Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1285 I have lived for my master all my life!

When Wen Churan rushed back to the ward, she heard a miserable roar from inside.

She immediately opened the door and saw Bai Youran lying on the bed struggling violently, while Sheng Zhixun and Gu Nanpei were holding her down together.

She didn't know where she got the strength from suddenly, but she pushed Sheng Zhixun and Gu Nanpei to the ground, then jumped off the bed and rushed to the door.

Wen Churan rushed forward and grabbed Bai Youran.

Bai Youran struggled to break free, knowing that she couldn't escape from the door, so she started smashing everything in the ward.

"Let me out! Let me out!"

Suddenly, she noticed a window behind her, so she turned around and ran towards the window.

Wen Churan saw this and hurriedly shouted "Zhixun! Stop her!"

As soon as she finished shouting, Sheng Zhixun hadn't had time to get up from the ground, and Bai Youran suddenly screamed.

Wen Churan turned around and saw that the ground near the window was covered with vase fragments, and Bai Youran was standing on those fragments. Blood flowed from the soles of her feet, and soon dyed the smooth ground.

Wen Churan panicked and immediately shouted, "Don't move! Don't move!"

She was afraid that if she moved again, the soles of her feet would be hurt more deeply.

As she said that, she wanted to move forward.

But when she saw Wen Churan approaching, Bai Youran reached out to hold the window coffin and roared, "Don't come over! Don't come over!"

Wen Churan immediately stopped and tried to comfort Bai Youran's emotions, "Okay... okay... I won't go over, don't move, don't move!"

Bai Youran cried and threatened, "Let me go, or I will jump from here!"

"Are you crazy?!" Sheng Zhixun roared, "Miss Youning, do you know which floor this is?! This is the 15th floor, you will fall to death if you jump down!"

"I don't care! If you don't let me go, I will jump down!" Wen Churan asked in disbelief, "Do you really want to be with Lu Ziyao? Would you rather die than be with him?!" "Yes!" Bai Youran said resolutely, "If I can't be with the master, I would rather die. I live for the master in this life!" Sheng Zhixun was furious, "Miss Youning, what kind of magic potion did Lu Ziyao feed you to make you say such a thing!" Yes, even Wen Churan didn't expect that Bai Youran would say such a thing. But on second thought, it was sad that there was some truth in it. Bai Youran's second life was given by Lu Ziyao. Wen Churan suddenly felt powerless. What could she do? Could she watch Bai Youning die? No! She couldn't! After a long silence, Wen Churan suddenly smiled bitterly, looking at Bai Youran who was standing at the window and ready to jump down at any time, with a hint of tears in her voice, she said, "Okay... I'll let you go, but Youning, no matter what happens in the future, I hope you won't regret your choice today!"

Hearing this, Sheng Zhixun was anxious, "Fourth sister-in-law?! Are you crazy? How can you let Miss Youning leave!"

"Then what can I do?!" Wen Churan roared, "Let me watch her jump down?! Can you do it?! Can you?!"

Sheng Zhixun was speechless.

Because he couldn't watch Miss Youning die.


It was already late at night, Lu Ziyao hurried to the hospital and took Bai Youran away.

When he left, Bai Youran didn't even look at Wen Churan.

Gu Nanpei stood beside Wen Churan and asked, "Are you sure you won't regret it if you do this?"

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