Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 934 Something that is impossible to happen

"Imprisonment? Torture? Five years?" Wen Churan felt incredulous. "You mean, Sheng Shimo imprisoned An An for five years? Tortured him for five years?"

The man in military uniform nodded and added, "I think you should also understand that the President is doing this all for you."

Wen Churan said nothing and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

No wonder I heard those nurses chatting in the hospital that day. They said that after she disappeared five years ago, there was no trace of An. It was rumored that Sheng Shimo had secretly killed her.

Unexpectedly, he was imprisoned by Sheng Shimo for five full years.

Of course, with Sheng Shimo's methods, it was impossible to simply imprison him for five years.

The man in military uniform also said that he had been tortured for five years.

You can imagine how cruel and horrific the torture must have been.

"The prison was heavily guarded by soldiers. Even if a fly could fly in, it would never be able to fly out. Miss An's sudden disappearance was simply impossible. This thing was too weird and strange! "The words of the man in military uniform were full of disbelief.

Indeed, Sheng Shimo was always decisive in his affairs. No one he wanted to imprison could escape.

What's more, he has been imprisoned for five full years, how can he disappear just like he said? Living people cannot disappear into thin air.

Wen Churan retracted his thoughts and said to the man in military uniform, "Then go find him, I won't delay you."

After the man in military uniform left, she turned around and returned to the bedroom. For some reason, she had a vague premonition in her heart.

Little Milk Tank went to the studio to shoot the poster for the promotional video today, and returned to the Presidential Palace in the evening. After finally coming back for dinner, Wen Churan personally cooked a large plate of glutinous rice dumplings.

Unexpectedly, Sheng Shimo, who was always busy until midnight, would go back to the Presidential Palace for dinner today.

Sitting face to face at the dining table, time seemed to go back five years ago.

Sheng Shimo tapped the plate with glutinous rice balls with chopsticks, and said with a half-smile, "I never knew you could make this."

Wen Churan didn't want to pay attention to him. He picked up the plate and placed it in front of the small milk jug and small fried dough sticks. He said in a commanding tone, "Three for each person. Don't eat too much."

The little milk can was so greedy that it drooled, so Wen Churan clasped his hands together and begged, "Mom, can I have four?"

Wen Churan seemed to smile gently, and kindly reminded, "If you eat too much and you can't digest it, don't cry if you have a stomachache in the middle of the night!"

There has been a precedent for Little Milk Can vomiting and diarrhea after eating too much glutinous rice balls, so even if he likes to eat, Wen Churan will control the amount.

"No, no!" The little milk jug shook its head vigorously, "Mom, if you take one more, you won't have a stomachache!"

He was acting cute and pretending to be pitiful, but Wen Churan still ruthlessly uttered three words from his mouth - "No! No! Yes!"

Seeing his mom's tough attitude, Little Milk Tank didn't make any more noise, but directly grabbed a glutinous rice dumpling from the little fried dough sticks bowl.

Wen Churan was shocked and said, "Little milk jug! Put it down!"

Little Milk Jar refused to listen to her, but instead poked the glutinous rice balls with her chopsticks and stuffed them into her mouth.

At this moment, Sheng Shimo's voice suddenly came from the opposite side, and he said casually, "Let him eat. Aren't children like this? They don't have strong self-control and are not well-behaved. They don't like to listen to adults." if."

Upon hearing this, Wen Churan frowned and immediately turned to look at Sheng Shimo, wondering what the man meant by his sudden words.

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