Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1005: Anonymous cave

Among the various worlds, the number of interfaces is inexhaustible. In addition, there is a special upper interface, such as the fairyland, but whether it is the fairyland or the heavens, it is above the Tianwu continent, located in Tianwu continent. The person is at the lowest end of the food chain. The spirituality of the people here is also the most elementary. It can be said that this is a mortal world, even if it is a general spiritual practitioner in the world of extreme weapons. Here can be the peerless power of the hegemonic side.

Entering Tianwu Mainland, you still need to go to the entrance that was originally entered. The huge iron gate, Su Yun still remembers the qualification order when he first entered the martial arts. Now he took it out, and the ranking on the qualification order has changed dramatically. He is currently Ranked second, which means that his current training is ranked second in the world of extreme weapons, second in combat power, it is already 49 million, and his cultivation close to Ling Xuanxian has long been It does not belong to the level of the extreme Wu world, but it can be seen that this qualification order is only to record the rankings of the extreme world and even the heavens, but it does not calculate the ranking of the fairy people. So it seems to be Lost meaning.

However, I don’t know who the first master is.

Entering the extreme Wu world through the gate, it is in the eyes of Su Yun, the ridiculous and cool Shenyun Xian Palace.

Since the Shangguan Dangcheng School was relocated and transferred to the unparalleled faction, the Shenyunxian Palace was completely ruined. The position of the martial art was originally in the remote place of Tianwu, and there was no one here.

Su Yun leaped into the air and headed for the hinterland of the mainland.

On the way to flying, you can also see a lot of demon corpses that died when the gods of Yunyunxian and those who were in the war, the demon gas has not been destroyed.

Although Su Shentian and Shen Xuexue are not their own parents, at least Su Di is still there, and there are people who really care that they will not deceive themselves.

Su Yun took a deep breath and thought of Su Ling’s gentle and sweet smile in his mind. His messy and irritated heart eased a lot.

The real demon world has heard the news that the body of the gods has fallen, which has caused the fairyland to make a difficult move to the unparalleled faction. This should not be deliberate. The unparalleled faction is powerful, and the demon of the real demon world dares to provoke? What's more, the unparalleled faction is located in the fairy world, and the devils and the devils are not allowed to step in, and they have no chance.


The volley of Su Yun suddenly changed his face.

He suddenly remembered one thing.

That is to stop a large number of people from all over the world who suddenly rushed at the gate of the fairyland.

As time went by, it was said that the number of Wanjie people who rushed to the gates of the fairyland increased, and more than a hundred people broke through the defense lines of Xianting people and rushed into the fairy world. Now they have been hidden, and Xianting people are not allowed. Do not separate the two immortals to go after the hunt, the door of the fairy world is already blood flowing into the river, the bones piled mountains, especially terrible.

For no reason, how can there be so many people in the world? And it is on the bones of this section.

Will they all come to the body of the gods?

But these people are so intrusive, it is clearly sent to death, how can someone be so mad? Unless they are all tempted

Correct! This must be the case.

Su Yun’s brain flashed a glimmer of light, and it felt very likely.

The other person confuses the people in the world, using these people to create confusion for the fairy world, and then looking for opportunities to map the children, if it is not chaotic, the unparalleled parties have friends from all walks of life, and there are also the help of the fairy court, they have no chance, if it is fairyland The chaos, Xianting and self-satisfaction, they have a chance to take away!

Although this is only a possibility, it cannot be said that it will not be the case. Everything still needs to be prepared. Su Yun does not expect Xianting to be able to shelter the well-being. Everything still depends on himself.

After thinking for a moment, he decided to return to the fairyland and use all his energy to integrate the power of the Da Ling Palace. After the death of the Da Ling Palace from Kwai Yang, some people actually left, but more people still choose to stay in Da Linglong. Palace, because Kwai Yang is in the Da Ling Palace, but it is only a symbolic symbol. He will not guide the disciples below to practice. If the disciples want to practice Da Ling’s technique and improve their cultivation, the most important thing is to rely on the twelve. An elder, these elders are still there, they will not go.

Even with the current Qianlong Hall and the Xiaoyao Temple, the Da Ling Palace is still much stronger.

Tianwu mainland is much smaller than the extreme Wu world and the fairy world. With the speed of Su Yun's current moment, the hard work of half a day has already passed through the hinterland of the mainland and went straight to the edge of the other side.

The place where the Mozong is located is a great magic island. It is said to be a magic island. In fact, it is also very great. It is also like the mainland, so it is also called the demon continent. This magic island is a forbidden place for Tianwu mainlanders. It is full of anger and anger. The ordinary Tianwu mainlanders will be on the magic island and will die immediately. However, as the demon of the true devil world, the suffocation on this island is almost equivalent to Su Yun.

Entered the magic island, Su Yun stepped forward and ran directly in the direction of the Mozong.


For Tianwu mainlanders, this is a mysterious and horrible name. This is the most powerful demon power in the whole demonic continent. Just like the real demon in the real devil world, the Mozong is very low-key, no. Like other demonic forces, killing and engulfing resources, the Mozambicans admire power, but they gain power, most of which are acquired by their own efforts. Very few people will improve their strength through plunder.

Su Yun did not go to the Mozong, but wandered around the hills outside the Mozong.

This mountain is called the top of the mountain. It is said that the mountain is full of the skeleton of the spiritual master. The bones and the mud are muddy together, and the mountain is piled up. There is no life in the mountains to survive, a dead silence, like the land of nine quiet.

When the Mozong was strangled with the Zhengdao School, the land was set as their main battlefield. Su Yun had an ambush here with the Mozong. This time was a big victory for the Mozong. The wolf fled, but it was precisely because of this battle that the Zhengdao Alliance replaced the leader. The succeeding leader Yang Bai was extremely savvy and unique. The ambush of the Mozong was seen by the other side, so that the Mozong was in the final battle. The middle was at a disadvantage.

Su Yun did not know whether there was any defeat in the Mozong after the decisive battle, because he passed through, and now it seems that this time, the Mozong did not have a war with the right-wing alliance, or because Tianweimen was eliminated. The reason why the Tianwu pattern of Tianwu is broken is that.

Su Yun walked on the hill, all the way east, and came to the edge of a cliff on the east side of the mountain. He looked down at the head and jumped straight and fell down. When he was halfway up the mountain, the man stopped. , suspended in the air.

In front of his eyes, it was a black hole that was half a meter long.

Like a naturally formed cave, in fact, this is an artificial cave.

Su Yun of the last life was rejected by the demon, but was rejected by several devils. In desperation, he had to jump off the cliff and accidentally discovered the cave, so he hid it and found that there was an unknown name. The body of the devil.

In order to enter the Mozong, it must be a demon person. Su Yun had to choose to change blood in order to enter the Mozong, and he had to choose to change blood. However, it is not the magic blood of the devil that can be perfectly integrated into the human body. Su Yun I picked a large number of dead demons, but the blood of a dead body is in line with my own. So I have nothing to do with it. He chose this with his scorpion cat and met the dead mouse. The blood of the demon's body is extremely high in fusion with Su Yun. Not only is it extremely high, but it is also surprising that the body of the demon is rotten and the inside is still full of blood, as if it is not spoiled inside.

Which is the body of this devil? Is the person of the Mozong?

Su Yun thought quietly and flew straight toward the black hole.

The black hole was exactly the same as it was when it was first discovered. From the traces of the above, no one should have found it here. He pulled out the dead sword and shook it slightly, then cut the hole and then flew straight in.

The inside is dark and the suffocating is more intense, but the current Su Yun can see everything clearly even in the dark.


After a while, Su Yun had already reached the end of the cave, but the scene in front of him made him completely shocked.

Nothing is empty! ! !

There is nothing inside the entire cave!

That is the so-called unknown body! Not at all!

"what happened?"

Su Yun quickly looked around, but there was really no body in this small cave!

How could this be? There are no traces of entry from inside and outside the cave. It is impossible for the body to run out. Why is there no body here?

Su Yun’s eyes looked confused and flustered. He thought he could figure out the blood in his body, but he never thought that there should be nothing in the cave where the body should exist! ! Shouldn't someone take the body and decorate the cave, and deliberately cover up the illusion that others have not entered?

Or did I change a lot after I passed through this world, so that the body is not here?

No, the body seems to have been dead for many years. I fear that before I passed through this world, the body is already in the cave.

What exactly is going on?

The endless confusion made Su Yunben's somewhat calm state of mind re-emerged.

Without the body, you can't solve the mystery of your own blood. I am afraid that the only one who can give his own answer is the true demon lord, but he does not say that Su Yun can't force him to say

Forget it, no matter what, I believe that one day, one day, I can know all about it.

He sighed, rationalized his thoughts and walked out of the cave.

For the Mozong, his feelings are not profound, and he is not in the moment to enter the real magic, and now go to other places in Tianwu mainland to see it, Su Yun thought of the heart of the valley, I do not know the original Those people, now it’s okay

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