Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 400 Catch her!

Wen Churan looked at the woman. She had a tall figure and neat short hair. Although her eyebrows were somewhat similar to his own, Wen Churan was sure that he did not recognize her.

But her fierce eyes looked like she had some deep grudge against herself.

The short-haired woman suddenly rushed over like a gust of wind and shouted at the women who were kneeling on the ground, "Do you have any potential! Didn't you hear that just now? We were caught here because of her. ! She is our enemy and will never save us!"

The group of women looked at each other with confused expressions.

Wen Churan hurriedly explained, "No, no, no, you misunderstood. I am not the same group as them. I was also caught here!"

The short-haired woman raised her head and glared at her, "It's because of you! It's you who caused us to be like this! You are the culprit!"

Wen Churan was confused.

She is also a victim, okay?

The women who had been sitting on the sofa and had not moved seemed to be inspired by the short-haired woman. They all stood up, pointed at Wen Churan and cursed, "Harmful! It's all your fault!"

Someone even picked up the porcelain cup on the coffee table and threw it at Wen Churan.

Wen Churan didn't expect those women to make a move. He had no time to avoid them and was hit by the porcelain cup.

Along with the clang of the porcelain cup being smashed to the ground, blood suddenly dripped from her forehead and rolled down.

Wen Churan covered the wound, raised his head and stared coldly at the crazy women, his anger rising with a roar.

"Are you crazy! I said this matter has nothing to do with me, I am also a victim!"

The short-haired woman sneered at Wen Churan, and then began to greet the other women loudly, "Everyone, listen to me, that pervert caught us just for her! In other words, she must be someone that the pervert values ​​​​very much!" As long as we catch her and threaten the pervert, we have a chance to escape!"

Wen Churan's nerves tightened, and he saw that the group of crazy women seemed to have been convinced, and they were approaching him at the same time. Even the women who had been kneeling on the ground stood up.

She hurriedly backed away and advised, "You... calm down! You also know that he is a pervert. It is impossible for him to catch me, and he will let you go!"

Those women just wanted to escape from this hellish place and had already lost their minds. They didn't care whether this method was useful or not.

With just the slightest hope they would all try.

Wen Churan yelled loudly, and then while the group of women were stunned, he quickly turned around and tried to rush out.

But the group of women swarmed up like wild beasts and threw her to the ground crazily.

No matter how powerful Wen Churan was, he could not withstand the attacks of more than a dozen women. In the end, they tied him tightly to the big column with their clothes.

"I don't know how you came up with such a stupid method! Listen to my advice, not only will you not be able to threaten the pervert, but it will make your own situation more dangerous!"

Wen Churan sat on the ground and persuaded him earnestly.

But no one listened to her.

Wen Churan sighed.

Forget it, these women are biting Lu Dongbin - they don't understand good people, so she doesn't bother to care about them anymore.

You probably won’t realize how stupid you are until you learn a lesson once!

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, the stone door finally opened slowly, and the man walked in tall and tall. The sound of his leather shoes on the marble was like punch after punch hitting a person's heart.

Seeing that the pervert finally appeared, the short-haired woman was the first to react. She quickly picked up the broken porcelain cup and rushed to Wen Churan, placing it on her slender neck.

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