Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 325 Who Stole Her Body?

Wen Churan instantly understood what the servant meant.

This means that her body... is gone!

After realizing this, Wen Churan rushed back to the bedroom and shook Bai Youning awake.

"Bai Youning! I'm gone!"

Bai Youning rubbed his eyes with his dog's paw, "What are you talking about...Aren't you right here?!"

"My body is gone! Now the villa is in chaos, don't sleep!"

"Ah?!" Bai Youning shuddered, and suddenly woke up. Sure enough, he saw bright lights outside the bedroom, and it was very noisy.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with your body?"

"It's gone, it's gone!" Wen Churan almost cried.

"Where's Sheng Shimo? What about others? Go find him!"

Only then did Wen Churan remember, and hurriedly turned around and ran out of the bedroom.

There were many bodyguards in the villa, but Sheng Shimo was nowhere to be seen.

So she grabbed a servant casually and asked, "Where is my daddy? Where is he?"

"The Fourth Young Mistress is missing, and the Fourth Young Master went to look for it in person. Miss, don't be afraid, go back to the bedroom and rest first..."

Where can she rest, what is missing is her body!

The key is that you can't be in a hurry, you can only wait for news from Sheng Shimo.

Wen Churan cursed in anger in the bedroom.

"Grandma's! Even the body is stolen, pervert!"

"Since it took such a lot of trouble to steal your body, there must be a very important purpose." Bai Youning helped analyze "Guan Erya should be impossible, she is already crazy, and she doesn't have Mo eyelids in Shengshi The ability to steal people, the only suspect now is Sheng Yuanhan!"

"Yes!" Wen Churan slapped the bed board hard, which shows how angry and anxious she is at the moment. With a huge power, he stole my body now, it should have something to do with the treasure map!"

But what she couldn't figure out was how powerful Sheng Yuanhan was. In the VIP ward, in front of so many monitors and nurses, even when Sheng Shimo was in the hospital, he stole her body!

"By the way! I had a dream just now!" Wen Churan suddenly felt that the strange dream was a bit suspicious, so he told Bai Youning the content of the dream in detail.

After Bai Youning listened, the dog's eyes lit up immediately, and he became excited, "This... this should not be your dream! It's the induction of your soul and body. You sense that your body is in an unfamiliar environment, with your hands and feet bound by iron chains. Restrained! Hurry up! You can feel it again..."

Wen Churan was confused when he heard it, "How... sense?"

"Come on, be like me..." Bai Youning taught with his hands, "Close your eyes."

Wen Churan slowly closed his eyes.

"Empty your mind and let go of all distracting thoughts."

Wen Churan calmed down and completely let himself go.

"You just think about your body, where you would be if your soul returned to your body now..." Bai Youning's voice was gentle and ethereal, slowly guiding her "Imagine where you are now What is the environment like, and then tell me slowly..."

"The soul returns to the body..." Wen Churan seemed to be in a state of sleepwalking at this moment, and murmured involuntarily, "A closed environment, no windows... no doors, damp and dark, walls... uneven, like a cave! I lay In... the cold crystal coffin, surrounded by many strange instruments, I have many tubes inserted into my body, more than when I was in the hospital..."

Who is the black hand behind it, let's slowly reveal, that person is the biggest villain boss in this book!

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