Limitless Sword God

Chapter 176: The sword of the decisive contract (1)

Among the green hills, the purple horns are still attacking.

A large number of birds in the forest were stunned by its barbaric pace.

A man with a black sword and a sword squatted on the purple horned beast and ran forward with all his might.

"Boy, where are you going?"

The female sword repair seems to be very lonely in the sword, directly flew out, sitting sideways on the back of Su Yun, two slender white feet of the jade feet gently sway.

"Go get meteor water."

Su Yun is a light road.

"Meteor water? Oh, I remember that I used to have a bottle. Although it is not a high-end thing, it is definitely very expensive for you to be a poor little guy."


The words of the female sword repair have not been finished, and the delicate face of Bai Yan has been pinched by Su Yun’s big hand.

"Who is the little guy?"

Su Yun's two hands kept kneading her face.

The female sword repaired the two claws, and smothered the red-faced face of the beggar, and angered: "You, your big bastard, bullying me, has been turned into a sword? I will kill you sooner or later, You wait!!"

"threaten me?"

Su Yun took another one on the white and tender face. He said: "You are serving me now, and then dare to say this, I will throw you down!"

"You are shameless!! Don't you say you don't want me?"

"Seeing that you are pitiful wants you, and provokes me will throw you away!"


"Oh, yes, I have known you for so long, I don't know your name! What is your name?"

"Hey, just because you want to know the name of this adult? Dreaming!"

"Don't say? It doesn't matter. Since you are a sword, I will call you a swordman!"

"You are a curse! My name is Ling Qingyu! Remember the name of this sword fairy, do you know??"

The female sword repair is also Ling Qingyu cold road.

"Oh, you have done this high, but why is the heart and temper so bad? Are you practicing this way, not rehabilitating?" Looking at the girl like this, Su Yun couldn't help but smile.

"What do you know?"

Ling Qingyu said: "My repair is a loss, my heart and mood are like ordinary people. It will be reasonable in this way!!"

"What is the secret of the sword? Is it so powerful that both the heart and the mood are deprived?" Su Yun had never heard of such a secret law. In fact, the entire Tianwu continent did not hear anyone who could hold such a secret law.

"This secret method was passed down to me by my master. He said that it was the only item I left for me."

"What are you? Who are you?"

"I don't know!"

Ling Qingyu shook his head gently: "The reason why I practiced is to travel around the mainland to find me, but after so many years, I must have died."


Su Yun is silent.

The purple horned beast continues to fly.

"Right, you said that you have a bottle of meteor water, where?"

"It’s been thousands of years, and who knows that it’s still not there. And now that the change is so big, I don’t remember that place.”

"Yes? Then you know where the Tianshen Mountain is?"

"Tianjin Mountain?"

Ling Qingyu's finger touched the lips of the lips. After thinking for a while, he snarled: "I remembered it, it seems to be in the Bonan Mountains!"

“Bonan Mountain Range?” Su Yun suspiciously: “Where?”

"I can't say it, but you are going?"


"Oh, if you ask me, maybe I will take you there!"

Su Yun turned directly, and stretched out the rough big hand to pinch the tender face of Ling Qingyu.

Scared Ling Qingyu hurriedly sideways, panic: "I will not take you to take you!"

Su Yun saw it, and this took back his hand.

The purple horned beast continued to fly. This road was full for four days and three nights. People left the area of ​​Xiongxiong directly and approached the northern continent. This stopped.

Su Yun drove the purple-horned beast on a green hill and headed for the summit.

On both sides, there are lush green trees and green grass, and the birds circling on the head, the air is fresh, and the birds are fragrant.

Ling Qingyu obviously liked it more, and he sat in the back of Su Yun and threw his thigh to enjoy the silence.

At the top of the mountain, the purple horned beast stopped, and Su Yun turned over and stood in front of the cliff.

"You have to jump off the cliff!" Ling Qingyu asked curiously.

"Go on the side."

Su Yun snorted and squatted on the edge of the cliff, seemingly observing something.

"It’s so rude to treat girls! The little guy is a little guy! I will definitely find you in the future." Ling Qingyu snorted and was too lazy to take care of Su Yun.


At this time, Su Yun suddenly shouted.

"what happened?"

Ling Qingyu gave him a look.

Then I saw Su Yun take out some bottles, cans and the like from the bag, put them one by one on the ground, and then quickly draw them up, while rushing to the Lingqing rain road: "I need your cooperation!"

"Cooperate? How to cooperate?"

Su Yun stared at the work in her hand and said seriously: "I will arrange a trapping array and a tear-trapping array here. You are responsible for helping me start!"

"Traping the trap? What is the meaning of the tears?"

"Do you know where the front is?"

"I don't know!"

"The front is the national capital of the sky blue country. We are already in the territory of the sky blue country!"

"so what?"

"So what do you know is a meteor tear?"

"I don't know."

Ling Qingyu shook his head. The spiritualists knew some materials, but they didn’t know the reason for some materials. This is very common. Just like the foodies know what to eat, they don’t do it. They don’t understand how they eat. The same.

"The meteor tears are actually the tears of the blue phoenix. The blue phoenix of the Tianwu continent is extremely rare. Perhaps there are only a few. The only blue phoenix that is currently known and captured is in this blue country. The monarch of the Tianlan Kingdom was three hundred years ago. Captured a blue phoenix and used it as a national treasure. Every year, tears are sold to other countries or sects or forces. Meteor tears only produce one drop per year, and each drop is sold to the sky! It is said that several sects or forces Every year during this time, I will come to this auction, and the price is high. I can’t get it by financial means. I can only take it.”

"Blue Phoenix will produce tears during this time?" Ling Qingyu asked.

"Yes! I am very fortunate, just happened to meet this time, is the sky blue country to arrange the altar, when the meteor tears." Su Yun sighed, said: "In fact, to say money, a short time to get a million coins It is not difficult, but the monarch of the Tianlan Kingdom is very treacherous. Every year he investigates which sects or forces will use the meteor tears, and invites them to come to bid, every drop of the meteor tears has been fired to the sky!"

“Can this monarch be a traitor? The meteor tears bring wealth to the country, and the benefit should be that the people are right!”

"If the people benefit, it is the case, but the problem is that the monarch used all the money obtained from the auction to repair the palace, buy beautiful women, eat and drink, and the wealth of the meteor tears did not bring a slight impact to the people."

Su Yun said while painting, and soon, a matrix of molds was formed.

"Oh? What kind of monarch is this kind of polite?" Ling Qingyu smiled and said: "What are you going to do?"

"It's a very simple approach! I am going to bring the blue phoenix, you are cooperating with my trapping array and tears to force out its meteor tears!"

"What is the grade of Blue Phoenix?"

"Probably the spirit of the soul is repaired, but it is very docile, unless it is a deadly attack, otherwise it will not attack humans at will!"

"Oh, you are a spirit-level guy, and you want to arrange a spirit beast that traps the spirit of the soul. Are you a bit whimsical?" Ling Qingyu did not believe it.

Su Yun is still alive and continues to be alive.

The array method lasted for two days, and the two models were initially completed.

Then, Su Yun rode the purple horned beast down the mountain, went to the nearest town to purchase the materials, and then returned to Qingshantou to continue the array.

Seeing that Su Yun is so focused, Ling Qingyu will not bother again.

Ever since, every day, Su Yun is going up the mountain and buying it down the mountain.

Looking at the big array of a little bit filled with lines, Ling Qingyu disdainful look began to change.

It was not until the tenth day that the big battle was completed.

Ling Qingyu looked at it at this moment, and it was already amazed and shocked.

What a cumbersome and complicated big battle.

The array was densely packed, and there were traces of prints everywhere, which covered the entire hill. There are birds, beasts, fish, people, mountains, water, wood, and grass in the upper head, all inclusive, all-encompassing.

However, this is only a small part, and more of them are symbols, words, each pen, each painting is arranged with expensive spiritual powder, each line is full of strong and powerful spiritual power, although these Everything is a material that can be bought on the market, but the combination and painting of Su Yun has made their artistic conception a very high level, and their role has been almost completely released.

Not only that, but the two big arrays are still connected together, and the edges touch, as if the two rings are buckled together.

Connected to a big battle!

This requires extremely high array skills. Once the big array is connected, conflicts may occur, and the two big arrays cannot be motivated. However, if they can successfully connect together and there is no conflict, the power of the big array will increase with an astonishing trend. This involves the familiarity and skill of the arrayers. This requires the use of gaps between large arrays to fill, using so-called formations.

Once the layout of the large array is made, the grain filling can be omitted. In fact, the so-called articulation is advanced filling.

Although I don't know anything about the big array, but this kid is so powerful? Is this a big array that can only be made by a master above the spirit? Why is he so skillful in his paintings?

Ling Qing Yu looked at it.

It is not easy to arrange a battle. This requires not only a great understanding of the people, but also a strong spiritual and conscious support. Most of the low-level people are weak and mentally weak, and the array has not yet been finished, but the people are stunned and stunned. The law is placed in the back, and people will be affected by the array. It is not that the time is enough to make a big battle.

"All right!"

Finally, Su Yun, who was pale and incomparably, got up and stopped the work at hand.

He sighed and took two stones from the bag and threw them to Ling Qingyu.

"What is this?" Ling Qingyu took over, inexplicably looking at the green stone in his hand, no doubt asked.

"The two arrays of eyes!"

Su Yun swallowed the medicinal herbs and said while sitting on the air.

"The two arrays are the arrays that have been improved by the superiors. The requirements of the big arrays are very low for the actors. The effect is extremely high. Plus the big array, the power is multiplied, it should not be difficult to deal with the blue phoenix. Bring the blue phoenix here, you will fill the eye, complete the big array, start the big array, trap the trap, and tear the tears, so you're done!"

Ling Qingyu nodded intently: "What do you do?"

"Nature is to bring out the blue phoenix!"

"It's hard. After all, there are not a few people who have your idea. The garrison of the Blue Phoenix is ​​inevitably strict."

"If it is normal, it will be very difficult, but on the day of the sacrifice of tears, it may be organic."

Su Yun looked away from Ling Qingyu and asked: "Maybe I should use your sword."

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