Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 315 Birthday gifts from those years

When Sheng Zhixun came to the villa to deliver gifts, he happened to see Wen Churan sitting alone in the hall with an exquisite cake on the coffee table.

"Hey! The cake is good, did Aunt Wang buy it?"

Seeing the melancholy on the little kid's face, he stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong with you? Are you unhappy? Is it my fourth brother who won't give you cake? Eating too much sweets is bad for children's teeth."

Wen Churan shook his head and sighed, "I made the cake."

Sheng Zhixun was shocked, "You? Are you the only brat like you who can make cakes?"

Wen Churan no longer wanted to argue with him, and then sighed and said, "I made him a cake with good intentions, but he didn't eat it, and he got angry for no reason..."

"Fourth brother is unhappy?"


Why are you unhappy?

Sheng Zhixun thought for a long time before finally realizing, "I know why the fourth brother is angry!"

Wen Churan immediately raised his head and asked, "Why?"

"The thing is like this..." Sheng Zhixun sat next to Wen Churan and said, "Last year on my fourth brother's birthday, my fourth sister-in-law made a cake for my fourth brother like you did, but inside, I added something and made my fourth brother suffer from stomach problems in the middle of the night, so..."

"Ah! I understand!" Wen Churan directly interrupted Sheng Zhixun's follow-up words, and suddenly realized, "He holds a grudge! That's why he gets angry when he sees my cake, right?"

Sheng Zhixun immediately rolled his eyes at her, "Little kid, could your IQ be any lower? What's the point of holding a grudge! My fourth brother is missing my fourth sister-in-law because he looks at your cake and misses her! Again! How can my fourth brother not feel sad when he thinks that my fourth sister-in-law is in a vegetative state?

Wen Churan was stunned and couldn't believe it.

Not out of grudge, but out of sadness?


Sheng Zhixun ran to knock on Sheng Shimo's door. When he got no response, he could only hand the gift to Wen Churan and then left the villa.

Wen Churan took the gift and carefully knocked on the door, feeling anxious.

"Daddy, are you asleep?"

No one responded.

Thinking of Sheng Shimo's complicated expression just now, she felt a little uncomfortable.

I wanted to just let it go and go back to the bedroom to sleep, but I kept thinking about Sheng Shimo.

In desperation, she could only open Sheng Shimo's door without authorization.

There were no lights on in the room, and the moonlight shone in from the floor-to-ceiling windows. In the dimness, she vaguely saw a figure huddled in the corner.

When I got closer, I realized that it was Sheng Shimo sitting on the ground, his head buried deeply, his expression invisible, like a static sculpture.

There was also a large cardboard box placed in front of him, filled with messy things.

Wen Churan took a closer look and his expression suddenly changed.

What was inside the carton... turned out to be the birthday gift she gave him every year.

From childish dolls to mature white shirts, from cheap pens to expensive watches, and even handmade pendants she made for him.

Probably starting from the age of seven or eight, she would give gifts to Sheng Shimo every year until her wedding. There were about twenty gifts. Each gift carried the memories of the years, and now they all appeared in this cardboard box.

Every year when I gave him a birthday present, he would always accept it casually and then throw it aside with disdain.

She thought that the gifts she had given her had been put into the trash can, but she never thought that he would keep them all with her, as if they were carefully treasured.

Wen Churan couldn't believe it. What she saw in front of her overturned her understanding, so her mind began to get confused.

There is someone who loves you, from a long time ago until now, it is a deep feeling buried by the years~

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