on the roadside.

Bai Yisi put Wen Churan into the car and leaned against the car door, panting slightly, looking very tired.

Wen Churan leaned against the car and realized that the man's face and figure all revealed a hint of weakness.

Even just holding her for such a short distance felt like he had used all the strength in his body.

He must be in poor health.

Wen Churan guessed secretly.

I remember that before this, when I talked to him through the door several times, I could clearly feel the weakness of his voice.

When I saw his back the last two times, I also felt that he was thin and unsteady when standing for a long time, so he had to be supported by something.

He probably woke up again after becoming a vegetative state, so his body has been very weak.

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