Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 160: An Overnight Popularity (2)

Wen Churan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly asked, "Do you want to be popular?"

This question is a bit redundant, people have become so red to purple.

"I don't want to be popular." Unexpectedly, Gu Nanpei answered firmly, "I just love music."

People who are already popular say they don’t want to be popular?

Who would believe this?

Wen Churan didn't believe it either, and laughed a few times, "But you're already popular."

Gu Nanpei turned slightly sideways, bangs covered his eyebrows.

"I have no choice." He said slowly.

It sounds outrageous, but Wen Churan can feel that there seems to be some secret hidden in him.

But if he doesn't say anything, she won't ask too much, just pretend she doesn't know anything.

Guan Erya, who was filming on the set, saw the video on the Internet, and immediately became angry and anxious.

She was afraid that Wen Churan would really catch fire and even overwhelm her own momentum.

Xiao Yue on the side comforted her, "What are you afraid of? She is just a rookie now. Your status as the national goddess is unshakable. If you don't believe me, see how long she can be popular? There is no shortage of outstanding rookies in the entertainment industry. will be suppressed!"

Guan Erya took a deep breath, "I don't even want to give her a chance to be popular!"

It is best to trample her underfoot for the rest of her life.

"Erya, doesn't she already have something in your hands?"

"The handle? What handle?"

Xiao Yue pointed forward, "Did that person see it?"

Guan Erya looked along Xiao Yue's fingers, and saw a woman not far away who was touching up her makeup.

She knew that woman, she was just a small supporting role in the crew.

Xiao Yue leaned into her ear and whispered, "Last time I saw her and Wen Churan talking and laughing outside the Sheng family, so I went to check it out. Her name is An Ge, and she is Wen Churan's friend for many years. What is the handle?!"

Guan Erya's eyes lit up immediately, and she stared coldly at the woman in the distance.

That's right! This is the handle!

Heh...Wen Churan, let's see if you dare to mess with me again!

After the break, continue shooting.

An Ge plays the actor's ex-girlfriend in the play, a small role with not many roles.

This scene happened to be Guan Erya and An Ge's rivalry.

And in this scene, Guan Erya needs to slap An Ge across the face.

The camera is in place, and the director gives an order.

Guan Erya immediately questioned An Ge, "You broke his heart by leaving him for your own self-interest, why are you so embarrassed to come back now and ask for reunion?!"

An Ge sneered, "Why did I leave in the first place? That's my business!"

"But he is already married to me! Please stay away from our life!" Guan Erya roared with red eyes.

"So what?" An Ge looked calm, but said firmly, "I love him, and I am willing to be his mistress!"

Guan Erya blushed instantly.

"Shameless!" After angrily reprimanded, she raised her hand and threw it at An Ge's face.


This crisp sound stunned everyone present, including An Ge.

The director immediately shouted the card.

Guan Erya hurriedly walked in front of An Ge, pretending to be worried, and apologized repeatedly, "I'm really sorry, it's all because I was too involved for a while, are you okay?"

All the slaps in TV dramas were fake slaps, but Guan Erya 'accidentally' slapped An Ge for real.

Not only was An Ge not angry, but his attitude was very humble, "Senior Guan, I'm fine."

The parties involved are not going to pursue it, and it is difficult for others to say anything.

Seeing the red slap marks on An Ge's face, Guan Erya was in a very happy mood.

But this is not enough!

The second shot started, Guan Erya raised her hand, aimed at An Ge's face, and slapped An Ge again.

This time there was no slap, but An Ge's scream was replaced.

The update is over~

Go to bed early, babies, although tomorrow is the weekend~

I love you~ By the way, please ask for a ticket, hehe~

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