Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1315 Will not be discovered

Wen Churan nodded like a chick pecking at rice, and didn't dare to look up at Sheng Shimo at all.

"I know, I know, you should leave quickly!"

Sheng Shimo chuckled twice in her ear, then turned and left.

Wen Churan looked up and watched the man's figure gradually go away in the dark.

It was really so happy that it was like a dream.

Wen Churan lay on the bed and recalled it slowly, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

She was looking forward to tomorrow.

As a result, she couldn't sleep because she was too excited.

The next day, Wen Churan had heavy dark circles under her eyes, like a giant panda, and was too sleepy to lift her spirits.

Sheng Shimo came to the villa and saw her, and was very surprised, "Did you steal last night?"

Wen Churan cried, "I... couldn't sleep..."


While the little milk can was still awake, Sheng Shimo grabbed Wen Churan and took her to the study, asking, "Why can't you sleep for no reason?"

She also felt strange, she should have been happy and fell asleep happily.

Sheng Shimo sat on the sofa, holding Wen Churan on his lap, and suddenly smiled and said, "Are you too excited to sleep?"

"No!" Wen Churan rejected it decisively.

Perhaps, there was really a cause of excitement, but she would never admit it, hum!

Otherwise, this man would only become more and more proud.

"How about this, you sleep in my arms, and I will coax you." Sheng Shimo hugged Wen Churan into his arms, and patted her back gently with his palm.

Wen Churan admitted that it was quite comfortable, but she was still a little panicked.

"This is not good, what if someone finds out..."

"It won't be found out." Sheng Shimo lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "I have locked the door, and the situation yesterday will never happen again."


Wen Churan couldn't help but laughed like a pig.

"Okay, okay, stop laughing. Go to sleep while Little Milk Can is still awake. Sleep as long as you can."

Wen Churan nodded, closed her eyes, and lay in Sheng Shimo's arms, feeling his gentle hands caressing her back.

Soon, she felt sleepy and gradually lost consciousness.

When she woke up, Wen Churan found herself lying on the sofa, and did not see Sheng Shimo.

She stretched and walked out of the study, and saw Sheng Shimo and Little Milk Can sitting at the dining table.

Little Milk Can held his head, and looked like he had just woken up. When he saw Wen Churan coming downstairs, he complained with dissatisfaction, "Mom, why didn't you wake me up today? I slept until noon!"

Noon? !

Wen Churan took out her mobile phone and saw that it was already past noon!

In fact, Little Milk Can always sets the alarm clock, so Wen Churan doesn't need to wake him up at all.

But sometimes he sleeps too soundly and becomes immune to the sound of the alarm clock. At this time, Wen Churan will go out in person to wake him up.

The key is that today... she also slept until noon!

Seeing that Wen Churan couldn't answer, Sheng Shimo spoke for her and said, "Your mother didn't call you because she saw that you were too tired and wanted you to sleep more."

Little Milk Can was surprised, "Really?"

Wen Churan looked at Sheng Shimo and nodded guiltily, "Really..."

Sheng Shimo said again, "At this time, you should say thank you to your mother and apologize for what you said just now."

Little Milk Can obediently said to Wen Churan, "Mom, I'm sorry, Mom, thank you."

Wen Churan waved his hand awkwardly, "It's... It's okay!"

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