Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 320 Where did you get Bai Youning? !

An Ge was taken aback for a moment. When he turned his head to look, he was frightened by the big white dog and backed away a few steps.

Wen Churan pulled the dog's leash hard.

Bai Youning, what are you doing!

"Whose dog is this? How can the company breed such a vicious dog? Who will be responsible for any accident!" An Ge, who was frightened and turned pale, reprimanded angrily.

When she found the little girl standing next to the white dog, she immediately turned her face and asked, "You raised this? Whose family are you from? Sheng's is not a place to keep pets!"

Wen Churan apologized expressionlessly.

An Ge seemed to have something to say, but the assistant at the side hurriedly whispered in her ear, "Sister An Ge, she is the daughter of President Sheng!"

An Ge was startled, "Is she the illegitimate daughter that was rumored on the Internet?"

The assistant nodded, "I saw the video interviewing her on the Internet, but she was not wrong, so please don't offend her!"

Hearing that it was Sheng Shimo's illegitimate daughter, An Ge's expression changed immediately, and he approached Wen Churan with a smile, not even afraid of the big white dog.

"Little friend, what's your name? Why are you standing here? Are you hungry? Do you want me to take you to eat delicious food first?"

You were so fierce just now, but now you become a gentle big sister?

Wen Churan couldn't bear An Ge's face, so she politely refused, "No, thank you."

An Ge naturally refused to give up, and looked at the big white dog beside him, "Your dog is so cute..."

Wen Churan didn't even say a word this time, just dragged Bai Youning away.

After leaving the Sheng family, Wen Churan shook Bai Youning's dog's head angrily, "What's wrong with you! Why are you howling in such an emergency!"

Bai Youning grinned fiercely, and immediately let out a low roar similar to a beast from his nose.

"Yo! I haven't settled with you yet, and you are still fighting with me first?" Wen Churan reprimanded dissatisfied.

But Bai Youning opened his mouth and started yelling at her.

"You've learned to bark like a dog and become an addict, right?!" Wen Churan was completely impatient now, and ordered in a cold voice, "Speak human language to me!"

Bai Youning shook the dog's head irritably, and kept barking fiercely at her, "Wow, woof, woof, woof!"

Only then did Wen Churan realize that something was wrong, and hurriedly held up the dog's head, "Bai Youning, what's wrong with you? Stop joking and speak humanly!"

But today's Bai Youning seems to be no longer Bai Youning, but has become a real... big white dog!


Wen Churan almost pissed in fear, "Bai Youning! Do you still know me? Can you hear me? Don't scare me!"

At this time, the big white dog suddenly broke free from Wen Churan's arms with all his strength, and ran away to the other side of the road.

Wen Churan hurriedly followed, and happened to see the big white dog running up the tree swiftly.

"You, you... come down for me! Dead dog! Where did you get our Bai Youning!" Wen Churan raised his small head, put one hand on his waist, and pointed at the big white dog squatting on the tree with the other, aggrieved reprimanded.

The big white dog didn't stop talking, barked at her twice, stuck out his long red tongue, and swished it around his mouth, as if he was provoking her.

"Hey! I have a bad temper! Just wait for me, and I will catch you later, if I don't skin your dog, I will stew your dog meat!"

Wen Churan was anxious, rolled up his sleeves and began to climb up the tree. After finally climbing up, the soles of his feet suddenly slipped and he fell down again.

Dead, dead, if the dog didn't catch her, she was about to throw a dog and eat shit!

The body fell at the speed of a second, and the wind whistled in the ear, as if about to fall into an endless abyss.

Just when Wen Churan was ready to wait for the pain to come, she unexpectedly fell into a gentle embrace.

The update is complete, go to bed early~

Does this scene feel familiar, huh?

Later, I want Churan to kill Guan Erya with my own hands, but I am afraid that the influence will be bad. If you agree or disagree, please raise your hand and let me take a look~ Thank you everyone~

Ask for tickets~~

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