Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 868 You clearly know this is a trap!

"Xiaoran..." Mucheng's voice hesitated, and what he wanted to say was still stuck in his throat and could not be said.

It was she who persuaded her to let Little Milk Tank come to country V, and it was he who said that she should take good care of and protect Little Milk Tank.

Now, he has broken his promise, how can he still have the face to talk to her!

Wen Churan vaguely noticed something was wrong, "What's wrong?"

Then he asked, "Where's the little milk jug? Let him talk to me!"

Mucheng remained silent when she saw him mentioning the small milk jug. No matter how stupid Wen Churan was, he could still guess that something had happened to the small milk jug!

She hurriedly asked, "Mucheng, speak! What happened to Little Milk Can? Where is he now?!"

Mucheng took a deep breath, as if mustering up great courage, and said, "Xiaoran... the little milk tank is now..."

"Where?! Where?!" Wen Churan asked.

"In the hands of...President Adair..."

The answer of just a few words instantly sent Wen Churan into hell.


Hearing this familiar name, the memory that had been sealed for five years was suddenly activated. What followed was a deep fear that crept into her heart, and then turned into invisible hands, pinching her tightly. Her throat made her feel like a drowning person, gradually unable to breathe.

Even his hands were shaking violently and he could hardly hold the phone steady.

After not hearing her voice for a long time, Mucheng became anxious and shouted, "Xiaoran?! I will bring out the little milk can! I will definitely bring him out safe and sound!"

As if she had finally found an outlet from suffocation, Wen Churan's tense body suddenly collapsed. She fell down on the edge of the bed, covering her chest and gasping for air.

Hearing that there was finally movement on the other end of the phone, Mucheng felt relieved. After hesitating for a moment, he asked, "Xiaoran, tell me the truth, President actually the biological father of Little Milk Tank...right?" "


It was just one word, but Wen Churan's voice still trembled uncontrollably.

This shows how much courage it takes for her to admit this fact personally.

Even though he had already guessed it, Mucheng's heart still clenched at the sound of the woman's voice.

"He... also knows?" Wen Churan asked.

"He should have known about it. If he hadn't known about it, he wouldn't have taken the little milk can away."

"What does he want to do?!" Wen Churan became anxious and asked in a loud voice, "What did he want to do after grabbing the little milk can!"

"For you." Mucheng replied, "Xiaoran, he grabbed the little milk should be for you..."

"What?!" Wen Churan was shocked, "You...what did you say?!"

Mucheng looked helpless and said, "If you want him to return the milk jug, you will have to ask for it in person."

What he was helpless about was that when faced with Sheng Shimo's threat, he had no choice but to save the little milk jug, and finally had to ask a woman, Wen Churan, to come forward.

No! He wanted to rescue Xiao Milk Tank and also protect Xiao Ran. How could he let her go to meet that dangerous man alone? !

"Xiaoran! Don't come here, don't come to see him, I will rescue the little milk can from his hands, even if...even if I become the enemy of the entire country V!"

"No need." Wen Churan, who was on the other end of the phone, suddenly became extremely calm and said, "I will go to country V, I will go see him, and I will personally...get the little milk jug back!"

The woman's tone was so firm that no one could refute her.

"Xiaoran!" Mucheng was anxious, "You clearly know this is a trap, but you still..."

"I know, I know he is trying to force me to show up, but..."

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