Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 266 Where else do you want to go? ! (2)

Seeing no one around, the uncle riding a bicycle was about to run away by bicycle, but was suddenly stopped by an oversized doll.

"Hey! You hit someone, and you still want to hit and run?!" Wen Churan questioned aggressively.

The uncle panicked all of a sudden, and said guiltily, "I just rode a bicycle, why... why did I just hit and run?!"

"A bicycle isn't a car?!" Wen Churan pointed at the little boy who fell to the ground, and angrily said, "Uncle! If you hit someone, you have to be responsible! And it's such a small child!"

The uncle got angry all of a sudden, "Didn't I just hit it! Nothing happened! Take responsibility for the ass!"

Wen Churan squatted down directly, helped the little boy up, and then pointed to the little boy's head, "Did you see that! His head hit the ground! Doesn't anything happen?!"

Seeing that the little boy's head was knocked purple, the uncle suddenly felt guilty again, "No...wasn't it just a knock?"

"Didn't you just hit it?!" Wen Churan's anger rose with a slap, "Uncle! What if you have a concussion after knocking like this?! What if you have a hemorrhage in the brain?! Can you take responsibility?! I warn you, if you don't send him to the hospital, I will call the police now, believe it or not?!"

As soon as he heard the alarm, the uncle became angry, and yelled at Wen Churan, "Who are you! Do you need to meddle in your own business?!"

"Me?" Wen Churan rolled his eyes, suddenly hugged the little boy into his arms, and yelled back, "I'm his mother!"

The little boy was finally sent to the hospital by the uncle, followed closely by Wen Churan, who kept comforting the frightened little girl.

"What's your name, kid?"

The little girl sobbed and replied "Little...little candy..."

Wow! Such a sweet name!

"What about your brother?"

"Small cookies..."

Cookies? !

Wen Churan couldn't hold back his laughter all of a sudden, "It seems that your parents are foodies!"

Small candies and biscuits, pretty good...

Xiao Tangtang tightly pulled Wen Churan's sleeves, and asked with tears in his eyes, "Doll, doll... will my brother be okay..."

Wen Churan wiped away her tears, and gently comforted her, "Don't worry, brother will be fine."

When I arrived at the hospital, after the examination, fortunately, Biscuit was fine.

The uncle left the child and wanted to run away, but Wen Churan caught him again.

"Uncle! Why are you running? The medical bills haven't been paid yet!"

Little Candy is very smart, remembering her parents' numbers, Wen Churan asked her to call her parents at the hospital.

Not long after, Little Candy yelled aggrievedly at the door of the emergency room, "Daddy!"

It wasn't until seeing the legendary daddy that Wen Churan realized why the little candies and biscuits looked so good, it was all because of their strong genes.

The man who appeared at the door of the emergency room was dignified and elegant, wearing a high-end handmade suit, which outlined a graceful figure.

The whole person threw a pestle there, and the aura was strong enough to shock the entire hospital.

That face is even more handsome.

Even Wen Churan, who was used to the beauty of the Wen brothers, couldn't help but commit a little nympho.

So handsome!

As soon as the man appeared, people around him began to talk about it.

"Wow! Look, it's Mr. Ning!"

"so hot!"

Little Candy trotted towards the man, and the man held Little Candy in his arms with one hand.

Seeing Daddy, Little Candy couldn't help feeling wronged, and lay in Daddy's arms, crying and complaining, " was hurt..."

The man stepped into the emergency room, his deep eyes glanced at Wen Churan in a hurry, and then he walked to the bedside of Little Biscuit, and several nurses rushed over with love in their eyes.

Mr. Ning has come out~ The handsome and horribly handsome Mr. Ning came out to make some soy sauce, hehe~

Ask for a ticket ~ the update is complete, go to bed early!

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