Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 807 The Bastard Without a Father

Five years later--

"Bastard! Bastard!"

In the dark corner of the classroom, a four-year-old boy was huddled. He was still wearing a maliciously torn school uniform. He was hugging his body tightly. His whole body was shaking violently with fear, and his body was buried in his knees. His little face was already covered with tears.

It looks like a lonely, helpless and pitiful stray kitten.

"I...I'm not a bastard..."

He cried to explain, but did not dare to speak loudly.

A group of little boys of the same age surrounded him tightly. They all had chalk in their hands and kept throwing it at him.

"You are a bastard... Mom, let me tell you, children without daddy are all bastards!"

Vicious insults kept echoing in the empty classroom.

"Bastard! Go to hell!"

"You bastard without daddy, get out of our class!"

"Let's crush him to death! crush him to death!"

The little boy's cowardly cries had long been covered by these insults.


With the director's order, the violence in the classroom came to an abrupt end, and then the group of little boys dispersed in all directions.

The director stood up in front of the camera, clapped his palms vigorously, and exclaimed sincerely, "Great! He played a character who was bullied but didn't dare to resist so vividly. Even when I watched it, I couldn't help but Crying!"

Immediately afterwards, the entire studio burst into thunderous applause.

At this moment, the little boy who had been huddled in the corner raised his head, revealing a delicate little face.

Suddenly, the entire studio was filled with exclamations.

"Wow! So handsome!"

"I don't know how many little girls I will be in trouble when I grow up!"


"As an auntie fan, I really want to marry him. Ahhhh, this idea is so sinful!"

I saw that the little boy had porcelain-white skin and delicate facial features. Under the thick and curled eyelashes, there was a pair of big and smart eyes, as if the vast universe contained bright stars flowing. His small and slightly curled pink lips were very similar. A juicy and tender jelly.

No one could have imagined that at such a young age he would have such breathtaking beauty, enough to attract women of all ages to go crazy for him.

When you grow up, wouldn’t it be even more serious?

Everyone was even more surprised. What kind of woman could give birth to such a beautiful little baby?

Amid the praises of the crowd, the little boy stood up slowly, wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes with his little hand. His proud look was no longer the weak and pitiful look he had before. He was simply a noble and elegant little prince, with every move he made. Exudes fatal charm.

There was endless applause in his ears, but it didn't stir up any waves in his eyes. There was a calmness on his little face that didn't belong to his age.

As soon as he walked to the chair in the rest area and sat down, a large group of staff swarmed in and surrounded him.

The director squeezed through the crowd, walked up to him, nodded and bowed, "Little actor, your performance is simply amazing. I am so impressed! Are you tired? If you are, I will have someone take the afternoon's performance right now." The play is postponed to tomorrow. If you are not free tomorrow, you can postpone it to the day after tomorrow!”

The little boy nodded and agreed.

At this time, another staff member brought a glass of boiled water and asked in a sweet voice, "Little actor, do you need some water?"

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