Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1282: Counterproductive

The team is slowly advancing. The Xianting people are not too slow. After all, there are more space bags for materials, which need to be dragged by the beasts. The team is long and the speed of walking is not fast.

Of course, these people will not go to Xianting in this way. In that case, the time to return to Xianting for a long distance from the collection point can be too long. In fact, within the Xianting team collecting points, the two space immortals There are also other uses. Xianting arranged two space doors not far away for the return of the Xianting team. Obviously, Xianting also considered a lot and made a lot of protective measures.

However, Su Yun had done a good job before planning this action. Since he chose to start, where is the starting point, can he make no decision?

When Xianting’s team walked halfway away from the space **** novel, Su Yun finally issued an order, and 5,000 people directly smashed out from the dark, rushing into the Xianting’s In the team, these people did not expect anything to happen, one by one hurriedly leaned together, urging the fairy ritual to sacrifice the magic weapon to deal with the enemy suddenly killed.

"Who? Do you know who we are?? We are the people of Xianting, and we don't want to die quickly."

The leader of the Xianting team shouted at the people who had come to kill him, but only after he had finished speaking, Su Yunyi, who was holding the sword of the two months, smashed his head and never let go of the soul. , killing together, no feelings left.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding Xianting people were all scared and scared. What kind of tiger-wolf generation was suddenly killed?

However, there is not much time for them to guess the identity of the other party. Since these people are shot, they are not dead, and the Xianting people are obviously not good. Although they are all elites sent by Xianting, they are wearing more magic weapons than others. There are a lot of people to be sent, but in the face of these people, they are beaten without any resilience. This is not only the crushing of the number of opponents, but also the personal strength, and the crushing of these people.

"Fast, ask for help!"

Finally, a voice came out, Su Yun heard the sound, eyes cold, looking at the owner of the sound, but see the owner's sight is now sweeping to the two people in the crowd. These two people must be the immortals who are proficient in space magic.

Su Yun slammed and rushed over. At this moment, the two of them are quietly withdrawing from the battlefield. Their hands are full of radiant light. Although they want to hide the space that comes out of the reminder, but at this moment, they want to do this. It’s too difficult.


Seeing Su Yunchong, the two Xianting people screamed, but they still had to ask for help in the future. Su Yun’s sharp edge was already close, and the sharp and quick sword was almost like a broken bamboo, blowing hair and breaking, and a sword was cut. The two of them split their bodies together, and the soul overflowed. Not far away, the swords that were shot were smashed, and it was only an instant effort from birth to complete annihilation.

Before and after the 100-year effort, the Xianting team responsible for collecting this area of ​​Gunna was completely destroyed.

The imprisoned celestial people looked at the fierce people who suddenly smothered, one by one stunned, completely ignorant of what had happened. These people were all in the same place and did not know what to do. Even those people in Xianting will not die, but they will all die. What can they do? ?

" Take it all."

Su Yun took the double-month sword and pointed at the supplies and whispered.

"Yes, adults."

Everyone immediately responded, and the children who swayed brushed up and rushed to the materials, and each of them skillfully collected the materials.

Su Yun looked at these people, motionless, like a statue. Those who were arrested were horrified and looked at the man in a black cloak, and couldn’t help but shudder.

"Who are you??"

Finally, a fairy couldn’t help but speak first, and the voice trembled.


Su Yun turned his head and looked at the immortals. He could see the fears filled by the eyes of these immortals. After a moment of thought, he said faintly: "Let's go, we are just some people who can't understand the practice of Xianting."

"Can we go?" The immortals are obviously somewhat surprised. Are these people not going to ruin?

"Yes, you can go." Su Yun said: "After a while, Xian Ting's master should come here to investigate. If you don't leave, you will have no chance."

There is only one life, they will not cherish this? I heard that Su Yun said this, naturally turned around one by one, and walked away in the distance, there was no stagnation at all.

In a short while, these people will disappear.

Su Yun looked at the direction of these people leaving, turned around after a moment, waved: "Bring the materials, go back."


Everyone shouted, and they brushed and rushed to the direction of Xianzong.

"Adult." At this time, a master of a demon flew over and hugged his fist: "We have already moved the people of Xianting. If these people are left, I am afraid that they will reveal our whereabouts."

"I have already disguised my identity before, how to expose it? What's more, even if Xianting knows what can be done? I don't know our identity, it is superfluous, not to mention that these people are harmed by Xianting, and they have long been resentful. When they leave, they can urge them to unite against Xianting. There are no shortage of **** immortals in the fairy world, and there are no shortage of those who are not afraid of power. These immortals are not evil. The devils in the real devil do not need to be enemies with them. On the contrary, it can form an ally. In fact, the immortals are all one. If the fairy can join forces to deal with those real evils, perhaps the whole world will be peaceful."

Su Yun said, as the troops asked the Xianzong to go.

Su Yun’s report was on the other side, and the other four roads were also the same. When Su Yun returned to ask the fourth day of Xianzong, the information of Da Linglong Palace, Xiaoyao Temple, Qianlong Hall and Bahe Gate also rushed to each other. Exceptionally, the four-way heads successfully intercepted the materials of Xianting and returned with full load. Of course, on the fourth day of the incident, Xianting also received news, but not only these five places, but also elsewhere. There have also been a lot of small interception of materials, some have been beaten back, and captured the thief, and some directly smashed, I do not know who did it.

To this end, Xianting was furious, and immediately dispatched thirty-three top masters, tens of thousands of Xianting elite, and launched an investigation into the matter.

Those who were arrested were directly accustomed to mind reading, and soon revealed the messenger. These thirty-three masters did not have the slightest soft hand. After receiving the order given by Xianting, they quickly went to Wanshamen, Mangge Pavilion, Qixianzhuang, and Yunyun Mountain. They did not ask for a statement, but directly Hands-on, destroyed the four cents.

In almost two days, all the four immortals were destroyed, one did not stay, and they were completely baptized. Even the Xianpai address was flattened. After the incident, Xianting reported the incident to the whole fairyland. Su Yun understands that Xianting is killing chickens and monkeys, and arrogant and arrogant, although this can indeed play a deterrent role, but only part of it, so more is to bring disadvantages to Xianting, the immortals will be angry, will resent, After all, this thing is caused by Xianting, people's minds are not flat, and sooner or later they will let them fall to Su Yun.

Xianting’s first collection of materials for the Xianxian faction led to such a big mess, and also let Xianting rethink his current situation. The material appeal is over. Xianting begins to convene the personnel and ask for the big fairy. The dispatched elite went to Xianting to assemble. However, the order was issued, but only a small number of sentiments responded. Most of the people of Xianxian chose silence. Obviously, the punishment imposed by Xianting on the four centuries before. They have been questioned about the existence of Xianting.

As a result, Xianting is also in a state of helplessness. After all, there are too many Xianpai who violated their meanings this time. They cannot punished so many Xianpai, and the law does not blame the public. On the 20th day after the release of the decree, Xianting finally chose to compromise. He declared that the major sects sent hundreds of elites to Xianting for further studies. Xianting will issue special magic weapons and medicinal herbs for the people of the various sects. Training, this time Xianting is a big bleeding. After all, there are countless fairy tales. Each fairy sends a hundred people. It is also an indispensable number. However, Xian Xianting also has to show a little sincerity, otherwise they The majesty is no longer there. If it is not compromised, the status of Xianting will cease to exist, and Xianting will also enter an unprecedented crisis.

Su Ting's various practices, Su Yun does not dare to agree, so has been so, why not take a step back to show sincerity? However, since Xianting has already done this, Su Yun is not polite, and immediately ordered the responsible persons of the major sects to insert eyeliners into the interior and mix them into Xianting for further repairs.

Xianting knows that it is useless to make evil a scent. It can only give sugar dates. If you lose the support of the fairy tales, it is very difficult for them to deal with the evil spirits.

However, Su Yun will not waste this great opportunity. On the one hand, he will let the four Xianpai people arrange reliable people to go to Xianting, and on the other hand, he will not be able to attract those who hate Xianting. At the same time, the propaganda of Xianting is not the same. In response to the immigration of Gongna to Xianna, it is arrogant and flamboyant, and it is widely publicized. With the banner of the meditation, the olive branch is thrown to the immortal fairy, and they are invited to join the alliance to fight against Xianting.

Although the devil in the real devil is a wicked person in the eyes of the immortals, it is the filth of the world, but the meditation is different. The meditation is a neutral force, which is completely different from the devil. The immortal is not disgusted.

So, the fairy is naturally angry, but there is nothing to help.

Su Yun understands that now is the time when the time is ripe, it is the time when the five cents in their hands are developing, because at this festival, Xianting can no longer limit any Xianpai, including his mobile phone users, please visit http:/ /

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