Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 253 Yes, we came out (3)

A few days later, Gu Nanpei officially held a new song release in City B. At the press conference, a reporter asked about the recent scandal with Wen Churan.

She stood up directly holding the microphone, facing the camera and the reporters, and took a deep breath.

It takes a lot of courage to speak out personally the secrets that have been buried in the bottom of my heart.

But Wen Churan was willing to reduce himself to Xuzhou's money-making tool for her.

And now what she decided to do was to repay her kindness.

"Today's press conference is not only for the new song, in fact, I also want to clarify the scandal on the Internet."

As soon as Gu Nanpeiruo clarified, all the reporters concentrated their energy, and all the cameras and microphones were aimed at her.

Gu Nanpei closed her eyes, she had long thought that one day the secret would be revealed, but she never expected that she would reveal it herself.

No matter what the consequences would be, she was ready to bear it.

A deep voice came out of the microphone and resounded throughout the press conference.


However, before she could say a word, Sheng Zhixun's figure suddenly broke into the door.

The young man rushed to the stage like a gust of wind, grabbed the microphone from Gu Nanpei's hand, and spoke first, "There is no personal relationship between Gu Nanpei and Wen Churan! Because..."

He turned his head to look at Gu Nanpei, and under Gu Nanpei's astonished gaze, he suddenly leaned over and kissed her pink lips.

After the kiss, he raised his head to face the camera and the reporters, "Because... I am Gu Nanpei's lover!"

The moment the words fell, the press conference site completely exploded.

What? ! Sheng Wushao is the lover of popular singer Gu Nanpei? !

two men? ! gay? !

Everyone couldn't believe their ears, and they were stunned for a long time before they could react.

Gu Nanpei was also dumbfounded, "Sheng Zhixun,"

Sheng Zhixun covered her mouth with his hand, and whispered in her ear, "From now on, don't say a word!"

A reporter in the audience was the first to come back to his senses, and hurriedly held up the microphone, stuttering in fright, "Two... are you two out of the closet now?!"

Sheng Zhixun nodded, and said confidently into the microphone, "Yes! We're out!"

There was an uproar in the audience.

Sheng Wushao and Gu Nanshen announced their relationship and came out of the closet. This is really the most sensational event in the entire entertainment industry in recent years!

All the reporters began to interrogate them in a hurry, and the cameras focused on the two of them, clicking and clicking.

Gu Nanpei's manager was completely stunned, and Xu Zhou kicked him hard in the background.

"What are you doing in a daze! Why don't you hurry up and stop those reporters!"

Only then did the manager come to his senses, and rushed onto the stage, desperately pulling Sheng Zhixun and Gu Nanpei away.

Sheng Zhixun and Gu Nanpei were sitting in the lounge, and all the reporters crowded the press conference, clamoring to interview them.

Xuzhou was in a hurry, but facing Sheng Zhixun, he didn't dare to vent his anger, so he could only grit his teeth and say, "Sheng Wushao, you know what you were doing just now!"

Sheng Zhixun nodded seriously, "I know."

Xuzhou was speechless for a moment, so he could only curse at Gu Nanpei, "Gu Nanpei! Are you crazy!"

Sheng Zhixun stood in front of Gu Nanpei, and smiled slightly at Xuzhou, "Xu Yinzhi, please go out first, Gu Nanpei and I have something to say."

Xuzhou took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, turned and left the lounge.

As soon as he left, Gu Nanpei wiped his lips vigorously with the back of his hand.

Seeing this, Sheng Zhixun couldn't help but pooh on the ground twice.

(PS: Coming out means that two homosexuals announce their relationship to the outside world.)

Hahahaha, our stupid white sweet fifth is the smartest ~ finally looks like a man...

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