Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 129 Who Is Following Her? (4)

Sheng Shimo seemed to be busy, and the tone on the other end of the phone was a little hurried, "What's the matter?"

Wen Churan cut to the chase and said, "About music teaching, you are the one who assigned me to Gu Nanpei, right?"

"Well, so what if it's me?"

It really was him!

Hearing the man's indifferent tone, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"You...can you change a music tutor for me? I don't want to follow Gu Nanpei."

There was a sudden silence on the phone for a few seconds, and then a man's slightly surprised voice sounded.

"The popular singer Gu Nanpei, you are not willing to receive treatment that others dare not even think about?"

It's not that she doesn't want to, it's because Gu Nanpei has already discovered that she replaced Xia Yi.

In case he persists and continues to question her, in case he exposes her in front of others.

Anything is possible, she can't take the risk!

Wen Churan said helplessly, "Then you can give this treatment that others dare not even think about. I can't afford to worship Gu Nanpei, a big Buddha."

"Have you finished talking? I'm still busy, so I'll hang up first." The man didn't answer directly, but casually said a word, and cut off the call directly.

Wen Chu was so angry that he almost smashed his phone, but in the end he could only take a sip of coffee.

After going to the toilet and returning, he was dumbfounded when he saw his empty coffee cup.

Huh? Where is her coffee?

He obviously didn't drink a few sips, but still left half a glass.

How can I go to the toilet and see the bottom when I come back? !

Wen Churan grabbed the waiter who passed by, "Excuse me, has anyone been to my place just now?"

The waiter took a look and shook his head, "Sorry, I didn't pay much attention."

Wen Churan had no choice but to let go of the waiter, staring straight at the coffee cup in front of him, lost in thought.

Who could have stolen her coffee...

Can a normal person do such a thing?

And the footsteps behind me last night...

Could it be... someone is really following her? !

Realizing this, Wen Churan immediately looked around vigilantly, but found no suspicious person.

In the studio, Gu Nanpei lowered his head and fiddled with the guitar in his hand, plucking the strings with his fingers casually, and could play a piece of wonderful music.

The manager sitting on the side was still rambling, "I heard that she has very good qualifications. You can't spend your whole life relying on singing. You have to bring a group of newcomers first, and cultivate your own power as soon as possible!"

"I said before that, apart from singing, I will not participate in any activities within the company, including bringing in newcomers. I made an exception in the last audition."

Gu Nanpei refused very straightforwardly, maintaining an attitude of nothing to do with himself.

"Since the exception has already been made, can't it be broken a second time?"


At this time, the door of the studio was quietly pushed open.

The manager immediately stood up, with a serious and respectful expression, "Xu Yinzhi."

Gu Nanpei's hands suddenly trembled when he heard this call, and the strings of the piano were snapped with a bang.

He put the guitar aside and stood up slowly.

Music producer Xu Zhou approached and asked with a smile, "Are you talking about newcomers?"

The manager nodded and glanced at Gu Nanpei helplessly.

Xuzhou understood, turned his eyes to look at Gu Nanpei who bowed his head and said nothing, and persuaded him, "Nanpei, I have heard about the newcomer Wen Churan you are going to bring this time, and what I heard means that I have heard her sing. Her voice , her talent, her understanding and application of music, and her bold creations are definitely a good seedling in a million, and she is worthy of a good mentor like you."

Gu Nanpei raised his head and met Xu Zhou's gaze, his expression still indifferent.

The third watch is over, babies go to bed early!

Ask for tickets~Please...please fall down, wow~

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