Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 811 Imprisoned by my side forever

The driver still didn't answer and drove alone.

Faced with such a critical situation, the four-year-old Little Milk Tank showed extraordinary calmness and courage.

Well... Mama told him how to save himself when facing bad guys.

Point one: Threat!

The little milk tank shouted angrily, "Stop the car! If you don't stop the car, I will call the police now and let the police put you in jail!"

The driver was unmoved...

The threat is useless?

Point two: Pretend to be pitiful!

The little milk jug bit her lip lightly with her teeth, and blinked her eyes, and her eyeballs dripped down as if they had dropped, and they all hit the seat with a pitter-patter.

He stretched out his little paws, tugged on the driver's clothes, and said aggrievedly, "Driver, Xiaomi... just let me go, I... I have an eighty-year-old mentally retarded old mother who is paralyzed in bed at home. If something happens to me, Now, she has no one to take care of her, wuwuwu..."

The driver… the corner of his mouth twitched twice.


Seeing this, Little Milk Tank frowned.

snort! If you don’t eat the toast, you will be fined with wine!

He wiped away the tears hanging from the corners of his eyes, quickly took out his cell phone from his pocket, and was about to press the alarm call.

At this moment, the nanny car suddenly stopped on the highway.

A cold feeling suddenly came to my head. The finger that was swiping on the screen froze. I raised my head suddenly and saw that the driver was wearing a hat and a mask, covering his true face. I didn't know when he had turned around, his hand Li Zheng held up a gun and put it against his forehead.

With this look, it was obvious that he was prepared.

Facing the pitch-black muzzle, Little Milk Can took his time and said softly, "Bad's against the law to kill someone..."

"If you don't want to die, hand over your mother!"

Until then, the driver finally spoke, but a woman's voice came out from under the mask.

The little milk jug pouted her delicate pink lips and asked calmly, "Why are you looking for me Mom?"

The woman said coldly, "My master wants to see her!"

The little milk tank blinked again with big eyes, "Then what will your master do when he sees me?"

The woman seemed to have lost her patience and said angrily, "Don't you know how little children die from words?!"

There was a hypocritical smile on the lips of the little milk tank that was not suitable for his age. "Bad sister... If you don't tell me the reason, I won't hand over my mother to you!"

With just one sentence, he instantly changed from passive to active.

The woman smiled coldly, "Why do I want to see you Mom? Ha... of course my master fell in love with your Mom, and even fell in love so much that he went crazy and wanted to take your Mom as his own, forever." Imprisoned by your side!"

"Falling in love!" After hearing the woman's words, the smile of the little milk tank froze, and an extremely disgusting expression appeared on his face. "Are you sure? My mom is stupid, stupid, dumb, and stupid. , she eats four meals a day, three bowls per meal, doesn't wash her hair for five days, and doesn't take a bath for ten days. She's so fat that pigs would recognize her as relatives when they see her, and she's so slovenly that beggars will take a detour when they see her! The"

The little milk jug was showing its strength, and he felt disgusted and disgusted.

"Nonsense!" The woman suddenly became angry and pointed a gun at his head. "She is obviously gentle and considerate, kind and generous, intelligent and versatile, quiet and refined, virtuous and dignified, independent and self-reliant, eloquent, naturally beautiful, beautiful and smart, and shy. Flowers, fishes and geese, a perfect woman who can conquer a country and conquer a city (a thousand words are omitted here)..."

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