Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 347 You Invite Me Truly!

Wen Churan was startled, and when he sensed the danger, the impostor had already rushed in front of her, stretched out his hand and strangled her neck tightly, and easily lifted the little girl into the air.

Wen Churan held the impostor's wrist tightly, feeling that he could not breathe, so he could only kick his legs hanging in the air.

"Let... let go of me..."

The counterfeit exhausted all his strength, so that his face began to twist, "Since you delivered it to your door, don't blame me for being rude! Don't worry... After you die, I will definitely use your identity to live well..."

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of her head, as if she had been hit hard.

Her face was stiff and distorted, her lips were trembling with difficulty, but there was no way to make a sound from her throat, and even her nerves began to be paralyzed at this moment.

Wen Churan was suffocated, and his consciousness gradually became blurred. Before he had time to react to what happened, he vaguely felt that the counterfeit suddenly let go of his hand.

Immediately afterwards, her whole body sank quickly, but she fell into a warm embrace impartially.

The counterfeit on the opposite side rolled his eyes, leaned back, and fell to the ground with a plop, completely silent.

Wen Churan was dizzy for a while before waking up, and found that he seemed to be hugged by someone, and took a closer look, the beautiful face above him, besides Sheng Shimo, who else could it belong to?

He has changed from being unconscious, his eyes are extremely clear, and even the corners of his mouth are raised, staring at her with a half-smile.

What's more...he was naked from the top of his body, just holding her in his arms naked!

Fair and smooth, firm and elastic skin, muscular and firm muscles, and a pair of uneven and delicate collarbones exude fatal temptation everywhere, which makes people salivate and nosebleeds.

Seeing this picture as soon as he opened his eyes, Wen Churan felt that his vision had suffered a huge impact, and suddenly coughed violently.

Sheng Shimo thought she was injured, and checked her small body over and over in his hands.

Wen Churan was confused by him, and hurriedly stopped, "Stop! Stop! I can't take it anymore..."

It was only after I finished speaking that I realized how dirty this sentence was.

Sure enough, Sheng Shimo looked at her with an ambiguous smile on the corner of his mouth.

Wen Churan still didn't understand what happened.

"Aren't you dizzy?!"

Sheng Shimo frowned, "Do I look like such a stupid person?"

Wen Churan turned his head and looked at the empty glass beside the bed, "I clearly saw her put medicine in the milk, why..."

"I didn't drink the milk, I poured it all out."

Hearing this, Wen Churan became angry immediately, and suddenly struggled violently in Sheng Shimo's arms, "Well, you big pervert! You pretended to be dizzy even though you weren't dizzy, did you just want this fake to seduce you? Want this impostor to strip you of your clothes?!"

It also made her almost pissed off.

Sheng Shimo quickly comforted the 'little woman' in his arms, "I'll explain this to you later."

He held Wen Churan in one hand, picked up the mobile phone next to him in the other, and made a call.

Soon, several burly bodyguards rushed in, quickly lifted up the fallen fake, and rushed out again.

After closing the door, the bodyguards looked at the woman they were carrying in their hands, and couldn't help discussing, "I don't want such a beautiful woman. The president has recently become a pedophile? That's against the law!"

In the bedroom, Wen Churan broke free from Sheng Shimo's arms, stood on the bed, crossed his waist, raised his face, stared at the man in front of him arrogantly, and asked aggressively, "What's going on, what are you giving me?" Invite truthfully!"

The update is over, the heroine and heroine you want are sweet, we will meet again tomorrow~

good night~

Ask for tickets~

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