Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 131 Who Is Following Her? (6)

After all, she is a newcomer, Wen Churan neatly packed up the papers and put them aside neatly.

Gu Nanpei fiddled with the music equipment on his own, and didn't intend to pay attention to her at all, nor did he intend to pursue the fact that she replaced Xia Yi.

Judging by his appearance, he is probably not willing to bring newcomers.

Wen Churan deeply felt that the days to come would not be too easy.

It was not until the afternoon that Assistant Li came to pick her up.

As soon as he left the studio, Assistant Li couldn't wait to ask, "How was it? How was the conversation with Gu Nanpei? Have you cultivated a teacher-student relationship between the two of you?"

Teacher-student relationship?

The corners of Wen Churan's mouth twitched twice, he gritted his teeth and said, "I stayed inside for an afternoon, and he only said three words to me!"

"Only three sentences?" Assistant Li was surprised, "Which three sentences?"

"It turns out that you are also a trainee, the mask you dropped last time, and... clean up..."

Assistant Li was confused, "Ah? What do you mean?"

Wen Churan didn't answer, and walked straight forward.

In the evening, there is a party among the trainees, which is mainly used to welcome their newcomers.

The meeting place was not far from Sheng's. After Assistant Li said the scene, a group of strangers gathered together to eat and drink.

Among them, there are also a few seniors who have already debuted who are willing to take part in the show.

Of course, a big name like Guan Erya and Gu Nanpei doesn't even bother to show up on this kind of occasion.

On the way to eat, Wen Churan went to the toilet.

After the trousers were pulled up, the door could not be opened, as if it had been locked from the outside.

"Is anyone there?!" She called out for help.

In the empty toilet, only her voice echoed.

Depend on! What kind of prank is this!

Wen Churan couldn't help but swear, and after trying hard to pull the door a few times but failed, she couldn't help thinking about the previous incident.

Footsteps behind at night, finished coffee, and now locked up for no reason.

She didn't pay attention to it before, but now she has to start paying attention.

Someone was stalking her, terrorizing her in these crappy ways.

Could it be related to Xia Yi's death?

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly, and it was Sheng Zhixun's call.

After connecting, the young man happily asked on the other end of the phone, "Fourth sister-in-law, I heard that you have a party tonight, are you having fun?"

"Yeah." Sitting on the toilet, Wen Churan stared coldly at the door in front of him, gritted his teeth and said, "Happy..."

Sheng Zhixun warned again, "Fourth brother told me to tell you, don't patronize and play, remember to get to know more seniors at the party."


Only then did Sheng Zhixun hear that something was wrong with his sister-in-law, "Sister-in-law four, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as he finished asking, he heard a loud bang from the other end of the phone.

He was taken aback, "Fourth...fourth sister-in-law...what happened?"

"It's okay, just kicked open a door."

Seeing the door crashing to the ground before his eyes, Wen Churan slowly withdrew his foot.

She kicked the door in one go, with an unusually calm tone.

"Xiao Zhixun, someone has been following me recently, help me find out who it is!"

"Ah?" Sheng Zhixun shouted on the phone, "Who dares to follow Sisister-in-law!"

"Investigate if you are asked!" Wen Churan ordered in a cold voice, "Also, this matter can be handled in a low-key manner."

A small door with little tricks, do you really think it can trap her? !

Back at the dining table, she observed secretly, but found no suspicious person.

After the party, a group of people shouted to sing K again.

But Assistant Li stopped her and said, "Just after receiving the notice, Gu Nanpei asked you to go to his studio to practice vocals at five o'clock tomorrow morning. It's already early morning, so don't go singing K, go back and rest first."

There is one more chapter~ I will update it later~

Ask for tickets~ Who is following our little Aran?

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