Limitless Sword God

Chapter 543: Ask Tianbaoling

Magnificent room interior.

Su Yun checked his belongings, and then he went into the ring.

The white fan has left after the meeting of the Desperate Valley. Although she has to pass the sorcerer's legacy, she can be the enemy of the old witch. In her opinion, she wants to eat her own wolf and want to put herself. When you fatten, you give a piece of meat, but you don’t have to be grateful to Dade, but you don’t have to eat the piece of meat, and you get a strong body to defeat the wolf. This is what Bai Yufan did. Now, she has solved the desperate old witch and naturally goes back to the Heavenly Palace to find the Shenjian School.

Su Yun also heard about Long Xianli and Baiyu Fan. When he learned that Long Xianli was a white fan, he was angry and laughed. He saw silly. Haven't seen such a stupid thing, to the strength of the dragon fairy glass, is this desperate valley not self-seeking dead end? In order not to let Long Xianli continue to be stupid, Baiyun Fan also pretended to be indifferent, hoping to take her away, but I did not expect this woman to be a dead brain sometimes, Bai Yufan guessed that after she left the desperate valley, she must Also hiding where to plan to save the white fan.

However, the change of the desperate valley should be spread to Beiyang soon. When the news is known, Long Xianli will return to the Heavenly Palace on his own.

Long Xianli is innocent, Su Yun is also relieved, so I know each other, he does not want Long Xianli to have something.

"Now go on and find my mother."

Su Yun stared at the blue sky outside the door, whispered.

He has already told the black fish, let them contact the major chambers of commerce one by one, and let them help to find Su Shentian and Shen Xuexue. Su Yun had to rely on memory to provide some basic characteristics of the two, as well as things that had appeared in the Tianwang Palace. Because they had stayed in the Heavenly Palace for a while, Su Yun also sent people to the Heavenly Palace for investigation.

What he has to do now is to meditate here and wait for news.

The blackfish ordered the lord to set up the altar of the lord, and hosted a grand ceremony, and prepared a ceremonial order for Su Yun and the presidents of the major chambers of commerce. This ritual is the most direct object of the lord's contact with the presidents. Symbol of identity. The black fish did everything, and Su Yun was relieved. He was not afraid of black fish. After all, he had been in contact with the black fish for a long time. The black fish is still very real.

"Su Yun adults!"

Just then, a voice rang out the door, and a bloated fat man walked toward it.

Su Yun, who looked down at his thoughts, looked up and found that the man was a black fish.

Su Yun immediately got up and eagerly asked: "Can there be news from my parents?"


The black fish said that it was really incomparable, with almost no hesitation.


"However, although there is no news for Zun Lingtang, but the monks have found a thing, I believe that it is very helpful to find the order of the Order." Black Fish Road.

"What?" Su Yun asked.

"Ask Tianbao Bell!"

The black fish said to him, while he did not know where to pull out a small bronze bell and handed it to Su Yun.

Su Yun took the bell and carefully picked it up.

The outside of this bell is unremarkable, but it is not a big deal, but there is no such thing as a dragon inside. The inside of the bell is dense and the size is ten times smaller than the rice grain. The characters are neatly arranged, and there is a little bit of mystery.

"This is the magic weapon that Tiandaojun made. He has the ability to peep into the heavens and the earth. After asking Tiandaojun to die, this baby has turned into a few times and then flows into Beiyang. Since Su Yun is looking for someone, it is natural to use this baby. It's just right."

The black fish said.

Su Yun listened, his heart was slightly hi, and he nodded.

"Yes, it’s obviously more real than relying on people to find them."

Su Yun thinks of the Tiantianjian in the Tianwu continent. Even there is a baby like Tongtianjian. Is there no stronger or better thing in the world of extreme weapons?

Without further ado, he immediately picked up ‘Ask Tianbao Bell’, injecting Xuanqi and starting to push.

In an instant, the words “When Tianbao Bell” are inside the general starting point of the white light, then you can see that the characters begin to rotate on their own, and then fly out, surrounded by the bell, like a rotating star.

"how to use?"

Su Yun stared at the mysterious ‘Question Tianbao Bell’ and asked about the black fish.

"Touch these symbols with your hands and think about the problem you want to solve. It will tell you the answer," said the black fish.

Su Yun nodded and immediately followed the instructions of the black fish, closed his eyes and passed the thoughts of his heart to ‘Qing Tianbao Bell’.

Soon, I asked Tianbao Bell to have a reaction. I only watched the bell swaying gently. A strange sound was transmitted from the inside of the bell, and it floated into Suyun’s ear, into his heart, and it was a little bit of time. In the heart of Su Yun

"Linglong Mountain."

Su Yun whispered.

"Su Yun adults, what do you say?" Black fish asked.

"This asks Tianbao Bell to tell me the word 'Linglongshan'." Su Yun suddenly turned his head and asked the black fish, saying: "Black fish, do you know where this Linglong Mountain is? What is it in the world of extreme weapons?" Where? It’s not far from here? How many days can I arrive from here??”

Su Yun said eagerly, and said several questions in a row, straight to the black fish said one by one.

The black fish shook his head full of fat meat and said: "Su Yun, the Linglong Mountain is not in the extreme world, you may think too much."

"What?" Su Yun suddenly stunned.

"Do you ask Tianbao Bell to give you the message of 'Linglong Mountain'? It seems that the order of the Mingling Hall should be in the Linglong Mountain at this moment. If you want to go to Linglong Mountain, you may be in trouble because the Linglong Mountain is not very In the area of ​​Wu World, it is actually the famous holy mountain in 'Wanhuajie'. If you want to go, I suggest that you first go to the 'Jiwu Shengyuan' to find the door to the 'Wanhuajie' on the Shengyuan. Wanhuajie, then go to Linglong Mountain."

The black fish said.

"Oh? The door to Wanhuajie?"

"Wanhuajie is another interface, but people in the extreme world often go to Wanhuajie, especially merchants, because many materials produced in Wanhuajie are not produced in the world of extreme weapons, so many businessmen Going there to buy materials, but in the past few hundred years, the people of the extreme Wu world and the Wanhua community have made a lot of contradictions, and even several disputes have occurred, causing Wanhua people to send masters to The door to Wanhua was sealed, and if it was not approved by the goalkeeper, people in the extreme world would not enter Wanhuajie."

The black fish said.

"It's really a twist." Su Yun sighed and then smiled: "But it is a good thing to find my parents' current position. This is a good thing, the black fish president, you help me to prepare, I Immediately set off and head to the 'Jiwu Shengyuan' to find the door to the 'Wanhuajie'."

Su Yun can't wait, and now knows the position of his father's mother, he can't wait to fly now.

I haven't seen you for many years, and I don't know if I can be good. And the sister who had never met did not know if they found her sister.

"It seems that Su Yun is a newcomer to the world of extreme weapons. I don't know everything about it here." The black fish said that he was not flustered and did not rush to prepare things for Su Yun.

Su Yun looked at him inexplicably: "What do you mean by this?"

"Adults may not know that this is not a martial art. You can enter it here. It is a sacred place where the great martial arts world gathers. In general, only those who are strong enough to prove their strong force can enter. If you are an adult If you want to enter, you may have some troubles. You have to go to the battlefield of the wilderness, kill a demon, take off its heart, and there are a lot of powers arranged in the periphery of the battlefield. When the devil's heart is activated, the transmission array will be activated, and with this transmission array, you can enter the 'Jiwu Shengyuan'."

"Oh? Is there such a strange transmission array?"

"This is the purpose of the powers that are specially set up to test people who want to enter the martial arts. If they can't kill even a demon, they will not be eligible to enter the "Jiwu Shengyuan." .

"How much is that person who wants to enter the Great Wuyuan?"

"More! How not much? Extreme Wu Shengyuan is a gathering of a lot of high-ranking people, but there is a gathering place of great power. If you can stay there for a while, it really benefits a lot! Every day to the desolation battlefield devotional I don’t know how much, the whole battlefield is the figure of the spiritual defenders. Every day, many people enter the martial arts, but many people have died in the battlefield of the wilderness in order to enter the martial arts holy land!"

"In this case, how do you guys disregard the hearts of a group of masters who specialize in fighting the devils? For sales, sales, and so on? Should they be able to make huge profits?" Su Yun asked.

This is a business opportunity.

However, if this is the case, there should be quite a lot of people entering the martial arts, and it should be very convenient to enter.

"Adult, your thoughts have been thought for a long time ago, and they have been put into action, but this practice has attracted the anger of the power, the hiring person to get the wild heart. The seller is not only killed by the power. A soul flies, even all the industries, relatives, friends, etc. are all destroyed by the power, one does not stay, such a harsh means that no one dares to chaos, to enter the extreme Wusheng, can only rely on their own skills!"

Black fish road.

Su Yun listened and nodded and said: "In fact, it is useless to enter the Extreme Wusheng by virtue of his own skills. After all, there is a gathering place for high-ranking people. You have a few pounds and two, and those people will take it out at a glance. Mixing in will only make people look down."

"Adults say this is good."

The black fish nodded, then took out the token and infused a few lines of mysterious power into it. Soon, a black fish merchant's attendant came over.

"I will immediately prepare all the information about the Great Wusheng, and prepare all the information of the battlefield, and give it to Su Yun, understand?" The black fish said to the attendant.

"Yes, the president, this is small."

The man finished and immediately retired.

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