Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 338 Molested!

Hearing the words, the counterfeit really believed it, and immediately squatted down in front of her with a smile, and said in a coaxing tone, "I don't know what happened to your daddy and your mommy, even if you targeted me No. Since you want to stay in the Sheng family and I am willing to accept you, then you should be quiet, and if you continue to make trouble, aren't you afraid that your father will really kick you out?"

Yo! Intimidation?

She, Wen Churan, is not a three-year-old child, so she doesn't like this!

"Daddy hasn't kicked me out until now. It can be seen that my daughter still has some weight in his heart. At worst, you can listen to the wind and let Daddy drive me away. Do you think my daddy will really listen to you?" Are you so confident?"

The counterfeit saw that Wen Churan was soft and hard, so he stood up suddenly, and his expression changed immediately.

"You don't want to toast or eat fine wine!"

Wen Churan chuckled, "I'm a kid, I don't drink any alcohol! If you want to threaten, keep threatening, and I'll go to Daddy to sue you later, saying that you bullied me, you just have ten mouths You can't explain it, can you?"

"You..." The counterfeit was impatient, and seemed to have something to say, but he stopped suddenly after only saying a word. Then, he looked over the top of Wen Churan's head, and looked behind her in surprise, as if seeing What an incredible thing.

Wen Churan sensed that something was wrong, so she turned her head to follow the impostor's line of sight. Before she could see what was behind her, a big sack covered her head, making her unable to see anything.

Immediately, her body lightened, her arms and legs were lifted up, and she moved to nowhere.

Just when she was about to struggle, a sudden sharp pain came from the back of her head, and then she completely lost consciousness.

On the other side, Sheng Zhixun ran to his office, and was about to close the door, but Bai Youning followed closely behind, and slipped in through the crack of the door with his dog's legs slid like that.

As soon as she entered the office, Bai Youning made a mess inside. With such a sweep of the dog's hooves, everything on the desk fell to the ground with a slam, and with such a slam of the dog's mouth, she bit it to pieces everywhere she went.

She was already upset seeing this silly white sweet, and she must punish him well today!

Sheng Zhixun hurriedly chased after Bai Youning, "Stop! You stupid dog, shut up! When I catch you, I will stew you! My documents! My sofa!"

Bai Youning ran happily in the office, when suddenly the soles of his feet slipped, Sheng Zhixun seized the opportunity, leaped forward, and pressed Bai Youning under him very accurately.

"Wow woof!"

Sheng Zhixun grabbed Bai Youning's dog's ears with one hand, and squeezed her dog's mouth, "Bawk! Wait until I throw you into the pot and then bark again! Did you bite happily? Since I caught you, you Just wait to die!"

He raised his buttocks and sat on Bai Youning's body, pressing her down to prevent her from moving, and then stretched out his hand to grab her dog's leg.

Bai Youning panicked, what is this brat doing?

"Hey!" Sheng Zhixun smiled strangely, "You're so noisy, let me see if you're male or female. If you're female, forget it. If you're male, I'll castrate you right now!"


Bai Youning stared with dog eyes, did he want to...

That's right, Sheng Zhixun has already moved her dog's legs quickly, moved his head closer, and observed carefully.

She turned into a dog, and she still wants to be molested by this idiot? !

What a shame!

Xin Huanxi Enemy is online, Sheng Zhixun can fight with anyone~

There are updates~

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