Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 268 Where else do you want to go? ! (4)

After some conversation, Wen Churan knew that the woman's name was Qiao Qian'ai.

Qiao Qianai admired her very much in her words, and expressed regret after learning that she had quit the entertainment circle.

Seeing that she was wearing a doll costume, she asked again, "Miss Wen, why are you dressed like this?"

This is a child without a mother, it's a long story...

Wen Churan explained succinctly, "I live in City A now, and money is a bit tight, so I first found a job to make money."

Qiao Qian asked puzzledly, "If I remember correctly, you are the Fourth Young Mistress of the Sheng family. Why did you move to City A?"

Wen Churan was a little embarrassed, "Actually, I'm no longer the Fourth Young Mistress of the Sheng family..."

Qiao Qianai heard the words, and immediately showed a clear expression, "Is it because the fourth young master of the Sheng family treated you badly? Sure enough... men are not good things!"

As she spoke, she glared at Ning Qichen who was at the side.

Ning Qichen put on a pitiful expression while coaxing the baby.

Seeing that it was getting late, Wen Churan was about to leave, but Qiao Qian'ai wanted to keep her.

"Why don't you stay here with me first, and it won't be too late to move out after you find a stable job and have more money on hand."

"Oh?" Wen Churan immediately shook his head, "How embarrassing is this!"

At this time, Ning Qichen walked up to Qiao Qianai's side, "My wife has liked you since a long time ago, and I was planning to go to City B to meet you a while ago, and I want to make you a friend. Now that I have a chance to meet you, I'll stay here." Come on, it will be my wife's dream come true."

Little Biscuit and Little Candy also came over, each of them grabbed one of her sleeves and kept shaking them back and forth.

"Sister Doll, stay here, stay here..."

The whole family came forward to persuade Wen Churan to stay, and it would be too hypocritical for Wen Churan to refuse.

And if you really return the rented apartment, you can save a lot of money!

Hence, Wen Churan stayed at Ning's house.

When chatting with Qiao Qian'ai at night, she complained about Sheng Shimo.

Qiao Qianai expressed deep understanding, "Men are like this, they will never know how to cherish if they don't lose once!"

Wen Churan pursed his lips and muttered, "I guess he lost it, and he won't know how to cherish it."

"By the way, have you divorced him?"

"Well... that's right..."

Anyway, she sent the signed divorce agreement to Sheng Shimo, it's up to him whether to sign it or not!

Qiao Qian'ai took Wen Churan's hand, "Don't want such a scumbag. I happen to have a cousin who returned from studying abroad a while ago. He is handsome and considerate. I will introduce you to him."

Wen Churan couldn't help laughing a few times.

This... Is this a blind date for her? !

Sheng Shimo has gone crazy these days. He has searched all over the country, and even if there is a trace of clues, he will go there in person, but he always returns disappointed.

If he could not find it in China, he immediately sent someone abroad.

All the subordinates have received orders, even if they travel all over the world, they must find out the Fourth Young Mistress!

In the middle of the night, when Sheng Zhixun arrived at the villa, the first thing Sheng Shimo said when he saw him was "Did you find him?"

Sheng Zhixun shook his head out of breath, "It's not about this..."

A trace of loneliness flashed across Sheng Shimo's eyes, and his tone became cold, "What's the matter?"

"I...I found out...the elder brother is also looking for the fourth sister-in-law recently, and is still secretly investigating the fourth sister-in-law's family."

Sheng Shimo's expression sank, "The Wen family? What does he want to do?"

Sheng Zhixun shook his head in confusion, "I don't know yet."

At this moment, the phone in Sheng Shimo's pocket vibrated, and when he picked it up, it turned out to be a call from Mr. Ning from City A.

Sure enough, men still help men...

There are two more~

Ask for tickets~

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