Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 215 The third brother is better than you! (3)

He saw it?

Well, if you see it, you will see it, and she hasn't done anything shameful!

Wen Churan directly pushed Sheng Shimo away, and was about to speak, when he suddenly saw a wound on the corner of his mouth.

"What happened to your mouth?"

Sheng Shimo immediately raised his hand to cover the corner of his mouth, "It's nothing."

Seeing that he didn't want to say more, she didn't ask any more.

Sheng Shimo glanced at her, and warned coldly, "Stay away from my third brother!"

Wen Churan was disgusted by the man's order, "It's none of your business what happened to me and third brother! I think I should stay away from you the most!"

As soon as the words fell, the man's face darkened, and he pinched her chin again, "What did you say?! You dare to say it again!"

"I said! The third brother is a thousand times ten thousand times better than you! The person I should stay away from is you!" Wen Churan shouted at the man word by word, "Do you hear me clearly now?!"

Sheng Shimo's anger rose with a bang, and the hand that pinched her chin was getting stronger and stronger.

"A thousand times ten thousand times better than me?" He sneered, as if he had heard some joke.

"That's right! If the third brother didn't come forward, I would still be harassed by Huo Qianming! Just for this alone, the third brother is much better than you!"

"What? You mean third brother?!" Sheng Shimo frowned, as if he couldn't believe his ears

"Yes! Third Brother helped me drive Huo Qianming away!"

"You said third brother helped you drive away Huo Qianming?" Sheng Shimo laughed back in anger, his smile was terrifying "Third brother? What a third brother!"

The person who really drove away Huo Qianming was obviously him!

But she mistakenly thought it was the third brother?

"Okay! Blame me for meddling in my own business!" Sheng Shimo suddenly let go of Wen Churan, his anger shot straight into his forehead, almost making him lose his mind, but he could only nod with a wry smile, "Okay! Third brother! No matter what happens in the future What, go find your third brother, don't come to me again!"

have a finger in the pie?

Wen Churan couldn't understand, and just wanted to ask.

The man suddenly pushed her away, stepped out of the room with his long legs, and slammed the door behind him.

Wen Churan froze in place, with a confused look on his face.

It's really inexplicable...

Ever since Sheng Shimo got angry, he really hadn't appeared in front of her.

Even if there was something about work, it was Sheng Zhixun who sent the message.

Occasionally meeting her in the Sheng family, he directly treats her as air without even looking at her.

Any fool could feel that he was angry.

As for why he was angry, Wen Churan, a fool, really didn't know.

Just because she got close to the third brother?

Probably not...

A few days later, Wen Churan, as the spokesperson, attended Huo's jewelry conference.

Huo Qianming was not seen during this period.

When I was in the background, I heard a few words from the staff.

I heard that the whole face was swollen like a pig's head, with injuries everywhere, so I didn't dare to show my face at all.

The press conference is over, followed by a variety show.

It's so good that I can't die, and I'm participating with Guan Erya again.

As a newcomer, if she wants to stand out in a variety show with many stars, she must attract familiarity from the beginning.

For this reason, she specially prepared a wonderful appearance, which will surely overwhelm the audience!

On that day, Wen Churan and Guan Erya were sitting in the dressing room doing makeup at the same time.

Guan Erya glanced at her arrogantly, and asked seemingly unintentionally, "Are you ready to perform at the beginning?"

"Yes." Wen Churan replied perfunctorily, "It's ready."

"What are you preparing?" Guan Erya asked again.

"Well... I didn't prepare anything..." Wen Churan continued to perfunctory.

She is not stupid, how could she reveal her trump card!

Unable to speak, Guan Erya glared at her, but smiled smugly at the mirror.

Happy Winter Solstice~However... Poor Young Master Sheng Si for a few seconds~

good night

Ask for tickets~

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