Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 331 Is it time to kick her out?

"Hello." Wen Churan showed a sweet and well-behaved smile.

Pretending to say hello, she looked at Sheng Shimo, and reminded with 'good intentions', "Daddy, do you want to take Aunt Wen Churan to the hospital for a checkup?"

Sheng Shimo was slightly taken aback, and looked up at her.

Sheng Zhixun on the side asked puzzledly, "What are you checking?"

"Check your body, or take a blood test..." Wen Churan pretended to be warm-hearted. "After all, Aunt Wen Churan has been missing for several days. It would be more reassuring to have a physical examination."

"No, it's been checked." Sheng Shimo replied.

"Daddy! Ordinary examinations are definitely not enough, at least you have to draw blood for DNA, right?"

"Why do you ask my fourth sister-in-law to do the DNA? You little brat, don't talk nonsense!" Sheng Zhixun scolded from the side.

"Of course, NDA testing is used to prove her identity!" Wen Churan looked at the 'fake Wen Churan' coldly, with an imperceptible sneer on the corner of his mouth, and said word by word, "After one knows , Aunt Wen Churan who is sitting here now, is it real... or is it fake..."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's expressions changed.

Sheng Zhixun was the first to speak out, "Little boy, my fourth sister-in-law is sitting in her heart right now, isn't it true, can it be fake?!"

'Fake Wen Churan' frowned slightly, timidly moved closer to Sheng Shimo, and asked cautiously, "What did she mean..."

Seeing that the woman was frightened, Sheng Shimo comforted softly, "It's nothing interesting, I'll help you upstairs to rest first."

'Fake Wen Churan' nodded meekly.

Sheng Shimo gently lifted her up and was about to leave.

Wen Churan hurriedly grabbed Sheng Shimo's sleeve, "Daddy! I think NDA is still necessary!"

The man looked down at her, without any extra expression on his face, but suddenly stretched out his finger and made a silent motion towards her, as if to signal her not to speak anymore.

Wen Churan was taken aback, puzzled by Sheng Shimo's strange behavior, and watched helplessly as he helped the 'fake Wen Churan' up to the second floor.

Ever since, only Sheng Zhixun, Gu Nanpei and Wen Churan were left on the first floor, and the atmosphere was extremely awkward.

At this time, Gu Nanpei suddenly said coldly, "Since Churan has woken up, should we drive her out?"


Wen Churan heard the words and looked back, only to see Gu Nanpei staring at her coldly.

"Get out?" Sheng Zhixun was also surprised, and looked at Wen Churan in embarrassment, "It's not good to say this in front of the children, let's talk about it later..."

"Child?" Gu Nanpei looked at Wen Churan with contempt, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "She is indeed a child, but her mind is scarier than that of an adult! Look at what she said just now, and how she aimed at Churan Yes! DNA? Pretending to be Sheng Shimo's daughter to cheat food and drink is fine, but you still want to provoke the relationship between Sheng Shimo and Churan?!"

Looking at Gu Nanpei's indignant appearance, Wen Churan couldn't help feeling bitter in his heart.

what can she do She also had no way to be angry with Gu Nanpei.

Sheng Zhixun, who was on the side, immediately explained, "No way... such a big kid doesn't understand this, she is just talking nonsense, you misunderstood. And... it is the fourth brother's business to make up, let the fourth brother decide. "

Gu Nanpei's face darkened when he heard this, and he gave Sheng Zhixun a displeased look, "Sheng Zhixun! Who are you helping? Turn your elbows out, right?"

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