Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 281 Where is the treasure map? (5)

When Wen Churan woke up, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. After his thoughts became clearer, he realized that he was in an empty and dilapidated factory.

After struggling twice, the hemp rope binding his body was very strong, and even his mouth was stuffed with a rag, so he couldn't make a sound.

Recalling that before she fell into a coma, she met Sheng Yuanhan in the villa.

You don't need to guess, you know, she was caught by Sheng Yuanhan and brought to this stupid place!

As for what his purpose is, it is still unknown.

But what's ridiculous is that this dilapidated factory is the place where she died tragically in her previous life, and now she was arrested again, it seems like the scene has reappeared.

Would she want to die a second time in this place, like in her previous life?

At this moment, the door of the factory was pushed open with a creak.

Sheng Yuanhan approached slowly, his figure was stretched by the sunlight, like a demon pushing open the gate of hell.

He walked directly in front of Wen Churan, lowered his head and looked at her with deep eyes for a long time.

Wen Churan met the man's gaze directly, without any trace of fear or panic.

"Woke up so soon?" Sheng Yuanhan teased, and reached out to remove the rag she stuffed in her mouth.

Wen Churan immediately spat on the ground in disgust, then raised his head and stared at the tall man in front of him.

"Brother? What do you mean by tying me up now?"

Sheng Yuanhan picked her chin, and said with a half-smile, "Xiao Churan, this is kidnapping, you didn't even see it?"

Fuck him! Could she not know it was kidnapping?

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will win a hundred battles, so first find out the purpose of his kidnapping!

"Brother, I have no grievances with you. Why are you kidnapping me? Could it be to threaten Sheng Shimo? You are doing it wrong..." Wen Churan sneered, "Sheng Shimo doesn't have much true feelings for me." To be honest, even if you shot me in front of him, he probably wouldn't even blink an eye. But if you really want to be kidnapped, I have a good candidate!"

Sheng Yuanhan didn't change his face, and asked following her words, "Oh? Who?"

"Guan Erya! She is Sheng Shimo's favorite little lover!" Wen Churan looked at Sheng Yuanhan feigning surprise, "Brother? You don't know that you are being cuckolded, do you?!"

Sheng Yuanhan's face darkened slightly, and the hand that pinched Wen Churan's chin was so hard that even his nails seemed to pinch her fair skin.

"I'm not interested in going around in circles with you anymore! Tell me! Where is the treasure map?!"

Wen Churan was confused, "What treasure map?"

The man's deep eyes suddenly filled with a murderous look, "Xiao Churan, don't play tricks, just tell me obediently, I can consider to spare your life!"

"I'm not playing tricks, I really don't know!" Wen Churan looked at Sheng Yuanhan sincerely.

She really really doesn't know!

I thought Sheng Yuanhan arrested him for Sheng Shimo, and this is the first time I heard about the treasure map today.

Sheng Yuanhan naturally wouldn't believe her words, "That treasure map is a treasure handed down from generation to generation in your Wen family. It was handed down to your father's generation, and it was given to your mother as a token of love. Since your mother is dead, you say that the treasure Who will the picture go to?"

The corner of Wen Churan's mouth twitched, "My...hand?"

Sheng Yuanhan frowned, "So, hand it over obediently, before I have patience!"

In my memory, even my mother's appearance is very vague, let alone the inexplicable treasure map.

Perverted Sheng, come and save your wife, or your wife will burp~

Ask for tickets~

Something happened today, the state is not good, if these chapters are not finished, please forgive me~

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