Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 279 Where is the Treasure Map? (3)

At the airport, Wen Churan jumped out of the car and bowed very seriously to Sheng Ziyuan in the car, "Third brother, I will never forget your kindness, and I will definitely repay you by doing a good job when I have the opportunity in the future."

Sheng Ziyuan squinted at her, "There's no need to be a cow or a horse."

Hmm... It's a good way to make a promise with your body.

Wen Churan was still wearing a man's coat on his thin body, holding a bank card in his hand, and ran towards the airport.

The driver asked puzzledly in the car, "Third Young Master, since you like Fourth Young Mistress, you should keep Fourth Young Mistress."

Sheng Ziyuan rolled his eyelids, "Who told you that I like her?"

The driver covered his mouth and sneered, "Third Young Master, any fool can see that you are interested in Fourth Young Mistress. Ah! I see, you deliberately let Fourth Young Mistress leave because you wanted Fourth Young Mistress to divorce Fourth Young Mistress. Once divorced, you can You chased the Fourth Young Mistress here openly and aboveboard! Third Young Master, you are so smart!"

As if he had been poked in his mind, Sheng Ziyuan became angry from embarrassment, "Shut up!"

Wen Churan didn't realize a very serious problem until the airport.

She didn't bring her ID card and passport!

Grandma's! God is going to kill her!

How about getting it now?

When Sheng Shimo found out that she was missing, he must have thought that she had run away, and then searched for her all over the world. How could he have expected that she would return to the villa!

Looks like I'm going to take a risk!

After making this decision, Wen Churan took a taxi back to the villa without saying a word.

There were not many servants in the villa, but because of the banquet at night, Sheng Shimo let those servants go on vacation again.

Therefore, there was no one in the dark villa, which happened to be convenient for her to move.

After sneaking into the villa, Wen Churan went straight to his bedroom and rummaged through the drawers for a long time, but he didn't find his ID card and passport.

Damn it! Her luggage was in Sheng Shimo's bedroom!

Wen Churan cursed secretly, then sneaked into Sheng Shimo's bedroom again.

It took me a long time to find it under the man's pillow. He seemed to be very afraid of her running away, so he kept her ID card and passport under his head all night to feel at ease.

After getting the things, Wen Churan rushed out without saying a word. Just as he touched the doorknob, before the door could be opened, he heard a sudden noise behind him.

Looking back, the bedroom was pitch-black, but the floor leading to the underground palace suddenly shook twice, and then slowly pushed away to both sides.

what happened? The entrance to the underground palace was opened?

She remembered that she had been careful and didn't touch the mechanism.

Just when Wen Churan was puzzled, soft footsteps suddenly sounded in the underground palace, as if someone was approaching along the stairs.

Who else can enter the underground palace except Sheng Shimo?

its not right! Why did he suddenly go back to the villa? !

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Wen Churan's heart was beating like thunder, and his palms were sweating from nervousness.

Sure enough, a tall figure came out from the entrance, and then stood straight in front of her.

Wen Churan grabbed his ID card and passport tightly.


Before he could say anything, he saw the man stepping closer.

And as the man approached, she also saw the man's face clearly in the dim environment.

"Sheng Yuanhan?!"

It was not Sheng Shimo who came out of the underground palace, but Sheng Yuanhan? !

Wen Churan turned pale with shock, "Brother, why are you here?"

Sheng Yuanhan evoked a sinister smile in the dark, "Of course I'm waiting for you..."

"Wait for me..." Wen Churan swallowed, vaguely feeling that something was wrong, so he took a step back silently.

Just as she turned around and started to run, a strong arm directly strangled her neck.

The man's voice rang in my ears, like a demon from hell, "Xiao Churan...where do you want to go..."

There is another chapter to update, wait a minute~

Ask for tickets~

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