Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 153 I Want That Hosta (2)

"I want that hosta."

Bai Youning's words brought Wen Churan back to his senses in an instant.

The surroundings instantly regained light, and the jade hairpin was still quietly lying in the glass cabinet. The crystal clear green light gave people a dreamlike illusion.

At that moment just now, Wen Churan didn't know where he was outside.

After getting along for so long, this is the first time Bai Youning asked her what she wanted.

"You like that hosta?"

Bai Youning nodded, her gaze was still glued to the hairpin, and even her eyes seemed to emit a green light.

That greedy look was not fake.

To be honest, she saved her life, so giving her a jade hairpin is nothing at all.

Wen Churan snapped his fingers, "OK! I'll buy it for you!"

Bai Youning looked at her in surprise, but she didn't expect that she would agree without hesitation.

The charity gala started, Wen Churan was pulled to his seat by Sheng Shimo, and the exhibits were pushed out for auction one by one.

During this period, Sheng Shimo turned his head to look at Wen Churan from time to time.

However, she found that when she looked at those precious exhibits, her eyes were indifferent and without any ups and downs, just like looking at a flower or a blade of grass.

When a bright green hosta appeared, she straightened up excitedly.

Sheng Shimo noticed her change sensitively, and asked casually, "Do you like it?"

It's not that she likes it, it's that Bai Youning likes it!

Wen Churan pretended to be fond of it, and glanced at Sheng Shimo with a playful smile.

"Want me to buy it for you?"


Nonsense, does she have the money to buy it? They are all poor!

The man glanced at her and asked coldly, "Why should I buy it for you?"

One sentence made Wen Churan speechless.

If it wasn't for being in public, she would have punched her long ago, and she owed this man too much!

For the sake of Bai Youning, Wen Churan could only bear with it, and squeezed out a cute smile, "Think about it yourself! First, grandpa asked us to attend a charity gala, so you have to buy me something to put on a show, right? Second, this is Charity party, in front of so many people, you generously bought things for your wife, and you can also do charity, how good it is to spread! It can not only enhance your reputation, but also make grandpa happy, killing two birds with one stone!"

As soon as she finished speaking, with the smile still on her face, Sheng Shimo turned his head and took a deep look at her.

After staring at her small mouth for a full minute, he opened his thin lips lightly, "Smart teeth."


After a long time, I only said four words with unknown meaning!

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted "500,000!"

When Wen Churan heard someone calling for a price, he became anxious and looked at Sheng Shimo eagerly.

Just as he was about to persuade him a few more words, he suddenly saw the man hold up the card with no expression on his face, and slowly announced the number "one million!" from his thin lips.

This shout immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Discussions gradually arose at the scene.

"Did Fourth Young Master Sheng buy it for his wife?"

"That's right, his wife is sitting next to him!"

"Handsome and loving wife, I'm so envious..."

The corners of Wen Churan's mouth twitched a few times, envious? I envy you for coming! Let you also feel the feeling of being so angry with this man that you vomit blood!

"Two million!" came another low voice from behind.

"Three million!" Sheng Shi's ink face remained unchanged, as if it was just a simple number, not a bright red bill.

"Four million!" The people behind him insisted on increasing the price.

Wen Churan especially wanted to know who was so ignorant that he insisted on chasing after him!

As a result, when I looked back, I was suddenly dumbfounded!


Fourth Young Master Sheng spends a lot of money, just to smile for Bomei, but...someone must be against him~

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