Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 302 You are my daddy! (3)

The man stood on the stage, wearing a high-end handmade custom-made suit. His slender figure, dignified temperament, and flawless appearance were simply the biggest highlight of the entire banquet hall.

who is he? He is the famous Fourth Young Master Sheng, and he is now the CEO of the Sheng Family, the No. 1 Group in City B!

The scene immediately exploded, and everyone started pointing and talking at Wen Churan.

"What kind of background does this little girl have that she dares to call Mr. Sheng by name?"

"Dirty little beggar, all he wants is money!"

"She seems to really know Mr. Sheng..."

"It doesn't matter if she recognizes her or not, just blast her away!"

Several bodyguards looked at Sheng Shimo in confusion.

"Mr. Sheng, do you know her?"

The aloof Sheng Shimo had an indifferent look on his face and replied calmly, "I don't know him, just kick him out."

Upon hearing this, Wen Churan suddenly became angry.

You Sheng Shimo is so cruel to a seven or eight-year-old girl!

Bai Youning grinned viciously, revealing a row of neat and sharp canine teeth, and was ready to rush forward and give Sheng Shimo a few mouthfuls.

Wen Churan signaled her not to act rashly, and raised his little face to look directly at Sheng Shimo in front of him, without any timidity or fear.

"Mr. Sheng, you don't know me, but I know you. I have something important and I want to talk to you alone."

You stinky man, you'd better agree, otherwise I'll let my dog ​​bite you right away!

Sheng Shimo glanced at her from head to toe with cold eyes, his indifferent expression not changing at all.

"There are many people who know me, and there are many people who want to talk to me, but I don't want to, and I don't have the time to respond to them all."

Wen Churan was so angry that he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

After a few months, this man's hard-hearted and poisonous tongue skills have really grown!

Wen Churan took a deep breath and adjusted his mentality. It seemed that Plan A was not working, so he had to implement Plan B!

At this time, the bodyguards had already dragged her out with a dog.

Seeing that he was almost dragged to the door, Wen Churan opened his mouth and shouted "Daddy!"

This shout was so frightening that the others were frightened, and the bodyguard was also frightened so much that he loosened his grip.

Wen Churan took the opportunity to break free, threw away Bai Youning's dog leash, ran away in the direction of Sheng Shimo, then knelt down in front of Sheng Shimo with a plop, hugged his thigh tightly, and shouted with tears in his eyes. He said, "Daddy! I had such a hard time looking for you!"


Are you here to recognize your father? !

Sheng Shimo's face darkened, and he lowered his eyes and stared coldly at the little girl holding his thigh.


Wen Churan nodded his little head vigorously, and wiped the man's pants with snot and tears, "Daddy, Mommy is dead, you can't let me go! Wuwuwu..."

Her acting skills were so good that she cried so hard! He cried so hard that the hearts of everyone present were broken, and they all let out cries of pity.

Only Sheng Shimo still had a cold face. He picked her up from the ground and stared at her with impatient eyes.

"Sorry, I don't know your mother, and I don't have a daughter. It's a pity... you have the wrong father."

"I didn't admit it! I didn't admit it!" Wen Churan stretched out his two small arms, hugged the man's neck, and crawled into his arms.

"Mommy said she doesn't blame you for sleeping with her and running away after one night a few years ago, nor does she blame you for being indifferent in the past few years, but you have to be responsible for me and your own romantic debts!"

Romance debt?

As soon as these words came out, the scene became commotion.

Sheng Shimo used to be a wife slave, but now he will become a daughter slave~

Sheng Shimo: I only love two women in this world, my wife and my daughter, but I didn’t expect that they are the same person, haha~

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