Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 290 I Quit (6)

Sheng Shimo never came to the ward once until Wen Churan removed the gauze all over his body and was able to move.

She finally couldn't help but asked, "Did anything important happen during the half month I was in a coma? Sheng Shimo... what have you been up to lately?"

In fact, the latter sentence was what she really wanted to ask.

Sheng Zhixun was concentrating on peeling apples, and blurted out, "Fourth Brother... Fourth Brother is busy looking for Big Brother recently!"

Oops! As soon as he finished speaking, he realized that he had slipped his tongue!

"Sheng Yuanhan?! This shit is running away?!"

Fortunately, Wen Churan's attention was not on Sheng Shimo looking for Sheng Yuanhan, she was more concerned that Sheng Yuanhan ran away in a rage!

Sheng Zhixun secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "I ran away... It's been almost a month and I still can't find the elder brother. I really don't know how the elder brother hid it."

According to the current power of the fourth brother, it is not difficult to find someone. There are so many people, but the eldest brother cannot be found.

The fourth brother said before that there seems to be a more powerful force hidden behind the eldest brother.

As for what kind of power it is, it is still unknown.

Wen Churan also wanted to find Sheng Yuanhan as soon as possible, not only for revenge, but also for the treasure.

A treasure handed down from the Wen family? To her mother?

What's going on, she needs to find out!

When bored, Wen Churan turned on the TV and suddenly saw a report about Guan Erya.

"What? Crazy?!" Wen Churan pointed at the TV, and asked Sheng Zhixun, "What's going on? Is Guan Erya crazy?!"

As soon as Guan Erya was mentioned, Sheng Zhixun gritted his teeth with hatred, "It seems crazy! I hide behind the toilet in the bathroom all day and all night, crying and shouting that someone is going to kill me. Whenever I see someone, I feel that The man took the gun and immediately knelt down and kowtowed, begging others not to kill her. What do you mean she is not crazy? The Guan family found a psychiatrist, and even the psychiatrist was helpless, so they were almost sent to the madhouse!"

"Why are you crazy?"

Wen Churan expressed doubts about the authenticity of Guan Erya's madness. She felt that Guan Erya was most likely afraid of her revenge, so she pretended to be crazy!

Sheng Zhixun shook his head vigorously.

He can't say any more about this reason. The fourth brother said that these things should not be known to the fourth sister-in-law.

Sheng Ziyuan had to work during the day, and came to accompany Wen Churan at night.

Wen Churan is grateful, but it’s not good to bother him all the time, so he suggested, "Third brother, if you are really worried, just hire a nurse for me. It will save you from running around the hospital company every day, and it’s really tiring... "

Sheng Ziyuan was helping her peel apples, he raised his eyelids and glanced at her, "Nurse?"

He refused with a cold face, "The salary of the nurse is too high, and I can't afford it. It's better for me to come in person."

The corner of Wen Churan's mouth twitched, he couldn't even pay for the nurse? Who would believe it!

This man is really serious when he talks nonsense.

Wen Churan laughed dryly twice, "Third brother, you won't even spend this little money..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted directly by Sheng Ziyuan.

"If you really want to hire a nurse, you can charge the nurse's salary to my card."

salary? call him? ! He is not a nurse!

Wen Churan still wanted to speak, but an apple was directly stuffed into her mouth.

The man got up, reached out and patted her on the head, "Eat more, talk less."

Although the physical wounds had healed, the wounds in Wen Churan's heart were not over yet.

The optimism during the day is fake, but at night it will be a nightmare.

She dreamed that she was back in that factory again, and sharp needles pierced her skin.

There are two more chapters to update, wait a minute~

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