Limitless Sword God

Chapter 167: Concealed laugh

After entering this time, the Jingwei guards who were guarding outside did not see Su Yun coming out of the terrible electric wood forest.

After waiting for a few days, I couldn’t see it.

On the contrary, it was the black cloud that was pressed against the electric wood forest, but it was frequently thrown into the forest. The electric wood forest seemed to be boiled in boiling water. The thunder and lightning were very quiet, and the lightning was so powerful. A variety of electric dragons and snakes danced, and the scene was spectacular.

"I have to retreat, I have to be hurt by these electricity!"

The Jingwei captain screamed and the whole team began to withdraw.

People looked at the magical forest in front of them, and they were amazed.

"Captain, that guy won't die inside?"

A Jingwei turned and asked.

"Don't make a conclusion!"

The Jingwei captain thought for a while and said: "After all, people dare to take this bakelite, indicating how much it is, not allowed to take it now! Oh, yes, how many days have he entered?"

"From the first day we came here? The boy came for thirty-one days!!"

"Oh? So, has it been a month?" Jingwei captain said: "The owner only gave a month's time. The young master's injury is serious and can't be dragged down again. Wait for him to come out. If this time. He ran out empty-handed, and everyone would have to say more, and he will be sent back to see the family!"

"Follow! Captain!"

Other Jingwei people drink low.

"Captain, what if he died in the dead? If he died, don't you know, can't you be stupid here?" Another Jingwei spoke at this moment.

"Dead inside?"

The captain frowned. If he really died, it would be hard to do.

Hey! !

At this moment, the sound of the banging sounded, people looked up and saw the electric light in the center of the electric forest, the glare of the light, and then a number of explosions, a lot of lightning smashed like a flower, also I don't know what is going on in the end.

"We will wait here for another ten days. If after ten days, the man has not yet come out, he will go back to the family and return to life. Let the family choose another good policy and cure the young master! We consume energy, but the young master can't afford it!"

The captain no longer hesitated, looked at the land of the explosion, and said: "It’s better to put your hopes on this unrealistic person, let us work hard!! So the wind is not allowed to save!"


"Then let's wait a second!"


Everyone nodded and made a decision.

At this time, one person exclaimed.

"Captain, look at it! It seems that someone is out!"


The Jingwei captain was nervous and hurriedly stepped forward in the direction of the electric wood forest, but he saw a man with a long black sword and a long sword, who was coming here, and beside him, There seems to be another figure...

The Jingwei captain was paralyzed.

“Is there any other existence in the wood forest?” he asked.

"What are you talking about? What are you talking about? There are electricity everywhere, how can there be creatures to survive? What kind of guys can leisurely in so many lightnings?" One person,

But soon, everyone saw the figure.

"What kind of animal is that?"

Everyone was shocked.

But seeing the man with the sword crouched down, touched a few times on the head of the spiritual object, and the spiritual object made a sharp scream of '唛唛', then turned and rushed into the wood forest, and soon disappeared. .

"How is this going?"

The Jingwei captain whispered.

Then I saw that the man walked out of the wood forest, and people stared at his face and saw it: it was Su Yun.

"Su Gongzi!!"

The Jingwei captain hurriedly ran over and held a fist.


Su Yun smiled slightly.

The Jingwei captain carefully looked at Su Yun's whole body, but he saw that there was no scar on his body. He immediately stunned and his eyes were straight.

From the electric wood forest, it did not hurt at all?

"Dare to ask Su Gongzi, what is your repair?"

For the reason of the scales and gods, this elite guard who had a spiritual soul and a product was not able to see the depth of Su Yun, and immediately asked.

"It’s just a inferior existence that has not been achieved by a mysterious heart!" Su Yun laughed.

"This is impossible!"

The Jingwei captain shouted: "If the repair is not high, can you come back to this electric forest?"

Everyone does not believe in it.

This is simply modest! It is loaded.

No one can tell the truth.

Su Yun did not say anything.

In fact, the most important thing to take this bakelite is the lightning spirit, and the relationship with the repair is not big.

The lightning spirit is the master of the electric wood forest. When people want to get the bakelite, they must first lead it out on the periphery. The reason why Su Yun is practicing the sword outside is to improve the cultivation, and the second is to bring it out, and then it is Grab the lightning spirit, let it open for yourself, enter the deep wood of the wood forest, get the lightning and help, the lightning in the deep will be mostly supported, so there is no need to worry about being hit by lightning, it can be easily taken.

Many people think that the electric forest is dangerous, just because they don't understand the electric forest, but they don't know the existence of lightning spirit.

"Su Gongzi, did the bakelite get it??"

At this time, a Jingwei recovered from the shock and asked quickly.

"Well, I have taken it, a total of 100, all done!"

Su Yun laughed.

"Really?" Jingwei captain hesitated for a while, then took a fist and gave a gift: "Please also ask Su Gongzi to take out this rare thing and let me wait and see."

This is to confirm whether Su Yun is not empty.

However, Su Yun shook his head directly: "I can't take it out now. When you get to the wooden house, you will naturally see it! Good guys, let's go back!!"

After that, Su Yun walked away directly.

You Jingwei, look at me, I look at you, I am confused.

"And go back and say, if he is just bluffing, lie to us, there is him."

The Jingwei captain made a wink at the crowd and whispered, and immediately followed the past.

The pedestrians boarded the mount and flew directly toward the wooden house.

In the dark, the eyes that have been staring at this place quickly left.


Along the way, Su Yun did not say a word, but was constantly taking medicine, constantly recovering luck, and seemed to be preparing for it.

The Jingwei captain frequently looked around and looked like a word.

Until everyone came to a hillside not far from Mu Chongcheng...

It’s just a short walk from Mu Chongcheng. The current sunset is falling, there are no people everywhere, the slopes are steep, and it seems a bit bleak.


Su Yun took the purple-horned beast under his arm and suddenly shouted.

Jingwei people have pulled the mount.

"Su Gongzi, what's wrong?" Jingwei captain asked.

Seeing that Su Yun looked dignified, his eyes carefully looked around, and then he listened to it and said: "Be prepared to fight!"


Jingwei people are puzzled.

However, the captain of the Jingwei did not know, there may be a situation, directly drink: "Sacrifice weapons, ready to fight!!"


The Jingwei people pulled out their swords.

At the moment when the crowds were squirted, the hillside suddenly burst into a burst of shackles, and then there were more than 50 people who rushed out of the face.

As soon as they appeared, they would come directly here!

The murderousness that has been hidden has suddenly erupted!

"This is stealth! Not good! There is an ambush!!"

Jingwei captain yelled.

"Protect Su Gongzi!! They must come to grab the bakelite!!"

Jingwei people are moving in a moment, all of them sacrifice magic weapons, display their mysterious skills, and take Su Yun as the center, and actually line up the formation.

I have to say that these are the elite guards of Mujia. The sudden situation of the strain is extremely sharp. In the blink of an eye, Su Yun’s front and rear corners are blocked. No matter where the other party is attacked, it is difficult to hurt Su Yun.


On the hillside, a man wearing a fight raised the butcher's knife and made a big drink.

Everyone is rushing to spare.

Roar! ! ! ! ! !

In front of the Jingwei, a large number of beasts with white bodies were exposed, and they violently rushed to the presence of those who came.

Stone soul surgery!

How can these people who come out of Mujia not understand this magical spell?

Then look at the sudden appearance of the stone soul rushed up, such as the flood of beasts, catching people will bite, one like a real beast.

Faced with so many stone souls, those masked people are not afraid. Since they came to intercept the team of Mujia Jingwei, they are ready.

These people have come up with magic weapons of fire attributes, and they have spewed out flames and burned stone souls.

Stone soul is the most bogey of electricity, followed by fire, the electric system is not much circulating in the market, it is extremely difficult to get a batch of electric magic, and the price is expensive, and the fire weapon is the first choice.

However, Jingwei did not show weakness, and they drove the stone soul to temporarily withdraw, and they rushed forward, killing them with the fire.

Su Yun sat on the unicorn and looked at these people. His eyes flickered and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At the moment, in the wooden house in Mu Chongcheng, a servant was rushing into the Chaozhengtang hall.

"Master! Master!! The big thing is not good!! The big thing is not good!!"

The servant rushed into the hall with a roll of climbing, and screamed in a hurry, looking at his look, as if the sky had fallen.

The wooden scorpion, who is drinking tea in the hall, frowned and looked at the human being who came in: "What happened?"

The man screamed and shouted at the ceremony: "Master, Su Yungong succeeded in taking Bakelite, but...but they are outside the city, they are ambushed by thieves!! I am suffering from heavy losses, Su Yungongzi It is difficult to support the thief to attack and kill, I am afraid that it will not last long!!"


The cup of tea in the hands of Mu Tianchen fell to the ground and fell apart.

Then he suddenly stood up, his eyes wide open and shouted: "What you said... but really?"

"That's true, ah, you should take measures quickly, otherwise Su Yungongzi will be killed, Bakelite will be robbed, the wind master can be finished!" The servant weeping.

"Fast!" Wood Tianyi dare to sneer, screaming in a hurry: "Call the management to call the Guards all over, inform the deacons elders, follow me to support outside the city, fast!!"

"Follow... obey!!"

The servant said in a hurry, and when he fell, he bent down and stepped back.

But at the moment he left the door, his mouth secretly revealed a smile that was difficult to capture...

(Time: 8:00 pm on August 24, 2014, Venue: The official yy channel 89866071 of the Promise Sword God, we wish the brothers and sisters of the Arms of the Arms will hold an event at this time, any friends can participate, participate in the event Have the opportunity to get a beautiful gift, as well as the vertical and horizontal currency deduction coin reward, the small fire will be in the middle of the night in yy, friends who want to chat with me come on! On the 24th at 8 o'clock in the evening, see no time)

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