Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 157 I Want That Hosta (6)

The man's gentle smile also disappeared without a trace in an instant, replaced by a face as cold as frost.

Turning faces is faster than turning pages!

Sheng Shimo walked forward quickly. In the night, he was only wearing unlined clothes, and his back was thin.

Wen Churan hurriedly followed, and asked while chasing, "Where's Yuzan?"

The man didn't even look at her, and asked in a cold voice, "Are you familiar with the third brother?"

What with what?

Wen Churan continued to ask, "Where is the jade hairpin?"

"What did you and the third brother talk about?" The man's tone became a little colder.

"Yuhan! Let me ask you, what does Yuhan have to do with your third brother?"

"Say! What happened to you and third brother!" Sheng Shimo suddenly stopped, turned his head and roared at her.

This roar stunned Wen Churan.

Only then did Sheng Shimo realize his gaffe, his angry expression softened slightly, his eyes stared at the deep night in embarrassment, and he fell into silence.

Wen Churan also slowly came back to his senses, and directly showed the hem of the skirt to Sheng Shimo, and smiled coldly, "What can happen to me and the third brother? I fell and the skirt was broken, and the third brother probably couldn't bear it anymore." So I borrowed a coat for you. If you think too much, I can only blame you for being dirty!"

Her words seemed to have angered Sheng Shimo again. The man's face was gloomy, his gaze was like a knife's edge, and he was about to cut her into pieces.

Wen Churan remembered that the jade hairpin was still in his hands, and immediately turned the sneer at the corner of his mouth into a sweet smile, this transition can be called a seamless connection.

"Third brother and I don't know each other at all. Nothing happened between me and third brother." She swore.

The man didn't speak, his sharp eyes finally softened a little, and he continued to walk forward.

After walking for a long time, it happened that Wen Churan didn't keep up, and looked back, only to see a woman walking slowly behind him, and she had already opened a long distance from him.

"Can't you hurry up?" Sheng Shimo urged impatiently.

Wen Churan lifted the hem of the skirt, exposing her feet in high heels, and shouted at him, "Wearing a long skirt and wearing high heels, I don't think it will be soon! In your next life, you will be a woman, so you can feel it too." Being a woman is hard!"

Originally, this man walked so fast, it's no wonder she could keep up!

Sheng Shimo looked down at her feet, wearing a pair of exquisite high heels, her thin ankles were red and purple.

The distance was too far, Wen Churan couldn't see the man's face clearly, but he turned around directly and walked towards her step by step.

He is like a dazzling light, breaking through the night and dispelling the darkness.

Sheng Shimo walked up to her, suddenly took off his spotless high-end leather shoes, and placed them gently at her feet.

Wen Churan was stunned for a moment, then looked up at him with complicated expressions for a long time.

Sheng Shimo held his head high, with a proud posture, "Put it on, don't look at me with that look."

Wen Churan struggled for a long time before choking out a sentence, " don't have athlete's foot, do you?"


Sheng Shimo frowned, and immediately cast a sharp look at her, "Would you like to wear it or not!"

"Put on, wear on!" Wen Churan laughed a few times, hurriedly took off his high heels, and put on men's leather shoes.

She bounced on the spot a few times, "It's so big..."

Wen Churan's feet are too small. Wearing his shoes, it feels like a child stealing an adult's shoes.

Seeing that she was dancing happily, Sheng Shimo had an imperceptible smile in his indifferent eyes.

He stepped on the ground with bare feet, deliberately slowing down and walking forward.

Wen Churan put on men's big leather shoes and high heels, and followed him.

In fact, our family's Sheng Metamorphosis is also a warm man~ it's the kind of warm man with quiet tits~

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